Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1715: Drive to death

Zhou Qingfeng's involvement in North America was much stronger than expected, and even the senior members of the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel did not expect it. m. And when the huge amount of commodity transactions began, it wasn't just the local mighty people who were worried about it, it wasn't just people like Federow who were hostile to Zhou Qingfeng.

In fact, the most worrying thing is David Lawrence. The 'lord of New York' controls several large ports on the east coast of the United States. For example, New York itself is a world-class maritime transportation hub. Huge quantities of goods are transported here, and a large number of unemployed people find jobs.

In addition to New York, the special zone established by Angie in Washington DC was taken care of by Zhou Qingfeng. The capital area is originally a prosperous area. Just picking up **** is enough for more than 100,000 people to eat and drink. The agriculture, forestry and mining industries are enough to create a stable economic circle.

On the surface everything looks good ...

But 'free trade' not only gave David Lawrence great benefits, but also gave this man a deep sense of crisis. One was aimed at Zhou Qingfeng, and the other was aimed at other rivals of the Brotherhood.

The anxiety against Zhou Qingfeng is self-evident, and no one can figure out how many commodities he got from there. It can only be guessed that it was shipped from the home of the flower growers of his wasteland.

David Lawrence now needs the goods provided by Zhou Qingfeng. At the same time, he suffered too much in Zhou Qingfeng's hands, and there were many psychological shadows. He would not easily provoke the metamorphosis that the nuclear bomb could not be killed.

But for the other members of the Brotherhood, David Lawrence did not want them to develop as well as himself. The task of stabbing a knife in the back was handed over to a special operations commander named "Sergi".

Because of the knife behind his back, Sergey naturally couldn't come forward directly. But he easily found Fedro doing the same thing while gathering intelligence. Fedro's public appearances, public intelligence gathering, and open recruitment of armed forces made Sergey decide to step in and support.

Anti-thieves from all walks of life gathered in Boise to discuss major events, it is exciting to think about it!

"Mr. Fedro, are you all ready?" Sergey asked in the dark wood yard office. He has been coming and going like a ghost these past few days, helping Federow to perfect the various shortcomings in the plan, otherwise Federow, who has no rebellious experience, would have been found with ambition.

Fedro was frightened by the eccentrically dressed guy and the optical camouflage. He nodded slightly: "I have reached out to more than 6,000 people and they will operate in two days to launch a devastating attack on Boise."

On the city map marked by Federow, there are police stations, army camps, as well as transportation hubs and a large number of warehouses. Among them, naturally, there are various enterprises founded by the Aurora Corps in the local area, such as the waste material recycling plant that ‘Thief Bruto’ wants to destroy.

"Six thousand people are a little bit, but if it's just destruction and no withdrawal is considered, it should be enough." Sergey sneered. He and Fedro did not expect the mighty troops in these places to complete their missions and retreat, to put it plainly to use the other party as cannon fodder.

"If you wait a few days, you may be able to recruit more people."

"No, no, don't wait any longer. No one is sure what will happen if you wait any longer."

"Then it will be two days later. I will issue a work permit in the name of the log yard to allow bandits and armed refugees to pass through checkpoints on the road in large numbers to get closer to the city."

"Then I will kill important officials and army commanders in the city and paralyze the defense system."

"I will direct the entire operation on the radio, after all, I am more familiar with this city."

"I can arrange some explosion points in advance in the city, causing more confusion."

"As long as Boise is destroyed, the expansion of the Aurora Corps in northwestern North America will be hit. They will have to spend more to maintain law and order."

"It can also cause conflicts between the Legion and the local forces. His Majesty the Emperor is not a good-tempered man, and his counterattack will intensify the conflict."

The two whispered in the dark, gradually determining the details of the entire plan. Think about the big event coming two days later, they all have the feeling of making history.

The discussions lasted two hours, and the entire plan was planned in great detail. From the gang's rally, march, attack, everything is scheduled according to the schedule. Basically, if you do it as planned, you can be successful.

"But will the bandits act according to our plan?" Sergey sighed after the discussion was over. The plans are good, but the problem is that the people who execute them seem to be less reliable.

Even Federow couldn't guarantee this, and could only say with uncertainty: "I can only persuade them a lot. Now that they don't act, there is really no need to act. I think we can at least 80% . "

This is really a pessimistic prediction ...

Two hours later, Sergei went into the darkness with his exoskeleton armor and optical camouflage, like an assassin rising high. And Fedro informed the bandit tyrants he had contacted through the detailed encrypted plan through the encrypted channel.

All powerful bosses applauded Federow's plan and stated that they must perform their tasks as planned to ensure the successful completion of this attack. In particular, ‘Thief Bruto’ patted his chest directly on the radio and vowed to God to give the Aurora Corps a good look.

Fedro was both comforted and doubtful. This long planned operation was about to begin, and he was indeed the most unsure of himself. Because he is recruiting bandit characters, it is not easy to make these people obedient, and it is more difficult for them to take joint risks at the same time.

Equally skeptical also includes Sergey, who is monitoring and planning behind him. He is more pessimistic than Federow. It is good that half of the armed personnel can be dispatched in this operation. I really can't expect too much from those gangsters who have become so used to it.

Sergey even thought about doing everything, listen to destiny, in case none of the gangsters who are used to sneaking and playing tricks come, he will also perform a large-scale destruction of Boise in two days ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ It is his task to stir up troubles, create contradictions, and create rumors.

Two days passed quickly.

When it was time to gather on the action plan, Federow could not wait to ask the crowds about their current situation by radio. In the past two days, he has suffered a lot. Who knows that those villains and gangsters who are always accustomed to bragging?

However, the result of the connection surprised Fedro ...

"We have assembled, and the personnel are here."

"We've got on the bus and set off."

"We are on the road and have just passed our first sentry post."

All the powerful forces contacted were unexpectedly positive, and there was no delay in evasion. It feels that the situation is now forcing the opposition to unite. Everyone understands that if they don't work hard at the moment, they will really die.

Such a miracle can be said to be that the Aurora Corps drove the enemy to death.

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