Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1653: War

According to the northern advancement plan of the Aurora Corps, the first-tier cities of Tula were fortified, and then San Juan was repaired, and San Juan was repaired and advanced to Queretaro. Proceeding this way about a dozen times, it would take less than a year to force the opponents to the north to death.

From the perspective of wasteland people, this kind of play is too ridiculous, and the consumption of reinforced cement alone is calculated in billions of tons. However, in Zhou Qingfeng's view, if more than one billion tons of steel and cement can be used to seize more than one million square kilometers of land in the north of Mexico ...

Is there a better deal in the world?

The key is that Zhou Qingfeng is backed by a real-world florist who has a serious overcapacity. He can really get astronomical quantities of steel and cement. In addition, someone prepared the entire project for him, and even someone made the prefabricated board for the reinforced concrete, he only needed to let people ‘build blocks’.

Ten Mexican light infantry divisions who had completed preliminary training were topped by Zhou Qingfeng to the front line. Twenty more identical divisions were intensified in the follow-up.

If there is a need to recruit 50 more divisions, it will not be a problem, anyway, these cannon foes are dead and there is no need to pay pensions. Zhou Qingfeng is not distressed. Weapons are cheap these days, and pensions are more expensive than weapons and equipment.

A greater number of Mexican laborers were invested in fortified construction sites. These workers are cheaper to use, basically fill their stomachs, and give them some basic materials and spiritual motivation.

Massive materials, low manpower, and efficient organization have made Zhou Qingfeng's plan perfect. But actually ...

It is not necessary to build the fortress in front of the enemy in the north, and it is not necessary to spend billions or even billions of tons of steel and cement. Only fortification can take shape. Enemies who do not want to be trapped can not stand and kill themselves.

Suzano personally followed three newly formed armoured divisions for more than 500 kilometers and pushed all the way to Queretaro, less than 200 kilometers away from Mexico City. The unfinished city fortress was immediately hit by air.

The commander in Queretaro, called Meng Xinjun, was the first military team leader to come from local support. He used to be a regimental officer in the past and was the only backbone of Zhou Qingfeng's staff who had received intermediate and advanced military training.

When the F-16 fighters from the north dropped the first laser-guided bomb, the Meng Xinjun was waiting to rest in the concealed headquarters. When the shock of the explosion came, he jumped out of the improvised bed when he heard the news, and shouted, "Lao Tzu has won the prize, and the opportunity to be famous is coming!"

For a soldier, the most gratifying thing is world peace.

For a soldier determined to serve the country, the most **** thing is ... the world is too peaceful.

When Meng Xinjun graduated from the military school that year, he was determined to be a general. He was a rare lieutenant lieutenant when he got out of the army. Yes ..., don't fight!

After finally encountering a tension on the border, the Meng Xinjun was ordered to lead the team to the front. He took the lead, and all the officers and men of the regiment were ready to write the testament, waiting for his mother to fight. As a result, the opposite side counseled.

After the cataclysm, Meng Xinjun returned to the army to do pediatric work to clear up public order for a while. When local senior experienced military officers led the team to Mexico, his first batch of enrollment was waiting for Yangwei to be exotic and leave his name on history.

Think about it. When Huo went to the hospital to seal Wolf House, Dou Xianle and Shi Yanran, the highest military achievement of the Han Dynasty was to go to the enemy's territory to show off his strength. Now that the Meng Xinjun has expanded its territory to thousands of miles, it is enough for future generations to remember him for a thousand or two thousand years.

Meng Xinjun once thought that he might have a hard time under the commander of the Zhou Qingfeng regiment. For example, he took a guerrilla group to spread the revolutionary tinder under the chase of strong enemies. The enemy forces rushing like a wolf turned the tide.

But when he arrived in Mexico, Zhou Qingfeng made Meng Xinjun delicious and delicious every day, and he also sent a maid to serve. The daily work is to teach the current senior officers of the Legion-Nima ... The officers sitting below all look like elementary school students. Not like the **** battlefield I imagined!

When Uncle Zhou ’s “Turtle Stream” warfare was born, Meng Xinjun was separated from the post of “Teacher”. His military rank was the highest, and he was directly pushed to the front line of repairs, with 10 Mexican divisions under his hands and more than 100,000 Mexican laborers.

Taking the example of Rommel who supervised the construction of the 'Atlantic Barriers', Meng Xinjun began to work hard. He very much agrees with Zhou Qingfeng's clumsy and extreme style of play, because the current military system of the Legion is too naive to play anything too advanced. It is better to be simple.

Moreover, this step-by-step tactic will sooner or later force the enemy to take the initiative to kill the door, and the side only needs to fight and defend defensively. It really is so now ...

"Don't panic, don't panic, all listen to my command." When Meng Xinjun rushed into the command room, his face became red. "Order the ministries to report the loss and the area they belong to and report every ten minutes."

"The various investigation companies that ordered external vigilance reported on the enemy."

"Order the artillery to take off a large artillery reconnaissance drone dedicated to the situation outside."

"The staff members will take their place, report the situation to the Corps headquarters, and issue a military order to the commander of the Corps. We are 'in the position'."

Meng Xinjun issued a dozen orders in one breath, and the personnel of the entire front command began to return to peace and enter the working state. At this moment, a 500-pound laser-guided bomb landed near the headquarters, and the bombardment shook the entire semi-underground headquarters.

"Don't panic." Meng Xinjun went out to see the situation in person, and then scolded at the sight: "Are the guard company eating shit? The camouflage net is lifted off, you can't see? Is the communication company a fool? Brilliantly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Want to tell the enemy to drop a bomb on Lao Tzu ’s head? "

The four F-16s were worried that they would encounter only the advanced fighter jets of the Aurora Corps, so they only carried eight laser-guided bombs. After the bomb was dropped, Meng Xinjun saw that an alert radar less than two hundred meters away from his headquarters was killed.

Several Mexican radar soldiers fell to the ground, intermingling with radar debris. In the distance, the fortifications of a large sentry were blown up by two bombs. The fortified fortifications seemed to have been jealous. The soldiers and equipment hiding in them were pulled out and scattered.

"War, war, this is the real war he meows." Meng Xinjun not only was not afraid of this scene, but he became bloody. "Anyway, if we die, we are not our own. Let them be a number and use it to achieve the prestige of Lao Tzu."

Just over ten minutes later, Zhou Qingfeng issued a declaration of combat to the entire Mexico ...

"Dear comrades, just ten minutes ago, we were attacked by the enemy's despicable attack. The remnants of Suzano in the north tore up the peace agreement that was just signed and launched a war."

"The despicable Suzano and his sinister supporters are not willing to withdraw from the stage of history. They also want to enslave us, oppress us, and abuse us. We will never allow this to happen again."

"The enemy must still feel that we are weak and cowardly cowards, helpless refugees, and ignorant fools. We have to prove them wrong.

We must exhaust our courage, anger, blood, just to defend our hard-won happiness. I call on all members of the Legion to unite, we will abandon all mercy and forgiveness, and we will retain all the means to fight the enemy until they become ashes in the flames of war! "8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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