Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1680: last phase


With a high-pitched anger, Rachel broke through the obstacles of the guards, pushed the door of Zhou Qingfeng's study room with a frost on his face, and hurriedly walked in front of him.

Pah ..., a stack of newspapers was left on Zhou Qingfeng's desk. The dignified wife and mother were not very angry this time, raised on the corner of her eyebrows, her eyes glaring wildly, and her heavy **** drove the full chest up and down.

Zhou Qingfeng is flipping through a medieval religious book, which is only available in the study provided by the Mormon Church. The brainwashing content in the book either makes people look dizzy or toss people into idiots.

Rachel's appearance pleased Zhou Qingfeng, who was boring. Even though the other party was angry, he felt good-looking. He didn't read the newspaper left in front of him, but just stared at his wife and mother's face and smiled, "Rachel, have you been brewing for a long time before you come to me?"

The face of the wife and mother is darker ...

But Zhou Qingfeng continued to laugh: "You are not the type of woman who is good at acting. Now you are angry and not scary at all, but rather cute."

"You ..." Rachel was short of breath, and her neck was tight. This time she was really angry. She turned away slightly, continuing to maintain her swollen look and saying, "Why did you write me on the report?"

"Sit down." Zhou Qingfeng got up from the desk and walked around Rachel's waist to take her to the sofa in the study. The wife and mother earned, and although they sat down to distance themselves from him, they did not appreciate it at all.

Zhou Qingfeng then grabbed the local newspaper in Salt Lake City, with a headline on it that read "Tony Parker Massacre of Refugee Camp".

The massacre itself is nothing, but at the end of the article there is a short paragraph stating 'Rachel was shocked and frightened while delivering relief to refugee camps'.

It was this small humble description that sent Tony Parker to jail between the "little bastard" and Zhou Qingfeng, who couldn't hide the real big man. David Lawrence only needed to ask the army commander after the incident to know the truth.

Tony Parker didn't follow Rachel, instead he turned around and put Rachel in danger. The worse the relationship between the Lawrence and the husband, the more the relationship between David Lawrence and his wife could not be tolerated by anyone, even near No danger.

"Victor," Rachel said calmly. "I don't say anything‘ hope the world ’s peace ’. I also know that your men wo n’t give up if they do n’t decide, but I do n’t want to be a prop for your men to fight for power.”

"In the report, this is ..." Zhou Qingfeng wanted to say ‘this is the truth’, but he thought in his heart, and was still sorry: “I ’m sorry.”

This short paragraph in the report was indeed Zhou Qingfeng deliberately asked the newspaper to add. Now that the propaganda has reached a certain level, his goal is to get David Lawrence, Tony Parker's biggest and only supporter.

What's the effect ..., Tony Parker was sent to prison for 'protection' as soon as he showed up. This is not only a signal to the outside world to trace to the end, but also to tell Zhou Qingfeng, ‘You won, let ’s stop here, do n’t make any more noise. ’

Zhou Qingfeng knew that Rachel had always wanted to be an independent woman. Compared to daughter Anji, who still needs a father to survive, his wife and mother are more proud, lonely, and attractive.

But now is the end of the world. Law, morality, and ethics are broken. The corpses that men have killed are all over the body, covered with scars, and women can survive alone?

"Although I said 'I'm sorry', Rachel, you have to understand that you can't get out of this world. You can either go back to David Lawrence, or ..., change to a man who can better protect you . "

After Zhou Qingfeng said, Rachel suddenly turned her face and stared at him. The horror and misunderstanding were not fakes. But she got up abruptly, not angry, but wanted to scold but couldn't speak. In the end, she only stepped out of the study with a shameful face.

Can't tell whether the wife and mother are angry or flustered, probably both. As Zhou Qingfeng was confessed in her capacity, whoever changed it was at a loss, no matter what was said, it was better to leave.

While Zhou Qingfeng continued to stay in the study, he stood at the window and looked at the scenery outside, but after thinking about other things in his mind to design to deal with Tony Parker, "GOD", which had not moved for a long time, sent him new news.

"You are officially involved in North American affairs."

"You are the farthest candidate you have traveled since the mission began."

"Your plot is entering the final stage."

"Tear the United States and wear the crown you promised yourself."

"From now on, both wasteland and the real world will enter a conflict-intensifying mode until you calm down the war."

"You don't have much time."

A chaos is about to begin, and the opponent is far more powerful than the Aurora Corps. What he said to Rachel was nothing but Zhou Qingfeng's inner thoughts blurted out when he was in a turbulent mood. This was his emotion that he could not calm down when he read religious books.

But Rachel took the door ...

Half a day later, Xiao Yi stood timidly at the door and stopped talking.

"You want to ask me why I have to like Rachel, right?" Zhou Qingfeng turned his back to the door and asked. "Actually, I don't know why. I took pictures of her life from the beginning, and even caused trouble. But what about that, some things are probably doomed."

Xiao Yi poked his mouth, and when he was full, he wanted to vomit, but he was too lazy to speak. In her opinion, Zhou Qingfeng is a perverted person with huge powers and interests. It is not unusual to have a special hobby. Everyone has quirks, but ordinary people can't show it, but Zhou Qingfeng can.

"Start our religious brainwashing program. The Catholic Church in Mexico has been reorganized into 'Loyalty and Patriotic Catholicism'. I need them to create more core backbone forces for me. Then I can open a longer time and space gate."

"Start our" corrosion "plan, and the commercial invasion of North America will begin immediately. I want to give their top executives the benefits and benefits irresistible ~ www.readwn.com ~ Let them use me, let them fall according to my needs . "

"Start our" Lighthouse "project. I need white people, black people, Hispanics, and everyone here to start awakening. Let them doubt themselves, society, and civilization. Whether it is eating and drinking, pleasure, freedom and democracy, It's okay to decentralize and independence, anyway, don't be too united. "

"The enemy is still too strong. Although I have been desperately developing, but they do not divide or fight internally, I have no chance of winning at all. It is suicide to fight against more, and to kill without fierce hands."

Zhou Qingfeng's voice was firm and unquestionable, but Xiao Yi sighed. From the perspective of getting along with her friends, she would rather have Zhou Qingfeng's bad eyes like this, think carefully, such a Zhou Qingfeng is like a normal person.

And when Zhou Qingfeng opened his mouth to plan the overall situation, the renunciation of emotions was just the goal, and the indifference for success was like a machine, a strange and terrible machine. Any one of his words meant the lives and deaths of countless people, stiff and impossible to change.

After recording Zhou Qingfeng's order, Xiao Yi drummed up his courage and said, "If you like Rachel, let it be. No one can stop you anyway. As long as you can succeed, any defect is not a defect, and future generations will only Marvel at your greatness, and everything will be accepted by you. "

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