Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1676: Teach first

Before Zhou Qingfeng was training, a group of **** missionaries at the Mormon Church eagerly wanted to go to Mexico to spread the glory of the Lord and save the ignorant lamb. But after Zhou Qingfeng's training, ...

Originally thousands of people applied for it, but half of it was withdrawn the next day, and only a quarter was left the next day. The number was getting smaller, and even the remaining missionaries became less confident.

This situation has spread throughout Salt Lake City. Whether it is ordinary believers or senior clergymen, they have all fallen into doubts about faith for three years in the last days. Where is the Lord?

For this situation, Adams could not stop it. He was almost irritated by Zhou Qingfeng's Chinese version of Lingge, and now he has to face the confusion of thoughts provoked by Zhou Qingfeng. The present situation is really embarrassing for the professor who has weathered more than eighty years.

In the position of cultural thought, if we do n’t occupy it, the enemy will occupy it. Not only do rabbits who do n’t believe in God understand, but those who engage in God also understand.

Under Adams crown, he really regrets that he should not bring Zhou Qingfeng into the Mormon Church. He originally wanted to attract a mascot to get some benefits. As a result, the benefits have not been found, but his own foundation has been shaken. He knows Victor. Very troublesome, I didn't expect him to be so troublesome.

"Under the crown, we should have expelled Victor Hugo from the church. Otherwise, the church would have no way to manage," a bishop suggested.

"Is it useful?" After Adams calmed down, he looked at the statue of **** in his own prayer room. "I have just formally seized him as a saint and had the maiden baptized him, and he has elevated his reputation to the rank of senior clergy throughout the Brotherhood.

If we expel it within a few days, do you think the believers are regaining their faith in the Lord, or are we feeling even more upset? If we did, Victor Hugo would not lose anything, and our loss would be unacceptable. "

What this said is also that the tears of his own cannons will be finished with tears. It is easy to ask Zhou Qingfeng, but it is difficult to send him away again. The 'free trade' agreement has been signed. For no special reason, other leaders within the Brotherhood of Steel will not allow the Mormon Church to mess with it.

Several bishops were helpless, and their eschatology was chaotic, which was particularly suitable for religious development. However, most of the extreme cults conceived in the chaos, and the Mormon Church is also a regular sect, but has been impacted.

"To solve this situation, the root knot is still in Victor Hugo." Adams thought again and again, and only sighed.

Oh ... a few bishops were quite surprised. Everyone is thinking about how to eliminate the influence of Victor Hugo, but how do you listen to the leader's meaning of cooperating with him?

Someone thinks deeply, but also sighs and persuaded the head of the church to look far-reaching, thinking carefully. The current trend of skepticism about the Lord has arisen, and the remaining things are Victor Hugo. And what would it be like to work with them in turn ...?

"Victor Hugo is very smart, and the situation he pointed out is also very realistic. We do face a terrible situation, and to go through this difficult period, we do need reform." Adams said this under the crown. , The mood is heavy.

There have been many reforms during the development of Christianity in the past millennium. A large number of denominations are the result of various reforms.

What Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and the like. Protestantism is divided into Martin Luther, Calvin, and Puritan. The Mormons also appeared more than 100 years ago, and they are still quite young.

Religion is very resistant to reform, and every reform involves the interests of many people, causing fierce pains and even tragic deaths. However, it is very decisive to reform, and it is easy to have a stubborn direct kill if one's mind is changed.

"In the face of the last days, we really need reform. Otherwise, without Victor Hugo, we will also go to the end." With Adams' words, everyone felt much more relaxed. After all, the confusion of the Lord is hidden in everyone's heart, even the bishop is no exception.

The matter of reform is actually very simple. It is nothing more than modifying the doctrine that cannot be justified, so that it can adapt to the new social status quo and make it easier to preach. For professional clubs, as long as the loopholes in the doctrine are filled, they will naturally feel at ease.

"However, we still need to look at how to reform." Adams said under the crown that he would reform, but he did not know how.

The superiors have been in the ivory tower for too long and have long been separated from the bottom of society. The mission is actually targeted at the bottom of society. I don't know what the bottom floor thinks, reform can't be talked about, it is doomed to be in the air, and destined to fail.

"We can do some social research."

"We can organize some clerics at the grassroots level to summarize information."

"We can also mobilize believers to talk about their ideas."

The thinking of several bishops was old-fashioned. Adams shook his head under the crown and thought: This is not reform, but improvement at best. And what world is it now? Cataclysm, eschatology, wasteland, such a catastrophic social change, you can find out the situation by doing a social investigation? Just kidding!

Adams has a record book under his crown, which is the record of Zhou Qingfeng's remarks during training for missionaries. He was deeply moved when he saw ‘Go to the field, go to the factory community, go to the family unit’.

"I want to see it for myself," said the Crown Prince.

Ah ..., the first thought of several bishops was opposition. Adams is the leader of the Mormon Church. His personal influence is an important property of the church anyway, but this old man is more than eighty and his health is not very good.

Adams didn't wait for the bishops to stop and said, "I'm going to Mexico."

Mexico? This is even worse. Mexico is the land of Victor Hugo.

"I heard that there are fewer people willing to go to Mexico to preach every day, which is terrible. We can be confused, foolish, doubtful, but if we don't even have the courage, what else can we do? We will soon die of."

Adams ’words are a thorough understanding of the essence of the world." I must set an example for the believers so that they can see that the old man is not afraid of me. See how my capital, a religion, can face doubts, and see our devotion to the Lord. No change. So I have to stand up. "

There is a sense of self-sacrifice in this discourse ~ www.readwn.com ~ The purpose is to strengthen the cohesion of the church. This is telling believers that we have a problem, but we are solving it.

"But why go to Mexico?" Asked the bishop.

Suddenly, under the crown of Adams, he slyly smiled, "I bet that the situation in Mexico is simpler than in North America, and the Aurora Corps has a very good governance there. In our place, just looking at the different branches of the five divisions knows that the problem is very big Trouble.

I intend to leave this problem to Victor Hugo. I've sealed him as a saint, so he's going to do something. The power of Protestantism in North America is very strong, and it is not so easy to solve. "

"But the North American Security Summit has ended and all agreements have been signed. Victor Hugo will return to Mexico soon." The bishops still did not understand.

Adams remarked: "It doesn't matter, there is a person who wants him to stay, and he certainly won't refuse. I also learned just a while ago that no fearless hero is weak. Hahaha ..."

A few bishops followed with ambiguous smiles, and David Lawrence suddenly sneezed wildly. He yelled angrily: "Damn, who pits me behind?"

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