Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1664: Heaven justice

Night, the city of Celaya.

The forward position has been completely lost, and several anti-tank puppets have only slightly blocked the speed of the enemy armored forces. With the assistance of armored vehicles, mechanized infantry, and engineering vehicles, it is easy to launch several channels in the trench.

As a result, various enemy vehicles rushed into the city's core defense zone. At this time, there were fewer flares in the sky, and the control range of the garrison was compressed in a small area.

Rubin, who led the team back to the front line, was still in the frontier. He managed to kill an enemy armored vehicle, but there were very few soldiers who could follow him to fight together. The infantry, which the enemy followed in with the armored troops, began to clear the battlefield.

"Grenades, grenades." Rubin squatted in the trenches filled with dirt, and the cat shouted at him behind his waist.

Just over a dozen meters in front of Rubin, a group of enemy infantry was suppressing with machine guns while attempting to capture his flanks. Rubin couldn't lift his head, and he could only order a grenade backward.

There were a dozen followers behind Rubin. These people held their heads and shrank behind them. It took a long time for someone to touch a grenade and pull it out. It was just lost under tension, just dust.

Rubin was furious, but he didn't even have time to curse. He could only shout again: "Keep throwing, throw away."

"Coach, I don't have a grenade," shouted the bomber.

"Chairman, let us surrender." Another soldier begged.

When it comes to surrender, morale is even lower. Someone got up from the trenches and turned and ran. It was just that the person was together, and the machine gun on the opposite side immediately threw it to the ground, and after a few strokes, nothing happened.

"To surrender myself, I won't stop you." Rubin cursed coldly. "I just ask you if you have any grenades?"

For the current Mexican government forces, grenades are the best weapon. They are simple, good and sufficient, and more reliable than anything. Especially on a chaotic battlefield, it is not easy to shoot and aim, but it is much easier to throw grenades.

More than a dozen subordinates only had two grenades, and Rubin himself found one on a body. This time he did it himself, squatting in the trench to drop bombs on the enemy's machine gun, and threw out three puppets.

Three beeps, I didn't know it was bombed, but the machine gun on the other side stopped. Rubin jumped out of the trench with a gun, snarled and rushed forward. "Follow me if you don't want to die."

With a distance of more than ten meters, it only takes a few seconds to run over. In the rubble and debris all over the ground, an enemy two-machine gun group was blown down slightly.

When Rubin ran, he held his gun, and when he saw the bowed enemy, he pulled the trigger. I just slammed my gun and the bullet was short. He couldn't stop screaming and rushing forward, and the bayonet hanging on ‘fifth or six and a half’ rushed towards the enemy.

The main shooter of the machine gun was dizzy with the head shook by the explosion of three grenades, and when he looked up, he saw a figure in the flashing night. Before he could operate the machine gun again, the bayonet slammed in through the door.

The deputy shooter took out a pistol and fired at Rubin. At the moment the gun rang, Rubin simply let go of the ‘fifty-six-half-half’ stuck in his hand and scuffled it, until his subordinates caught up broke his brain with a butt.

Pushing away his body, Rubin found himself covered with slimy brains. He cursed, trying to stand up but fell back softly, the enemy's deputy shooter's pistol hit his belly.

The wound doesn't hurt, it just bleeds. Rubin froze and realized that he was almost finished. But he hadn't figured out what to say, and his two exclaims sounded in his ear at the same time.

"The company commander, our benefactor brought us an armored vehicle."

"Company commander, here is a 'Double Three Seven' anti-aircraft gun."

Rubin consciously reached the end of his death. He heard a strong smile and an anti-aircraft gun in his bitter smile. He shouted, "Don't stop talking nonsense, go to the artillery. You think of a way, I'm dead."

In order to make up for the lack of firepower of the light infantry division, Zhou Qingfeng brought a lot of rabbits' old artillery. These artillery are unlikely to be used for aircraft, and it would be too cool for light armored vehicles and infantry.

Not far away came the squealing sound of the crawler track, and a tank of the 'Momenti Front' was approaching. When his body silhouette emerged from the darkness, Rubin realized that it was not an armored vehicle at all, but an authentic M60A3 tank.

"You are really the worst group of soldiers I have ever taken. Are you blind? This is a tank." Rubin couldn't escape, he could only fall to the floor and spit.

The opposite tank swayed the muzzle, aimed at a 'double three seven' skewed to the ground, not far away, and bombarded the door with a double shot, and tried to reset it to several soldiers. Broken into dregs.

Seeing that it was a tank, the last soldiers around Rubin did not have the courage to resist. Someone turned away and somebody surrendered on their knees. Just behind the tank was a group of infantry. After a few shots, Rubin was left alone.

Rubin, who fell to the ground, gave up resistance, and he wanted to be happy. Just looking at the opposite side without firing or firing, only the crawler of the tank approached slowly. He yelled 'Fuk', "This guy wants to crush me."

Just die, and it won't be too long.

Rubin lay down relaxed, staring at the night sky like a fate, and too lazy to pay attention to the surrounding situation. For the first time, he felt the night sky was beautiful, and the shooting star appeared later than today ...

"This is a meteor shower, it's beautiful!"

"It was ironic when I first saw that the meteor shower was dead."

"This meteor is a little bit stingy."

"It's particularly bright."


"Fuck, this is not a meteor, this is a missile!"

Rubin stared blankly at the night sky, because at this moment the night sky was particularly beautiful, and dozens of M7 short-range ballistic missiles suddenly struck. This is the first salvo of the Legion Missile Brigade.

When these deadly warheads flew over the city of Celaya, they did not simply pierce their heads, but exploded again at a height of hundreds of meters. The night sky is like a bunch of gorgeous fireworks, one after another the white umbrella flowers thrown from the dazzling fireworks.

Umbrella flowers swayed back and forth in the air and fell, until it fell to a height of tens of meters before people could see that there was something hanging under it.

Is it an anti-tank mine?

But now the enemy's armored units have entered the defensive circle, and they also use anti-tank mines for a bird.

The things hanging under the umbrella flowers swayed back and forth. At first, the enemy soldiers on the ground thought it was a submunition, and quickly sought shelter from various shelters. However, they saw that this thing was falling very slowly, but stood up and looked up.

When someone speculated whether this was a supply to the garrison, the things hanging under the umbrellas burst out.

The terminal-sensitive bomb is equipped with a small infrared detector and millimeter-wave radar inside, and the shape is intentionally eccentric, so that it swings back and forth during the falling process. The bottom detection device can continuously scan the ground target.

Using the M7 short-range ballistic missile as a delivery and throwing tool, one hundred warheads were thrown in one warhead, and dozens of warheads were thrown in thousands of ammunition, which was enough to cover the entire Celaya's enemy breach.

Ignoring the ground's personnel and fortifications, this gadget specifically looks for the weak tops of armored vehicles. After the target is determined, it will explode. The internal explosive formation warhead will generate a small and high-speed metal jet, which is enough to penetrate the top armor of the tank.

A terminal ammunition floated above Rubin's head. After locking the M60A3 tank in front of him, the ammunition exploded, and a metal jet penetrated it, which instantly detonated the ammunition in the turret.

All changes are completed in a short time ....

The orange fireworks exploded in front of Rubin's eyes. The M60A3's turret blasted into the sky, and the fireworks spewed out. This was the propellant inside the turret spontaneously ignited ~ www.readwn.com ~ thousands of degrees of high temperature The perimeter turned into an oven, and the enemy soldiers who originally surrounded the tank were immediately incinerated.

Lying more than 20 meters away, Rubin felt a heat wave hitting him, and in front of him was a dazzling fire of war. At the same time, similar explosions occurred throughout the city of Zelaya, and one M60A3 after another was locked and destroyed by falling end-sensitive bombs.

The accurately calculated density of ballistic missiles is very suitable to ensure that thousands of terminally sensitive bombs cover the entire city, and the enemy armored forces that burst into the city are suddenly extinct.

Fireworks, fireworks, and hordes of fireworks ignited in the city. The raging enemy forces encountered a bang and drank, and most of them were damaged in an instant. Under heavy blows, the enemy's turbulent offensive immediately collapsed. The remaining enemies were dumbfounded and went back and forth.

How else can I fight?

No one expected that the Aurora Legion still had such a trick.

Rubin fell to the ground and walked away from the gate. After making sure he couldn't die for a while, he covered his wound on his belly and laughed. This is really ...

Heaven comes justice!

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