Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1678: 渎 God

The road from the intersection to the market is not too far, only twenty or thirty meters. But Adams walked slowly. He is a top-level **** stick. He has flickered all his life and has seen countless devout believers, but there are not a few mad believers among the thousands.

The Mormon Church believers have a relatively high level of education, which is a relatively sect of education. People with more knowledge are more rational. Religion is a matter of time, but martyrdom is another matter.

As for the Aurora Corps, it has ruled Mexico for more than four months.

Less than half a year, there have been fanatics who are willing to sacrifice for the siege of the legion. Perhaps the humble co-op just got excited and said he was willing to go to the battlefield, but it is difficult to find a few of them in the Mormon Church.

For a lifetime, Huyou is not as good as a novice in his best area. Adams was very displeased with the sullenness. This is really unpleasant. "Where is the market? Let's go and see the market."

Putting aside the impact brought by the police, more than eighty heads of self-confidence know that they are well-informed. He soon calmed down and moved on. The market in front is just one street, there are two rows of shops along the street, and there are also small vendors selling stalls on the roadside.

Compared to when the market was just opened, there are now more types of shops and products. In the grocery stores, not only canned foods that were sold well in the past, but also some fast-growing vegetables in farmland have begun to supply the market, and live chickens and ducks have appeared from time to time.

"Well, yes." After seeing food products, Adams gave a faint evaluation and was not excited.

The strength of the United States is not just its cutting-edge industry. In fact, agriculture is truly the best in the world. If the United States does not export food, people in many countries around the world will starve to death. The output value of its food industry is higher than that of the military industry, and agricultural production conditions in North America are really good.

Large farms in the United States had the best life during the cataclysm. Due to the need for semi-independent operation, the farm is not short of food, medicine, weapons, fuel, and almost everything. Long-term production collaboration has also made it easier for the agricultural population to come together.

Had it not been for the violent nuclear winter that had killed too many people, the United States would have recovered much faster. At present, the Brotherhood of Steel is basically not short of food, but there is a problem with the distribution of food. In contrast, the Aurora Corps' fresh food supply is still seriously inadequate.

Therefore, Adams is still qualified to evaluate the food supply of the Legion from a bird's-eye view. However, when he saw the apparel products, he stopped talking about rabbits and had nothing else. At that time, he used hundreds of millions of clothes to change Boeing airliners.

In North America, it is impossible to restart the garment factory. The entire industrial chain of the textile industry has long disappeared from North America. There are at most a few designers, but the most useless in the last days are all kinds of designers for pretending to be strong. Those who cannot survive without the city are the fastest to die.

Iron and steel plants can be restarted, and minerals can also be re-excavated. Chemicals and medicine are easy to say, but the textile industry is really okay.

At present, the demand for clothing products in North America is extremely hungry, and tens of millions of people need huge amounts of clothes. This market alone has made the real world rabbit textile industry make a lot of money, and the operating rate has already hit the record. The entire industry chain originally shrank a bit, but now it has become extremely prosperous.

Looking at the cheap and abundant supply of textiles on the market, Adams stopped talking. His Mormon Church was forced to make his own homespun textiles at the most difficult time, not to mention the poor quality and ridiculous production.

There is a Bingham Canyon copper mine in Utah. It was dug for more than 100 years, and a large pit more than 1,200 meters deep and more than 4,000 meters in diameter was dug. Now all the ore mined in this open-pit pit has been bought by the Aurora Corps, in exchange for clothing products.

"Oh ..." Thinking of this, Adams' mood became worse again. Next look at the light industrial and electrical products. The same is true in North America. In addition to letting the Aurora Corps ‘pick up garbage’, North America can currently only provide mineral products. In the future, agricultural products will be traded.

After looking at a row of shops, Adams still lamented the commercial vitality of the production and sales of the Legion. The huge market demand created a prosperous commercial development, which would make the legion's power soar.

There was no particularly noticeable defect in the Legion, which made Adams under the crown with a rescue mentality depressed. The magic stick hates the perfect world the most, as if a fly touched an unsewn egg.

Out of an electrical shop, Adams had an electronic watch under his crown. In the era without mobile phones, this thing is now cheap and practical, and it belongs to people's necessities.

With the electronic watch on his wrist, Adams decided to end today's market investigation. After all, he was old and a little tired after walking for a long time. It was only when he left that he saw a book stand by the roadside. When he saw the paper books, he immediately went forward and asked.

"Is there a Bible here?"

Thanks to the countless blessings of God's mission, the Bible is the most printed book in the world. Just call as long as you need and someone will send you a free copy by sending an email.

In the East, religion has long been divorced from social life, worshipping God has become a leisure entertainment. But in the West, religion is part of life, so most Westerners have a Bible at home. Mormon is the Book of Mormon edited by their founding gods.

When I saw an old man approaching the Bible, the owner of the book stall immediately found a red-covered book and handed it to Adams. Adams happily took it, opened it, read it casually, and said in Spanish, "The fire of the stars can be ignited."

Alas ... Adams has read the Bible for decades and has never seen it in the Bible. He flipped around and read again, "We are not only good at destroying an old world, we are also good at building a new world."

You meow me, when did **** say that?

Adams felt that his boss had taken the wrong book. He handed the red-covered book back up and asked, "I want the Bible."

"This is the Bible." The boss also raised the volume. He read the first page of the book and said, "The great leader teaches us .... Is this the Bible?"

"This is ..., the title above reads 'Red Book'. This is not the Bible I want." Adams thought to himself: boss, do you treat me as illiterate?

But the boss insisted: "We don't have the New Testament or the Old Testament here. This is our Bible. We like to read it. Everyone thinks it is easier to understand and more useful than the Bible."

Are you kidding me?

No, it's more serious than joking!

Adams was under fire, and his old face was flushed with redness. He could not help cursing a few ridiculous words at once, how can you just take that book and become the Bible? This is blasphemy! To be sent to the torture rack.

A bunch of ignorant stupid idiots.

Adams wanted to get angry, but knew that he couldn't compete with a street vendor. He was so angry that he wanted to get rid of his sleeves, and was so cold that he was attracted by a few posters on the book stand. A stack of portraits of the crucifixion of Christ, a stack of portraits of the Virgin holding the Son. Www.readwn.com Did not save. The merchants here also know to print some sacred portraits for sale. Adams tried to calm himself and asked stiffly: "Are there many people buying portraits?" "

The stall owner nodded, "It's selling well, and many people need it."

"Oh ..., buy the most of the Virgin." Mexico is a Catholic country. There are fewer stacks of the Virgin under Adams' crown, and it must have been sold.

"Oh, the Madonna is better, but not the best. The portrait of the legionnaire sells best." The boss said very honestly.

Ga ... Poor Adams has been unsuccessful today, and his mood has been ups and downs. This mother-in-law's going to leave and a crit ..., almost stunned, she couldn't get out.

"The portrait of Victor Hugo sells best?" Adams thought to himself: could you not worship idols like this? this is not right.

Whatever happened, the owner of the bookstore who had been kind and sullen and blackened angrily, "How can you call the sacred name of the legion leader? Our beloved legion leader will be the emperor, and we will be the subjects of the Holy American Empire. You are right His Majesty the Emperor shall respect him. "

I respect you as a ghost ... Adams is still sluggish.

The owner of the book stall solemnly took out a portrait from the stand and solemnly said, "Please go back with a bust of the legionnaire.

The head of the legion is the embodiment of justice, kindness, kindness, and justice. We are the patron saint of Mexico. He will bless you with peace and give you happiness. Such a sacred portrait, one dollar a piece, will not be bargained. "

Looking at the bust of Rongzhuang in Zhou Qingfeng, more than eighty Adams was angry and vomiting blood Victor Hugo, you blasphemer. You liar, you tricked me into Mexico to accept humiliation, I'll fight with you! rw more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone reading school

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