Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1674: A scourge there is a scourge

Salt Lake City, Temple Square, Great Chapel.

This is a huge egg-shaped building, more than 100 meters long and tens of meters wide. Built in 1864, its dome resembles a tent and is very unique.

The Great Chapel is the sacred place of the Mormon Church. It has more than 3,000 seats and its internal organ is the highest in the world. Its spiritual singing choir is also well-known in the religious world.

Today, the organ is low and the spirit is melodious.

The whole chapel is solemn and happy, because under the crown of Adams of the Mormon Church, there will be a saint ... Well, there were originally two saints. But Anji said that Miss Ben was not rare, so she gave up.

In front of the statue of Jesus, Rachel Conner was wearing a golden suit. Her beautiful face, soft body, elegant temperament, everything looks like flowers blooming in the sun, holy and eye-catching.

The canonization of the Virgin is something that has never happened before, because women have a low status in Mormon doctrine, and it is enough to just say that polygamy is openly allowed.

The benefits of registering Rachel are tangible. Regardless of Zhou Qingfeng's influence, the name of Rachel can soothe and accept millions of residents at the bottom, which is very beneficial to the rule of the Brotherhood of Steel. . So it was impossible for David Lawrence to refuse.

Becoming a Virgin is a large-scale propaganda campaign, promoting Rachel, the Mormon Church, and the Brotherhood of Steel. Every ruling system needs propaganda, and there are no exceptions.

Witnessed by more than three thousand brotherhood high-level and Mormon clergy members, dressed in a costume of Adams, he held a staff and prayed to Jesus, "I call Rachel Conner in the name of the Lord, ..."

Zhou Qingfeng, as a distinguished guest, watched the ceremony at the corner of the chapel. When he saw Rachel walking under the image of Jesus, he couldn't help but be shocked by his beauty. The Saint Cloth is an ancient Greek style, which is a large piece of cloth wrapped around the shoulder, and the two rings are simply buckled.

Rachel's arms are bare, and her perfect figure is hidden inside the layered fabric. With an olive branch crown made of emeralds and gold, she has a classic flavor, like a muse on earth.

Such a dress alone is enough to make believers fall over ...

This suit was brought by Zhou Qingfeng from the real world. He had seen the models wear them, but never thought they would look so beautiful on Rachel.

At the scene, everyone was fascinated. Even Zhou Qingfeng was infected by this sacred atmosphere, feeling that he seemed to be approaching God.

The entire sealing ceremony lasted for several hours and was broadcast by radio. There was also a dedicated videographer at the scene. This is the first time that the Mormon Church has held such a large-scale event after the cataclysm, and various video materials are particularly precious.

After the ceremony, Rachel announced that she would pray for the Lord for three days and three nights in a row at the Temple Church. Everyone praised the piety of the maiden and expressed deep admiration. She also said that she would influence a very important person for the Lord.

"Victor Hugo, are you willing to belong to the glory of our Lord Jesus?" At the moment of becoming a maiden, Rachel asked questions to Zhou Qingfeng in front of more than 3,000 people in the audience. Her clear voice echoed the audience, and immediately shocked everyone who had no idea why.

What the **** is going on?

This is the maiden's position to force the leader of the Aurora Corps on the scene!

More than 3,000 eyes looked at Zhou Qingfeng, and those who could not see from a distance had to stand up and even tiptoe. This is not an ordinary incident. Regardless of Zhou Qingfeng's willingness to answer or not, it will shock the world.

Answer 'Yes', the Brotherhood of Steel will surge in power.

Answer ‘unwilling’. The friendly relationship will soon collapse and even become hostile.

Many people don't understand what's going on? But without exception, my heart was beating, thinking that history came to a critical moment at this moment.

Under Rachel's gaze, Zhou Qingfeng came out from the corner of the front row of the chapel. Everyone's eyes followed him and moved, even under the crown of Adams who just presided over the canonization ceremony of the Virgin, his heartbeat stopped, ...

Zhou Qingfeng walked five or six meters in front of Rachel and looked at the statue of **** behind her. He seemed very clear, and smiled and said, "I do."


The scene was uproar, incredible, can't believe it, couldn't understand it. Everyone felt that the impossible happened. The leader of the Aurora Corps, Victor Hugo, who had just proclaimed himself the Holy Emperor of the United States, was going to be a Mormon.

Some are sluggish, some are shocked, some are ecstatic ... this is more meaningful than the canonization of the maiden, and it must be recorded in the annals of history at this moment. This amounts to a true union between the Brotherhood of Steel and the Aurora Corps.

But why did Zhou Qingfeng agree? Everyone is puzzled!

Actually have to agree.

Zhou Qingfeng thought of many ways to stabilize his rule. He recruited his compatriots, slaughtered aliens, tempted interests, and suppressed rules. In order to keep the Legion stable, he can do whatever he can, good or bad.

But the effect is not as satisfactory as Zhou Qingfeng thought.

Zhou Qingfeng and his compatriots are still an absolute minority, and this cannot be changed. Nothing else, the women around him are religious. He may be able to suppress the situation with prestige and his wrist while he is alive, but what if he is gone?

There are more than 20 million people in wasteland Mexico, and even half of them still have more than 10 million. North America's Enclave, the Brotherhood of Steel, and even Canada add up to more than 60 million people. There are at least 50 million in South America. These people can't be killed by Zhou Qingfeng.

In history, the majority rule has only two results, either the assimilation or the elimination of the minority. No matter whether it is Europe or Asia, whether ancient or modern, few have assimilated the majority.

If there really is a day and a week Qingfeng is gone, the empire he founded will not be able to maintain it for many years. His subjects will not live well. How he treated others fiercely, and how others will treat his ethnicity in the future.

Zhou Qingfeng was distressed by this issue, and sociologists in the real world have repeatedly thought about it. In the end, the only way to come up is to fail to change North American society, and only to join this society to gain dominance. It's not a big deal when you go to the countryside.

Rachel found Zhou Qingfeng before he was booked and asked him to join the Mormon Church. For another person, this matter is bound to be blown away by Zhou Qingfeng.

But the woman just dispelled any lucky thoughts of Zhou Qingfeng, "You can't believe in Jesus, but you can't help but join the church. Otherwise, you can't even stay in Mexico in the future."

That makes sense.

Because of this, Rachel had the willingness to ask Zhou Qingfeng on the spot, and I was willing to respond in public.

A heart under Adams' crown finally continued to beat. When he laughed loudly, there were more than 3,000 people cheering in the entire chapel, and even thousands of people throughout North America were excited about the news.

When ‘I ’m willing’, even Zhou Qingfeng himself was relieved. Politics is the exchange of interests and compromises. This is no way out.

Immediately under Adams' crown, Victor Hugo was baptized, and Zhou Qingfeng hoped to be done by the maiden. The people at the scene were waiting excitedly, and Zhou Qingfeng was invited to the chapel lounge to wait a bit, and some preparations were needed at the scene.

There were not many outsiders in the lounge, and Adams could no longer restrain his ecstasy. He came with Rachel to express his gratitude to Zhou Qingfeng, thinking that the other party's move really brought peace to countless people in North America.

"Victor Hugo, you will be a saint."

"Well, good to say, good to say, good to say. In fact, I have long been willing to join the church, but I feel that the church must also advance with the times and carry out some secular reforms in order to attract more people to join."

"Reform the church? No problem. As long as you are willing to join, making small changes is perfectly fine."

"Is that all right?"

"Of course, no problem."

"Then I would like to make a small comment first. For example, this spiritual song is good, it is good, but we Chinese cannot sing this. It needs a little Chinese characteristics."

"It's not easy to adapt some soul songs? We can write soul songs for you."

"Wait, there's no need to write a soul song for me, I'm not dead yet. In fact, we have a ready-made Christ spirit song with Chinese characteristics. I can sing a song now."

Rachel followed behind Adams' crown and looked at Zhou Qingfeng's unscrupulous appearance. He immediately felt that something was bad. She knows this boy too well, and as long as she listens to the tone of the other person's voice, she knows that trouble is about to happen.

But Adams was happy under the crown, to subdue Victor Hugo, but this made him a legend in the church. He immediately asked to listen to the Christian Spirit Song with Chinese characteristics.

"I'm welcome, sing a version of the Dutch mule first, you listen." Zhou Qingfeng cleared his throat, found a stick and started knocking on the table rhythmically. He yelled loudly, and there was a loud atmosphere, and there was a moderate, lively tune sang from his mouth.

"Joseph, please sit down and listen to your conscience. Joseph, we all sit down, and let's pull casually.

After you become a carpenter, you marry Mary. She was pregnant without going through the door, knowing that you were concerned.

Who is the child's father? You can't sleep every night. The child was made by the Holy Spirit and went underground by motherhood.

The recompense of sin for generations is the Messiah of Emanuel. This is God's will, and you must not doubt Mary. "

Uncle Zhou sang as soon as he began to sing, but after singing for a short time, he saw that Adams had a stroke under his crown. The respected head of the church has rounded eyes, trembling hands, crooked corners, and the whole person is messed up.

"You ~ www.readwn.com ~ You ... what are you singing?" Adams couldn't understand the lyrics, but the tone of the Dutch mule was going to collapse, "This is the spiritual song of Christ in China?"

Rachel, who has just become a maiden, also has a defeated expression, covering her face as if she had known that this would happen.

Uncle Zhou looked at the expression under the crown, and then said, "Yes, this is my improved Christ Spirit Song. This is the Dutch sister-in-law version. If you don't like it, I have the Tianjin Allegro version. I'm here for a while ..."

Such a dozen bamboo boards, let's not boast of anything else, just praise the omnipotent Lord, he is Jehovah.

The Father and the Holy Spirit, the Son is the Messiah, and the person of the divine oneness is their concubine.

... "

Before Uncle Zhou continued to sing, poor Adams was as scared as seeing Satan coming. He rolled his eyes and fell backward as soon as he was soft. Rachel at the back held him quickly, shouting: "Under the crown, under the crown, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Qingfeng froze, scratching his head and thinking: This old man will not be mad at me, right? I really want to join the church now! 8)

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