Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1658: Break the spine

"Incred needs to be reformed. After President Corning Gray's death, the new government system has been completely occupied by a group of wastes who have no political experience and can only boast nonsense. These guys compromised externally, suppressed internally, and the United States was in them. He will only continue to sink. "

"Children need food, mothers need families, fathers need jobs, and each of our families urgently needs to improve their lives. But what we need most is a new leader, a fearless person who can lead us through the current difficulties, a great person."

The room was dark, only faint starlight could be seen through the window, and a small radio was on the table. Zhou Qingfeng was covered with a thin blanket, leaning on a rocking chair and listening quietly.

The door rang, and Lena Fox came in from outside. Seeing that there was no light in the room, she reached for the power switch on the wall. Zhou Qingfeng quickly stopped and said, "Don't turn on the lights. The lights in the city are controlled."

Alas ... Miss Fox smiled. She touched Zhou Qingfeng with her voice, and sat lightly on the man's thigh and asked, "The whole army is listening to your mobilization declaration, but you are listening to the enemy Taiwan here."

"My declaration is for others, not for myself. It doesn't hurt to listen to the enemy station, at least know what the enemy wants to do?" Zhou Qingfeng said.

"So what do you hear?"

"Dr. Osborne is very interesting. He is clearly learning from me, gathering people's hearts, decentralizing power, setting ambitious goals, and strengthening organizational management.

It is a pity that he does not have such a strong supply of materials, it is difficult to buy the bottom. If you ca n’t buy people, you ca n’t talk about decentralization and get more support. In this way, the goal of reviving the United States of America naturally becomes a void, and there is no basis for strengthening your organization.

If you want to change this situation, you must expand externally, pass on the crisis through war, and plunder the enemy's materials to strengthen your own strength. The only thing that puzzled me was that there were so many soft persimmons inside Inkley, and Dr. Osborne wanted to pinch me on this hard stone. "

Zhou Qingfeng's question made Miss Fox pondered.

From the current situation, the strength of the Aurora Corps is still the weakest of the three North American companies. High-tech weapons are nothing more than ordinary goods, and still need to be transported by time and space.

There are two ways to open the space-time door, which are more cost-effective. Either use a C-5 'Galactic' transport aircraft to open the space-time door for more than one hundred tons at a time, or open a 100,000-ton freighter with sufficient space-time door opening time. Ship enough.

In any case, capacity is limited. For example, Zhou Qingfeng worked hard to get more than a dozen F-15s to be used as carrier aircraft. Now these fighters can only be used to defend the capital Mexico City. There is still no way to go to the front line to support operations.

But Zhou Qingfeng thought that he was full of strength. The reason why he ‘toughened up and fight wrecks’ was to prolong time. The longer the delay, the better it is for him. Judging from the situation on the first day of the battle, the enemy also realized that he must make a quick decision, so a shot was a thunderous offensive.

"Three enemy armored divisions stormed Queretaro's front line. Various advanced weapons and equipment took turns to battle. Various precision-guided weapons that could not be reproduced in a short time were too lethal. A laser-guided bomb could easily destroy our laborious construction. Semi-permanent fortifications.

According to the report of the front line Meng Xinjun, we have more than 5,000 casualties a day, and the field hospital cannot accommodate the wounded sent down by the front line. Queretaro's line of defense is shaky, it's only been a day! "

Miss Fox said without worry.

The Aurora Corps has now built three lines of defense, Tula, San Juan, and Queretaro. Queretaro was violently blown without repairing it. It would not be able to sustain it in a day. How long can the next two lines of defense last?

On the radio is the Osborne influence channel, and the announcer is saying in an exhilarating tone: "The current top executives of Inkley are cowards, and they will only compromise step by step when facing evil organizations such as the Aurora Army.

In this world, only the brave and the brave can survive, so our beloved Dr. Osborne dares to challenge power, and he is fighting for our American interests.

Just today, together with His Excellency Suzano of Mexico, we waged a war against the Aurora Corps. Judging from the current situation, our powerful army has reached more than 200 kilometers into the hinterland of the Aurora Regiment, approaching the enemy's nest Mexico City.

This will be a great victory, and I am here to make a few predictions to your audience that our enemy's defense in Queretaro will soon be terminated, and we will soon have a decisive victory. Let's cheer, victory is beckoning to us. "

When she heard the radio, Miss Fox was angry. She reached out and pinched Zhou Qingfeng, and asked, "Cretaro really can't hold it up? You can't do anything, do a miracle or something?"

But Zhou Qingfeng's mouth was puzzled or just that question, "I don't understand, why is this guy Osborne coming to trouble me?"

Miss Fox was even more furious: "Everyone is about to break through our defense. You still think about this useless question here?

People in the Ministry of Defense have already said that if Queretaro's line of defense collapses, the light infantry division in front of us cannot stop the enemy's armored division and must retreat.

How many times can we withdraw? "

The battle that collapsed in a day made Miss Fox anxious. Now that everyone is out of nuclear weapons, the deterrent power of ‘Dongfeng-3’ has been greatly reduced. It was only launched in the past by throwing a two-ton warhead, which could not stop the enemy ’s attack.

But Zhou Qingfeng was stubbornly entangled in his own problems ~ www.readwn.com ~ War is not a joke, we must think about how to end the war. For example, I would not rush to challenge Inkley directly, because I knew I could not win.

But why did Osborne hit me? I'm obviously stronger than him. His advanced ammunition can hold up for a week, and I can play with him for half a year. Unless he is going to play a wave, then I have to be pushed back. So he should find a weaker hit than him. "

"You are the weakest in North America," said the fox.

Suddenly a speech by Dr. Osborne himself was broadcast on the radio. This mysterious and weird guy said on the radio: "Incred needs reform, the United States needs injections of heart stimulants, and we need a baptism of war.

I did not join Mr. Suzano in Mexico for myself, but for everyone in North America. We should regain confidence, renew our strength, reshape our strong and tough backbone, and let the American flag fly again. "

The words were nice, but Zhou Qingfeng yelled after hearing the words 'United Suzano'. He sat up suddenly from the rocking chair and shouted suddenly: "Who says I'm the weakest in North America."

This throat was frightened by Miss Fox, thinking she had provoked Zhou Qingfeng again. She was about to call Caterina to suppress the kid, but Zhou Qingfeng continued to shout excitedly ...

"The weakest in North America is clearly Suzano. Osborne wanted to kill someone with a knife, and he stared at northern Mexico. This old **** wanted to use me to drive away tigers and wolves, weaken me, and grab Suzano's territory It's really a good idea.

This old boy is overcast on my back, and wants to reshape America's spine? Connect me to the front line. Lao Tzu sees his hole cards and doesn't play with him slowly. Tonight, I will interrupt his spine! "8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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