Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1651: Become stronger

When Zhou Qingfeng was warned, Texans Jonathan was taking his team back to his secret camp in Sierra Goda National Park.

Although the Aurora Corps approach step by step is a little clumsy, this squeeze-type play directly restrains special operations. The so-called clumsy, this method directly forced Jonathan back.

When confronted with this unreasonable play, Jonathan knew that to break open the turtle shell built by the Aurora Corps, heavy firepower was needed. Either heavy artillery or air force, other methods will not work. In order to get heavy firepower, it is necessary to pull up the large forces of the 'Mountian Front'.

For Jonathan's encounter, Ike, who stayed at the camp, also lamented. The two sat frowning in the command tent of the camp. They didn't understand how the Aurora Corps could make a fortune to repair the fortifications and bunkers. Such expenses could not even hold Inkley.

"When I returned, the Aurora Corps had already completed the defense of Tula. Currently they are building a fortress area around San Juan. At their previous speed and efficiency, they will continue to build the Quereta to the north in a few days. Luo.

You haven't seen their speed of repair, it's too fast. As long as one row, a modular steel bunker can be built in half an hour, which can hide half a class of people. One or two of these bunkers are okay to say. But more than one is the nightmare of the attacking side.

Even more annoying is the large semi-permanent fortifications, the more disgusting. Not only is the defense sturdy, but it also has perfect living facilities. A battalion can support it for half a month. God knows where the Aurora Corps got these things? "

Talking, Jonathan resentful commanded Ike: "You stay here to continue training soldiers, I'm going to the Momenti array to find Suzano to get some heavy weapons, otherwise we will only be driven For the sake of leaving. "

Jonathan turned around and wanted to rush away, but Ike quickly called to him: "Jonathan, wait. You don't need to go north for help."

"What?" Jonathan turned his head ....

Ike continued: "Someone came to us from the north."


Jonathan was wondering, and a low voice sounded outside the command tent. "Mr. Jonathan, I am Norman Osborne, and I want to talk to you from the north."

When a stranger appeared in his camp, Jonathan naturally resisted, and wanted to touch his gun subconsciously. But Ike beside him held his hand and said in a deep voice, "Jonathan, meet this Mr. Osborne. He is here to save the United States."

The curtain of the commanding tent was lifted, and first came a magnificent man from the outside. The man had stout limbs, a blue face, a muscular general outfit, muscles and bones knotted, weird and powerful.

Jonathan thought that this man was the so-called "Norman Osborne", but Tieqing's strong man gave a half-step, then walked in again.

The second man had a medium head, bent over his back, and his skin was very pale and bloodless, as if he had lost all his elasticity, and lay on his stomach softly.

Because of his skin, the man looked abnormally old and had thinning hair, like a dead tree withered. The blood vessels on his face and neck bulge under the skin, and it beats from time to time, which is extremely weird.

For a long time, Jonathan searched his stomach and could only use the word 'living body' to describe this person. But he saw Ike's expression in the face of this man, but he was extremely respectful, even fanatical worship.

"Mr. Jonathan, I have heard of your name." Dr. Osborne walked in and sat in front of Jonathan. He wore an ordinary jacket, dressed normally, his eyes seemed muddy and dim, but if he stared at it, the light flashed from time to time.

"You are the first Texan who organized a man into Mexico. You are keenly aware of the importance of controlling northern Mexico and supporting Suzano. What impresses me most is that you are not like the bureaucrats of Inkley who only put forward ideas. You also led the team to practice. "

Dr. Osborne exaggerated a few words, so that Jonathan's heart was greatly used, which is all his achievements. But before the expression on Jonathan's face eased, the doctor continued, "But you still don't understand how strong your opponent is ..."

Speaking of the opponent, Jonathan interrupted immediately: "No, I know my opponent is strong. A little harassment can't interrupt the pace of its expansion, so I came back this time hoping to mobilize an army to confront the opponent.

But the Mexicans I'm recruiting are too weak, they lack training and courage, and they don't have enough officers to command them. I have to get more resources. "

Jonathan's tone of "I know everything" brought Dr. Osborne's chuckle. The latter shook his head but did not mean to argue, and said instead: "You will see how strong your opponent is. Let's discuss how to fight this powerful guy now?"

What can this guy who looks sick and dying at any moment do?

Jonathan looked at his companion Ike, who explained: "Dr. Osborne was a biochemist. He was inspired by God to develop a drug that would cause the most vulnerable people to explode into a powerful fighting force."

are you kidding me…….

Jonathan looked at Ike with the look of an idiot, and directly countered: "Those drug addicts who think about drugs are thinking so."

"No, not the kind of peony you think of." Ike grabbed Jonathan's arm and pulled it out of the command tent. The two ran to a training ground near the camp, and a company of Mexican soldiers was learning how to maintain firearms.

The conditions in this camp in the forest are not very good. The training ground is a row of wooden sheds and dozens of humble wooden tables. More than a hundred people are playing with the opened rifle.

A few glances at Jonathan found that the soldiers looked exactly the same, but they were a bit sloppy. The disassembled rifle became agile in their hands. A white instructor saw Jonathan and immediately asked several soldiers to practice the maintenance of the rifle. The guns are pulled out, and the small parts such as the re-entry spring are arranged on the desktop one by one. These skills that the Mexican soldiers could not learn for a long time are now mastered.

"Is this idiot smarter?" Jonathan was really surprised.

Dr. Osborne followed slowly and whispered, "No, it is not an improvement in intelligence, but an improvement in concentration. The most important thing is that they are willing to obey the command and more obedient. They can be under our order. Do more complex actions.

Not only can we train riflemen, but we can also train gunners, tankers, logistics personnel, pilots, and almost all arms can accelerate the training. I have reached an agreement with Mr. Suzano to promote the drug in his army.

But we lack real officers and people like Mr. Jonathan, so I need an elite like you to help. "

It sounds pretty good ...

"Is there a sequela?" Jonathan asked.

Dr. Osborne paused and replied: "At one point, there will be some disturbances in the hormones in their bodies, which will lead to infertility. And there are some problems with life span. But it doesn't matter at all. Are consumables. "

Jonathan looked at the soldiers who were about to serve as cannon fodder, and looked at the doctor with a weird face and his weird bodyguard, thinking to himself: This guy is really dangerous.

Dr. Osborne smiled and found another pill bottle out of his pocket. "I have a more powerful medicine here without sequelae. I call it 'God's Kiss.'"

The medicine bottle was handed out, and the doctor also laughed and said, "Mr. Jonathan, do you want to be stronger?" 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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