Rise of the Wasteland

: Chat about real estate

The first two chapters talked about real estate, and I felt that people were very divided on this matter.

Just a few words ... Tell me about my own feelings.

First of all, I'm not advocating anything. I write about how I have lived for almost forty years.

Real estate, more people scolded than praised.

House prices are too high, squeezing the living space on the ground floor, and causing various social problems. If you say that the real estate is bad, basically anyone can say a bunch. Because these are closely related to everyone's life.

I also complain that the house prices are too high, but if I say that real estate is harmless and not profitable, I really disagree. Because my current life is also closely related to the development of real estate.

I was born in a small county. When I was young, Hong Kong movies were always shown in the video halls on the streets. Subconsciously I feel ... Wow, Hong Kong is so developed and there are so many high-rise buildings. Hong Kong people are really happy. Life is much better than ours.

At that time, someone had a relative in Hong Kong, and that was a great thing.

I have been to Shenzhen since I graduated from school. After living in Shenzhen for more than ten years, I have no plans to return to my hometown.


The reason why big cities are big cities is that the most intuitive feeling is that there are many houses, spacious roads and convenient life. Of course, house prices are also prohibitively expensive.

I would only return to my hometown once in a few years, and I started to lament the sudden change of the small county in my hometown a few years ago. Various residential buildings have emerged, and house prices are also rising, which also feels outrageous.

In addition, there are a lot of people in the county seat. They all come from the village below the county to work in the county seat. These people often start a small restaurant or the like, get up early and work hard, and work very hard.

But if you want to ask these rural farmers to afford the county house? I dare to say that the income of the county seat is too expensive to afford.

Since I think the housing prices in big cities are expensive, why not go back to the small county?

Since the peasants entering the city feel that the house prices in the county are expensive, why not go back to the countryside?

When I wanted to ask this question, all complaints became meaningless.


Because big cities have the convenience of big cities, there are more job opportunities, more income, and better supporting facilities, which is much better than the small towns in their hometowns.

If you ca n’t mix in big cities, it ’s even harder in small counties.

If you ca n’t stay in the county, it will be more difficult to return to the countryside to farm.

We have been on the road to large-scale urbanization in the past two or three decades. Urbanization means building houses, building bridges and roads, supplying electricity and water, developing transportation, communication services, hospitals, police, and solving A series of questions on food, clothing and shelter.

To solve these problems will provide huge jobs, otherwise we graduate millions of college students every year, who will hire them? Who pays them? Who gives them the ability to make money to support their families, get married and have children?

In addition to college students, we also have a larger number of migrant workers. How much money can these people make by digging the soil? Don't they want to live a better life? Do they not have the right to enjoy the benefits of national development?

How many ordinary people's employment problems are solved by a courier industry alone? This is the job of two million people. This job does not require a high degree of education, does not require a strong physique, does not need to be much handsome, and only requires a little brain to be able to do it.

A courier can earn 4,000 to 5,000 a month, but it is hard work. But hard work can make money, and many people are happy to do it.

If it is not for urbanization to make the population highly concentrated, if our cities are scattered and small like foreign countries, if there is not convenient transportation between cities, may we enjoy the ‘Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai’ free shipping ’?

If the job of express delivery cannot be done, can you imagine how these two million people will live?

Many people have complained about the original sin of real estate, saying that this is to make a few people make a lot of money, and most people become house slaves. But without real estate development and urbanization, many people's lives will not get better, they will only get worse.

Just two or three decades ago, rural people tried to do everything to get an urban hukou, tried to live in the city, and tried to make a living in the city.

In the 1980s, how many college students wanted to stay in the big cities like Imperial City after graduation? After enjoying the convenience of a big city, who wants to return to their poor and bitter hometown?

Hometown is feelings, not reality.

The memories of the hard days have not gone away, and I still remember them clearly.

We are all enjoying the great development of real estate and the benefits of large-scale urbanization. Naturally, we must also bear the disadvantages. But for now, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.

Someone has made a fortune because of real estate. Hair becomes cyanotic, not everyone can be Wang Sicong's father ...

House prices are high, high is high, anyway, we can't live without big cities.

If you feel bored about this, look at pastimes, have a barbecue, drink a bottle of beer, talk to your friends, laugh at yourself, and then what to do.

Some people become rich when they are less than 20 years old. I'm almost forty when I'm almost forty, and some people will be mediocre for a lifetime. But we still have to live.

Being jealous is meaningless, and complaining of anger is even more useless. Everyone goes a different way, and working hard to make money changes one's own business.

Encourage with the princes. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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