Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1679: 1 mouthful black pot

Denver, Colorado.

Tony Parker was transferred to the detention room of the city police station. A corridor was divided into more than a dozen rooms by iron railings. All the rooms were transparent and there were a large number of prisoners behind the railings.

"Small boy" is treated a little favorably, he has a separate room. But because of preferential treatment, he also became the target of criticism. The other prisoners looked at him with a bad face, trying to figure out his identity.

"What do you want to see? Do you guys want to be batoned?" Tony Parker was holding the railing, or a arrogant pride. He's a casual person, but that doesn't mean he likes to be locked up.

Opposite Tony Parker was an obese black man who stared at him for a while and asked, "Hey, you're a personal spitney?"

Tony Parker immediately got angry, shouted loudly: "What is called 'Scum Tony'? You should call me 'Master Tony Parker', if I am happy, I will give you something good. Respect me, you can live Longer. "

This pretentious remark made a dozen of the jail cells laugh, and all the criminals became interested in Tony Parker's sentence. Someone started teasing this well-known ‘little bastard’ through an iron railing.

"I have also been in New York, and the streets there are all in this tone. Such a person can't help telling you that he can have a relationship with the President of the United States."

"That's right on the radio, this guy's mouth is full of lies, without a word of truth."

"Hi, Tony Parker, where are you? Are you speaking to lawmakers in the city hall? All of us are equal here."

The funny words even made everyone laugh, and Tony Parker, who was locked up, became a chatter to chat. Tony Parker was still caught in the drum, he turned his head to glance around, and finally chose the black man who asked first.

"What the **** do you laugh at me? What makes you so Cola?" The police said only that Tony Parker's order was David Lawrence's order, and asked him to be honest. As for the reason, he didn't tell him.

The obese black man hummed and asked: "Tony, did you lie to a team called the" New York Revolutionaries "two years ago and promised to provide food in exchange for their resistance. But thousands of people they organized were confiscated. To food, and all starved to death in nuclear winter. "

"Oh." Tony Parker yelled in surprise, "Don't be kidding, this is a very serious charge. There are too many people starved to death during the nuclear winter, but what can it do to me? I'm also upset It cannot be said to be my responsibility. "

"Someone testified that you did it," the obese black man said with certainty. "You have forced some groups to leave the farm where they have food in order to control New York State. The 'New York Revolutionaries' are just one of them."

"No, no, you are wrong. How could you find someone to testify against me two years ago? Did you arrest me for this? This is absolutely stigmatizing." Tony Parker's categorical denial. Seeing his indignation, the average person is really afraid to determine the truth of the matter.

"What about human trafficking in Ohio?"

"This is planting stolen goods."

"What induced the three Chicago houses to fight?"

"This is rumor."

"What about the golden robbery inside the Brotherhood?"

"This is fabrication."

The obese black man said a few accusations against Tony Parker in one breath, and the ‘little bastards’ denied without hesitation. There is no witness and physical evidence, so he talked in such an empty mouth, there is no way to take him, anyway, he said that all the complaints were made out of nothing.

Only when the accusations of the last “Salt Lake City Massacre” prosecutors appeared, Tony Parker paused for a few seconds. He did not immediately shirk his responsibilities as before, but instead wondered for a while and asked, "What 'Salt Lake City Massacre'? I have never heard of it."

"Just five days ago, tens of thousands of refugees were summoned to collect their daily necessities. As a result, some people secretly provoked a major conflict, and more than a dozen refugee teams clashed for materials. The death toll has just been counted, and there are a thousand Many people have seen God. "

Obese black man tells news heard on the radio. It is common for rages to occur in the last days because of looting survival supplies, but this kind of bluffs that are obviously stabbed by people are too angry. Relevant details have been reported countless times, and everyone is familiar with the incident.

"Tony Parker, why don't you deny it immediately? You want to let the refugees die or find an excuse to annihilate them and swallow the relief supplies to them. It's really you who did this, right?" He became serious, and his expression was full of hatred.

No one likes this conspiracy of secretly stabbing a knife, especially the criminals are the bottom of society, this conspiracy is directed at them.

A dozen criminals in the jail cell were listening quietly, and this abnormal situation of Tony Park made everyone extremely angry. Someone immediately shouted, "It's him, he's frustrated, it must be him. Look at his expression, this is a surprise after being exposed."

"This bastard, he really wants to kill tens of thousands of people? Just to try to remedy these people's relief? God won't forgive this crime."

"Looking at his face, this is the expression of confession. I am familiar with this situation. This is unbelievable after being said to have committed a crime. He is really a scum."

The criminals in the jail cell started screaming and cursing. Everyone waved their fists at Tony Parker through the iron railings and even spit at him. If it weren't for the iron railings, everyone could immediately go up and smash the 'little lunger' into a mashed meat ~ www.readwn.com ~, and the 'little lunger' stayed in the chastity of condemnation, and then shouted: "Wait , I did not pick the internal struggle of the Salt Lake City refugees. There must be something wrong. I really didn't do it. I, I just, I just. "

Tony Parker's indiscretions were intermittent, which was quite different from the crispness he had previously denied. The criminals even believed that he had initiated the tragedy.

When the police heard the noise coming, they heard the criminals pointing at Tony Parker and yelling, "It's this guy who did it. He just said a leak and he admitted it. He caused thousands of people. Fatal injury, this despicable fellow should go to hell! "

The police slammed the iron railing with a baton to signal that the criminals in the cell were quiet. Waiting for the scolding to stop for a while, I heard Tony Parker still shouting, "I didn't, I didn't do it, I didn't challenge. This really has nothing to do with me."

But even the police didn't believe Tony Parker, just warned him to be honest.

"I'm honest, I didn't cause trouble. It was they who slandered me." Tony Parker yelled, and his head suddenly turned and asked again: "Wait, what happened to Victor Hugo? The leader of the Aurora Corps? , Is he dead? "

The policeman took a dismissive glance at the 'little lunatic' and said Shen: "I don't know the chief of the legion you asked. There is no news about him in the news. We are talking about you these days, discussing your crimes. Crime. "


Victor Hugo is all right? Is there no news about that ‘Her Majesty’? how is this possible? All my plans are for him? It turned out he was okay, and I was in big trouble!

Tony Parker was holding the iron railings in his hands, his eyes were out of focus and his eyes were blank.

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