Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1687: Wilderness

In the logistics system Logan maintains, a convoy is moving from Fort Collins, Colorado to Salt Lake City. The convoy consisted of more than a dozen large trucks, rushing west on Interstate 80, surrounded by swaths of wilderness.

The heartland of the United States is often endlessly flat terrain, with highways extending in all directions, and the feeling of speeding by car is really refreshing. This convoy carries goods purchased by the Aurora Corps from Fort Collins, and will be transported to Salt Lake City for transhipment to Seattle.

More than a dozen trucks opened more than one kilometer apart, led by a light armored vehicle. The 20mm machine gun on the car was enough to make ordinary Xiao dauntless. Inside the armored vehicle, the fully armed Wen Tianyu felt sultry and irritable, but had no alternative.

As a Chinese who followed Zhou Qingfeng from Africa to Cuba, Wen Tianyu has been unknown in the Aurora Corps. Unlike Liu Meng, when he arrived in the legion, he flew into the commander of the missile brigade, but as a veteran, he has been in charge of recruit training.

Waiting for the end-of-day flowering natives to transfer a large number of staff to Mexico to support Zhou Qingfeng, Wen Tianyu was relocated from his training position. He wanted to continue to follow Zhou Qingfeng to go out, and was eventually arranged to work as an armed **** in North America.

"It's really **** fucking, boring, boring, and especially uncomfortable." Wen Tianyu's English is good. He brought a group of escorts with complex races, both white and black Latinos. North American law and order is not very good. His task is to safely transport all kinds of goods needed by the legion.

The space inside the armored vehicle was limited, and the **** crew members were crowded with sweat and odor, and some people couldn't bear to simply take off the bulletproof vests and relax. Wen Tianyu also wanted to take off, but he was the captain anyway, too loose and not good.

"Put the bulletproof jacket on," Wen Tianyu ordered. "We may be in danger at any time."

A white man who took off his body armor was usually a little disappointed, especially when he came to the United States to return home. He didn't bother to hear Tianyu's order, and asked: "Smell, why do you want to take away those electronic waste? Do you need those things?"

A dozen trucks contained a damaged supercomputing component. I didn't know where it was taken from. It looked rusty and worthless, but the Army bought it for a lot of money.

This incident is particularly stupid to many Americans, but Tianyu knows that this is a plan made by his boss and does not leave any high-tech products, even the wreckage.

Because technology needs to be inherited, there must be a reference without inheritance. Now both the "heritage" and the "reference" are removed.

Wen Tianyu didn't explain, and ordered again: "It's 'we' need. I'll say it again, put on your body armor, so that you can save your life."

The white man laughed and wanted to say that Wen Tianyu was too trivial. But before his laughter was over, the armored car suddenly violently shook, and Wen Tianyu felt that his body had risen into the air and crashed into the roof.

The seat belt on the seat took Wen Tianyu's body, but the fierce impact still made him shake back and forth like a flat boat in a stormy sea. The pulled seat belt made his chest sore, all the internal organs were oppressed, and he was dizzy when he was out of breath.

Outside the armored vehicle, a roadside bomb exploded. The air wave lifted a body of more than ten tons, making it fly up like a toy, falling, rolling, marking more than twenty meters on the ground, and being wrapped in smoke and dust.

The explosion struck panic behind the convoy truck. A dozen truck drivers either quickly twisted the steering wheel to avoid, or stopped the brakes, or turned around and ran. The violent movement of the vehicle body often leads to imbalance, and some trucks overturn and roll on the ground.

In the middle of the wind and sand, the whole team suddenly made a mess.

A few minutes after the explosion, Wen Tianyu felt that someone was watering his face. He opened his eyes and saw that a black man was giving him first aid. He had been removed from the armored vehicle and lying on the sand.

"How many people are still alive?" Don't worry, this is the attack. When Wen Tianyu spoke, he felt chest pain and **** smell. He should have suffered chest and abdomen injuries and vomited blood.

"The driver's neck was broken during the tumbling, the deputy captain's head was smashed, and everyone else had different injuries. Boss, the most serious injury, you should have broken ribs. We are worried that moving you will cause more damage, You can only lie flat, "said the black man.

The scene after the explosion was quiet, and there was only wind in the wilderness. The enemy didn't know where the danger was, either. Wen Tianyu knew that his ribs could not be moved casually, otherwise he would have to wait for the broken ribs to be inserted into his chest.

"Report to the data center and ask for support," Wen Tianyu said.

"A message has been sent," the black man said.

"Go find other survivors and bring the convoy together." Wen Tianyu ordered again.

"I've let people go." The black man nodded again.

Being bombarded and so sober, this makes Wen Tianyu look at himself as a black man. He finally said: "Give me a dose of treatment needle, I don't want to die yet. What's your name?"


"Durant, you are doing very well. You will take over my command."

Treatment of Wen Tianyu's fracture did not have very good results, and he managed to relieve his internal bleeding by one or two. He still had to lie on the ground, watching the black command squad standing by his team.

The white man who had taken off his body armor would also take it easy. He didn't seem to want to accept an order from a black man, and stood up and argued a few words. A round of bullets shot from a distance and hit him directly in the chest, killing him instantly.

The corpse fell, and the owner of the convoy immediately held his head for cover. Wen Tianyu silently converted the distance of the enemy shooter while listening to the sound of gunfire. He looked at the blood-stained chest of the white man and cursed silently: "The bullets flew at least five hundred meters away. They may still be able to live in bullet-proof vests."

Obviously, the ambush enemies have snipers. The rest of the convoy could only shrink behind one truck after another and armored vehicles, and occasionally glanced at them for a long time.

Too passive ...

However, even though Wen Tianyu was bombed by surprise ~ www.readwn.com ~, the black man was quite clever. He used the walkie-talkie to contact the entire convoy to form defensive firepower, and resisted multiple attacks from unknown enemies.

Hundreds of meters away from the wilderness, occasionally several enemies can be seen running back and forth. However, the opponent has no other offensive tricks except for burying roadside bombs, and he is not determined to fight. After several crossfires, the opponent himself counseled first.

Two hours later, several CV-22 tilt-wing aircraft from Salt Lake City arrived at the scene of the incident, picking up the rest of the convoy and the dead bodies.

There is really only the sound of wind in the whole wilderness. There are several guys holding telescopes behind a hill in the distance. One of them shouted loudly: "Tony Parker, this is what you said can make us big. Legion convoy? What they transported was just a bunch of junk. "

"Small boy" Tony Parker also observed from behind the hill with a telescope. After confirming that all the team members had been withdrawn, he was riding the off-road motorcycle to a capsized truck.

A container pulled up by a truck fell to the ground and fell apart, revealing the contents inside. Tony Parker ripped open the iron skin of the container and turned a bunch of electronics that looked useless and frowned. "Fuck Victor Hugo, what does he collect this garbage?"

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