Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 172: black market

Sofia was towed away ... She cried, begged, and struggled, but everything was useless. The door was closed, the sound was getting farther and farther and quieter. But it was followed by another noisy and barbarous cheer, as if countless beasts were rushing at their prey.

"What did I do? What did I do?" Nieto's body was cold, his heart palpitating. His brain was blank, as if he had forgotten everything. But in fact he knew that in the face of Guzman's request, he betrayed Sophia, who had been taking care of him.

Nietto walked softly into the bathroom of the room. He saw his pale face and a terrible wound on his face. He was lucky to have survived under the attack of ‘dog meat’, but at the moment he hated to die.

Worried, Harry was trying to comfort Nito. The teenage black girl was scared and scared, especially now that Sophia was screaming from time to time, and she didn't know what terrible abuse the woman was suffering.

Maybe an hour, maybe a few hours later, Guzman's voice broke into Nietto's room again. When he reappeared, his face was red and he shouted, "Nieto, we are going to leave. The Brotherhood of Steel has given us a lot of supplies, and we can have a good meal on the road."

At the shout of Guzman, Nieto was sweating and shivering. He took his rifle silently, and the corpse followed. But Guzman looked at Harry, who was standing in the room, reached out and squeezed the girl's chest, grinning, "This girl is also good, take her."

Harry just wanted to refuse, but Guzman continued, "We have something to eat."

A word of "eating" attracted the girl. Harry had only eaten one meal in the past two days and was hungry. She knew that following these people would be in danger, but couldn't help keeping up.

The last twenty or thirty people of Guzman have completely turned into bandits. They exchanged some of the gold they collected for two or three days of food from the Brotherhood of Steel, and then they chaotically found a boat and sneaked to Brook. Forest area.

At the same time, Zhou Qingfeng is also studying the mission goals issued by the Brotherhood of Steel. He hadn't paid attention to who was Fernando Resno before. You can open the information and find out that this guy is actually one of the last two comrades who did not show up around David Lawrence.

According to David Lawrence's version of "The Waste Land", Fernando Resno is a good gunman and a character who likes to play hard. He always likes to tell jokes during battles, which Zhou Qingfeng calls ‘pretending to be a criminal’.

The butcher also knew this guy and frowned after seeing the information: "Fernando has become the top five leaders of the Skull and Bones?"

"Is this possible?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. Fernando Resno has a great reputation among South American mercenaries. Victor, if we are going to kill him, we are not dealing with him alone, and we are likely to face a large number of South Americans. mercenary.

For example, special forces in Colombia and Venezuela are fighting drug dealers and guerrillas, and Brazil's urban special police often have to kill gangs in slums. Their combat effectiveness is very good, and they often go abroad to become mercenaries after retirement. New York can also be regarded as a distribution center for mercenaries recruited by international forces. "

Zhou Qingfeng groaned for a while, then turned on his armband computer, projected a map near New York, and said, "According to information from the Brotherhood, the Skeleton Society is composed of five forces. Fernando Resno, as one of the five leaders, controls Jamaica's neighbourhood in Queens, and he occupied Kennedy International Airport and turned it into a **** market. "

"What will be on the black market?"

"I don't know. It is estimated that there is nothing, maybe everything."

For Fernando Resno, Zhou Qingfeng had no feeling, but the butcher only knew such a person. Both knew that it would not be easy to kill this person, but they were more interested in the materials they could get.

Compared to Guzman, who took the number twenty or thirty through Brooklyn, and landed in Queens to find a target. Zhou Qingfeng, with only his dog meat and butcher, drove directly to Kennedy International Airport near the sea.

After Zhou Qingfeng planned to land with the butcher, the yacht was handed over to the companion Roma, and the two parties communicated by radio. Roma will temporarily float on the sea, waiting for Zhou Qingfeng's call. He originally thought it would be a quiet and secret voyage, but the facts told him that under the pressure of survival, one can explode a strong desire to survive.

"This sea is really lively." The butcher held his night vision gaze and looked around, and the waters south of Kennedy Airport were packed with hundreds of small yachts. Most of these yachts carry a variety of cargo, and also carry a large number of armed men with weapons.

"I think these guys certainly don't mind guest pirates at the necessary moments." On the way to the airport, Zhou Qingfeng saw no less than three sea battles. "I saw people from the Brotherhood of Steel who were on land. There is a booming fight with skeletons, and business is booming. "

The airport's black market was guarded by special armed personnel. Zhou Qingfeng saw closed barbed wire and patrolled armored vehicles. A large number of heavy machine guns guarded the entire black market. Like the others, the two accepted the investigation honestly, and put the long gun in the designated safe, only keeping the short gun for self-defense.

The only thing that made Zhou Qingfeng happy was that the repaired ‘dog meat’ was re-pasted with fur and successfully deceived the guard ’s eyes. As long as it doesn't show fangs full of alloy steel, everyone thinks it's just an ordinary wolf dog.

"Where is our goal?" The butcher asked around, looking around.

"Maybe we should go to the black market first. After all, we are now the black market merchants who come to trade." Zhou Qingfeng is more vigilant. "If I am Fernando ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will definitely enter all of my territory. Everyone is vigilant. "

The entire Kennedy Airport is filled with tents, and each tent is a business. If anyone's shop is a simple house, it is a big business with great strength. The roads between these humble shops were crowded, bustling, and extremely busy.

The ground was littered with all kinds of rubbish, and there were a lot of stench in the corners. When Zhou Qingfeng and the butcher walked among the pedestrians, they saw numb faces. Everyone looked away with doubt and anxiety, but there seemed to be few transactions.

Zhou Qingfeng hadn't decided which shop to go into to see, a dirty child ran past him, his little hand quickly stretched over his pocket.

"Hi boy, you want to steal something but you found the wrong target." Zhou Qingfeng grabbed the child's hand, and his strength immediately made the little guy cry.

But when Zhou Qingfeng wanted to release the child, several big men jumped out of the crowd. The first person was bald, shirtless, tattooed, standing aggressively in front of Zhou Qingfeng, yelled viciously: "Asshole, you dare to bully my son. Now that he is injured, you must give some compensation, or don't want to leave." Continued.) Enable new URL

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