Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1703: Just 1 word, expensive!

It is not only Zhou Qingfeng who is very happy about the carnival of the mine. Mr. Vincent, the new general manager of Bingham Copper Mine, is equally happy. Now to restore the North American economy, agriculture and mining are the two choices, and God has given the Americas rich resources, and there are minerals that can be excavated everywhere.

Paying two months' salary in advance is something Mr. Vincent emphasized. He needs to use these benefits to boost morale. The laughing workers at the mine and the barbecue site being arranged can prove that the effect is very good.

In fact, not only the workers in the mine were very excited, but General Manager Vincent himself was very happy. Because as the general manager of the copper mine, his salary is the highest level, which means he can buy everything he wants. He doesn't even need to buy it himself, just send an assistant.

"Sir, you have purchased what you need."

When Vincent smiled through the office window and watched the lively barbecue party outside, his assistant drove a dozen boxes into the office.

"These boxes filled my heart with anticipation." General Manager Vincent rubbed his hands happily. He didn't wear any good clothes, and a worn out work suit was considered to be decent in the last days, but how can this thing not be satisfactory?

The assistant knew what his general manager needed most. He deliberately removed a box full of clothes from the car and opened it in front of Vincent. "Sir, I bought you a dozen shirts, from casual to formal."

As a general manager, you naturally need to communicate, and it is necessary to dress appropriately. Whether playing golf or attending a banquet, it is impossible to wear worn out work clothes. It can even be said that the goods provided by Zhou Qingfeng will trigger a long-suppressed luxury consumption frenzy.

A stack of white shirts was taken out of the box, and General Manager Vincent looked at the delicate and bright fabric and smiled. The assistant specially introduced: "Cotton fabric, cut well, the stitches are fine, the size is appropriate, I have checked all the details, the only disadvantage is that it is too expensive."

Compared with a jacket, a close-fitting shirt can bring a more comfortable experience. Vincent was laughing, and immediately corrected the shortcoming of "too expensive": "No, no, no, too expensive is not a disadvantage, it is an advantage."

The assistant knew that she was guilty, and immediately pleased: "Of course, this is the advantage of distinguishing your identity. Do you need to change immediately?"

Vincent wanted to change it immediately, but he looked at himself but shook his head: "This mine is dusty. I have been here for a day and I am all dirty. I have to take a bath."

The general manager didn't need to come to the mine every day. But now that the mine has just resumed work, how to straighten out the production process is what Vincent needs to do by himself, which makes him all gray and sweaty every day.

The assistant immediately took a bag out of another box. "Sir, you definitely need this men's care line."

Shampoo, shower gel, shaver, shaving cream, men's perfume, a whole set of things are packed in a plastic bag. Zhou Qingfeng roughly added a zero after the purchase price, and then sold it.

But General Manager Vincent laughed when he saw it, which was exactly what he needed. Foreigners have a strong body odor. Both men and women need perfumes to cover sweat and even odor. Coupled with poor sanitary conditions in the last days, many people want to clean themselves up.

Vincent grabbed an electric shaver and cleaned his beard directly. Although there is no lubrication with water and shaving cream, the new razor is extremely sharp, but it is easy to shave the rough hair of the general manager.

Three or two times, Vincent's original beard was shaved. He touched the remaining burrs on his chin with the palm of his hand, and laughed soothingly: "I once used a bayonet to shave my beard and almost cut my neck with a shaking hand."

Hahaha ..., what was happening now can be easily said as a joke. The assistant also patted a few flatteres, which made Vincent happy.

There are showers in the mine. General Manager Vincent ran to take a quick shower. Then he replaced the underwear produced by the Legion, the trousers and shirt produced by the Legion, the casual jacket produced by the Legion, and the leather shoes produced by the Legion . A full legion of uniforms, morale and charm increased by 100%.

Then there are steaks from the Legion ...

"Sir, this is an authentic tender beef tenderloin, the best piece on the sirloin. I let the chef make five mature, very fragrant and delicious. I also specially bought you a few bottles of red wine, I believe you will be satisfied . "

The open-air beef barbecue is being carried out at the mine. Everyone is drinking meat and eating meat. And the general manager of Vincent naturally enjoyed more refined cuisine, a black pepper beef fillet plus a bottle of red wine.

Uh ... it looks a bit thinner in this way, but it's definitely the first class to enjoy such food.

"Hmm ... yes." Vincent cut a small piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth. The tender texture kept the smile on his face. The beef that circled the earth and traveled through time and space made him nod with satisfaction, even with a tearful happiness.

It has been more than two years and three years, and finally I have eaten delicious food again. Compared to the countless dead souls in the cataclysm, Vincent, who is still alive, feels that he really needs to thank the Aurora Corps, and thank His Majesty the Emperor.

The assistant also lamented: "These things are so much needed for us. Without these products, life in the last days is really unbearable. It is more expensive, but it is a symbol of status and status for you, sir. . "

This wine is not intoxicating.

Listening to the assistant ’s flattering, one or two cups of Vincent lifted the cup proudly and said cheerfully: "Wish His Husband health, and hope that he can always purchase our minerals in large quantities. We sell daily necessities. "

Now that global trade has collapsed and ocean freight has been cut off, the United States, which has long relied on international merchandise, can now only do business with the Aurora Corps. Maintaining relations with the Legion has become a top priority.

Vincent also poured half a glass of red wine for the assistant, and the two clink together to congratulate. After taking a sip, the assistant sighed and sighed: "Your Majesty Hugo is really good, but it is too expensive to sell. Such a bottle of wine will cost me two months' salary."

Alas ... Vincent was drinking with joy, and suddenly hesitated. He put down his glass and asked, "A bottle of wine costs you two months' salary?"

"Yeah." The assistant was still feeling. Naturally, his income cannot be compared with the general manager who controls the operation of the entire mine. For two months, he can only buy a bottle of red wine without eating or drinking.

The assistant ’s emotion surprised Vincent ~ www.readwn.com ~ and quickly asked: “So how much is left in my two-month salary?”

How much is left?

The assistant also stunned and said intermittently after a while: "I just said, Hugo's products are all good, it is particularly expensive. Ordinary consumer goods are cheaper, but luxury goods such as red wine are particularly expensive ... but it shows your identity and status ... "

"Stop! Stop **** ..." Vincent interrupted again: "I want to know how much my two-month salary is left now?"

"It's left ... Actually, it's not there. It's all gone." Fingers pointed to a dozen large boxes stacked in the office, which contained a lot of goods related to eating, drinking, and sleeping.

Vincent screamed and stood up. "I've spent all my salary in two months?"

"Yes, it shows your identity and status."

"Damn, two months of salary shows that status and status? So what am I going to do in the next two months? Continue to be a poor ghost? Victor Hugo, he is a traitor!"

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