Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 167: Dynamite pack

Richard felt that he could sit back and relax at this moment. The hard work of the past half a month is now worth it. Especially the thrilling experience at the last moment became the capital he brag to his companions.

"Victor Hugo was crazy at that time, because I knew the secrets of their armed nuns, so he chased all the way from Midtown Manhattan to the Broncos. The guy was really terrible. I only have ash for me. "

Richard stayed in a half-collapsed house, surrounded by dozens of skeleton soldiers who had undergone preliminary military training, and everyone was eating around a cauldron.

The main body of the Skull and Bones is all prisoners in prison, and there are many elites among thousands of prisoners. After setting up the Skull and Bones, they were very careful when expanding their forces. The military forces in their hands had undergone military training for a week or two to ensure a certain combat effectiveness.

The soldiers were eating while listening to Richard's bragging. Although everyone knows that this person is afraid of exaggeration, as long as it is interesting, no one cares how much water is added to it.

The group of Skull and Bones soldiers originally belonged to an independent and self-protected community. Sudden fighting completely destroyed the buildings of the community, and at the same time caused heavy casualties to the people in the community. For those who survive, the disaster is not over.

In the dozen or so rooms of this half-collapsed building, various women's screams and men's laughs kept coming. Richard licked and ate a box of canned chicken, wiped his mouth, and walked towards a room.

A skull-bound soldier came out of the room with his pants on, and Richard pushed in, and saw a naked naked woman who was crouched in the corner. The woman had just been abused, and when someone came in, she quickly shook her head and begged: "For God's sake, please don't do this, I can't stand it, I really can't stand it!"

"God? There's no God now!" Richard pulled the woman out of the corner with a grin, splitting his thighs hard, and began to take off his pants. "You should be satisfied because you are at least alive."

Richard grabbed a few on the woman's chest, only to get wet and slippery hands with a smell of viscous liquid. He immediately cursed disgustingly: "Oh, hell!"

"Lie down, lie down, don't move around. Let me be refreshed, otherwise don't blame me." Richard pulled a bed sheet and tried to clean the woman's body, but suddenly he heard a burst of noise from the corner. The movements of the grandma seemed to be digging into the wall.

At first Richard didn't care, it was only the sound of someone in the next room. But when he started to shake his body on the woman, a hole in the corner of the concrete wall suddenly burst, and the steel bars in the wall cracked, followed by a dog's head.

Richard was naked, seeing this weird scene, his jj was scared from a thin sausage to a snot. He didn't understand how the wall would break, and how did this dog come from?

The most important thing is that this dog is too weird. Although it is hairy, its back is covered with pits and metal luster. Its claws are exceptionally strong, digging walls and digging holes are extremely fast, and even its teeth are extremely sharp and tough. It is easier to bite steel bars than bones.

"Hey brothers, there's a weird dog here!" Richard was instinctively upset. He stood up and shrank to the side, trying to yell his companion to solve the problem.

But this half-collapsed house is an entertainment venue for the Skull and Bones. The soldiers had too little time to have fun, so they would not come to see a dog. And the strange dog who came in did not take Richard. After breaking through the hole in the wall, he ran out of the room with a small bag and flashed left and right in the crowd.

"What the **** is going on?" Richard's curiosity drove him to figure it out, and he chased it out with his pants on, and saw that weird dog had run through a pile of building ruins, quickly Running towards a tank parked in the distance.

Today's encounter with the Brotherhood of Steel was never thought of. Both sides were beaten in the first battle. Skeletons will kill a lot of people. The high-level commander intends to use force and firepower to overwhelm them, but the soldiers at the bottom do not do it. They just want to find fun first.

In order to restore the morale of the soldiers, the commander of the Skull and Bones Society can only order heavy weapons to guard the streets, and then take turns to arrange the soldiers to loot and vent. Now, under the watchful eyes of the Skeleton Society soldiers, the strange dog got under the chassis of a 1a3 tank.

"Be careful, that's a bomb dog!" Richard remembered some of the things he had seen, and it was said that the Soviet Union trained dogs to blow up tanks during World War II. However, the dog in front of him was obviously smarter. After placing the packet in his mouth under the tank, he bit his fuse with his mouth and pulled a smoke, and then fled quickly.

Around the tank are the key positions of the Skull and Armor. A large number of armed men and armored vehicles gathered along the line. Everyone saw that the dog felt something wrong. Richard shouted from a distance. A weird dog shoots hard.

But ..., after firing a few shots, these frontline soldiers remembered again-no! What did this dog just leave behind? It should be an dynamite pack! Dynamite pack! !! What kind of gun would we fire? We should flee! !! !!

A bunch of people in Hula started to leave the tank one after another, but the members inside the tank listened to the chaos on the radio. When they opened the hatch, they saw that the soldiers who were supporting themselves were running around?

The tank captain asked, "What are you running?"

"Dynamite, dynamite, dynamite, ..." The fleeing soldier panicked, only shouting this sentence. However, their directions were pointing towards the tank.

The fuse of the dynamite bag was a bit long. The captain of the tank listened to the crowd shouting ‘dynamite’. He actually had time to climb down from the hatch and look around the tank to see what was going on?

As a result, as soon as I looked down, I saw the smoking dynamite pack, which looked at least five kilograms, and it was no problem to blow up dozens of tons of tanks.

It stands to reason that at this time the tank captain should show his bravery and courage. In order to save his beloved chariot and to save his fellow comrades in the car, he must immediately drill down to the car and grab the explosive pack and disassemble the fuse. , Throw away the dynamite bag far away, and win honor and admiration.

But ... what if the explosive package suddenly explodes? If it blows up, it's gone ~ www.readwn.com ~ So the wit captain turned and ran, and when the tank blew up, he blew up. His own life was even more important!

At this time, the gunner of the tank also noticed that something was wrong. Similarly, he opened the hatch and drilled out, and saw the back of the captain running away. "What happened?"

The captain tried his best to suckle and shouted, "Explosives, explosives, explosives!"

Watching others flee, inexplicable fear strikes my heart, and the gunner doesn't ask what happened? He also jumped smartly from the tank and fled quickly.

But this time, the fuse was finally burned out, and the five kilograms of * exploded suddenly. The violent air waves blasted dozens of tons of tanks into the air, and the surrounding buildings that were already crumbling were even more sharp. Edge fell down.

Huge smoke and dust suddenly spread around, quickly blocking the sight of everyone within a hundred meters around, and the alley battlefield of the Skull Club immediately became chaotic.

In the midst of this chaos, the roar of a low-powered high-powered diesel engine was heard from the smoke and dust. Amid the noise of rubble bricks being crushed and crushed, a 'Jaguar' heavy armored vehicle rushed across the barricade. To be continued. Enable new URL

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