Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1721: dignity

The Boise riots reveal many problems. Regarding North American society, the Aurora Corps, and the Brotherhood of Steel, countless people are interpreting this incident from their own perspective.

Others are simpler, for example Rachel arrived in Boise as a charity. Her task was to scatter money, distribute supplies and provide relief. The wife and mother do not have much power, she just wants to help those who need help as much as possible.

But this time she was treated coldly in Boise ...

According to past practice, Rachel distributes food near the city's Mormon Church and will host a massive mass. Generally speaking, hungry homeless people will come over and eat a meal, and at the same time express their heartfelt gratitude and love to the esteemed sage.

Whether it is sincere or not, at least the past scenes have been so. But today is different.

Boise has a large population. The scale of this charity food distribution event was very large, and the site set up occupied an entire block. More than two hundred Mormon church personnel are on standby at all times. They have prepared enough food and will surely satisfy 10,000 or 20,000 hungry people.

Rachel was also standing behind a food table to distribute food, and she was looking forward to seeing a warm and religious scene. Even the reporter is ready to take the most benevolent and beautiful side of His Excellency the Virgin.

But ... there are very few people who come to collect food. There are not many pedestrians on the road. After a while or even no more-you know that when Rachel distributed food in the past, people were crowded. , Need to be added temporarily.

The food Rachel provided this time is very rich. In the past, she often boiled hot porridge to homeless homeless people. Adding a slice of meat and vegetables to the porridge is a delicious dish. But now finished bread with bacon, condensed milk and jam.

Such a good treatment, but no one came to eat.

The big scene at the door of the church became deserted. Occasionally some people passed by and watched for a few glances, and did not come forward. Even if the staff who sent relief took the initiative to send things out, passersby often waved their hands and refused, saying that they did not need it.

"I have a job and I have income. I can support myself. I am not in need of relief." Passers-by often show their dignity in a proud tone. "Please give these to those in need."

Whenever I heard such words, Rachel encouraged the other party to continue to work hard, but afterwards, she felt a little depressed at last-feeling that she was no longer needed, not only wasted her efforts, but also became a Extra people.

Looking at nobody around, Rachel was so annoyed that he could smash a canned fruit on the food table. She used too much force, and the cans of the glass bottle bounced on the table and fell to the ground, and it seemed to be torn apart--a hand stretched out and grabbed the glass bottle that was about to fall.

Rachel turned her head and saw Zhou Qingfeng looking at her with a smile.

"You ..." The wife and mother were still angry. She saw Zhou Qingfeng not only did not get rid of her breath, but looked somber, and the flame in her heart was bigger, "Why are you here?"

Rachel has never seen Zhou Qingfeng since he was a bit awkward last time. The two wells did not violate the river, and each did their own thing. She did not expect to see this nasty kid in Boise.

After the last flagrant teasing of Rachel, Zhou Qingfeng will naturally become cheeky in front of his wife and mother. Even if Rachel was cold, he posted it indifferently.

"I just arrived in Boise, and heard that you were coming along to see it. But ..." Zhou Qingfeng glanced at the relief food that had not been sent out, and the scene of the car and horse slumped. No one's paying attention here. "

Not only is nobody paying attention, there isn't even a ghost who comes to support.

Huh ..., Rachel's heart was so upset that she didn't look good at Zhou Qingfeng at all. She can maintain the formula smile even if she hates others, but she is too lazy to hide her feelings for Zhou Qingfeng. She didn't even realize it.

Zhou Qingfeng unscrewed the canned fruit in his hand, took a sip of sweet syrup and said with satisfaction: "This canned apple is quite good. Is it ... actually made in New York?"

Looking at Zhou Qingfeng's skeptical expression, Rachel had an arguing mind. She asked, "Why can't New York produce canned food? New York State is a well-known fruit producer, and agriculture and animal husbandry are very developed. Our production is now recovering quite well."

Zhou Qingfeng rolled his eyes and said, "How can you produce apples now? The trees are frozen to death. I also bought a lot of East Coast wood during this time, all of which were frozen to death under the severe cold of nuclear winter. There are very few species here. "

It is not surprising that this issue is clear. It is clear that the apples of the Aurora Corps were imported from New York for processing. Rachel didn't think about it, but said hardly, "This is what our factory produces."

But Zhou Qingfeng still shook his head. "Your factory is not operating well. My factory is capable of large-scale production."

"The managers of our factory are elites, and they can solve any problems. What trouble can cans be produced?" Rachel was still not convinced, and she even arrogantly argued with Zhou Qingfeng.

But Zhou Qingfeng even more truthfully said, "Do you know why no one came to collect your relief food?"

"It's probably not well publicized, not many people know."

"No, it's because people don't lack food now. They don't lack food now, but want to get back the dignity they lost in the past. I work for the people in the city and give them dignity, but you don't."

This explanation made Rachel thoughtful, but she was still stubborn. "Our Brotherhood also opened factories and recruited workers. We also gave workers back their lost dignity."

Zhou Qingfeng shook his head. "You are wrong. You are not helping the workers to restore their dignity. You are just throwing a little compassion. Instead of helping the workers to restore their dignity, you are trampling on their dignity."

Rachel Xing's eyes widened ~ www.readwn.com ~ Furiously, obviously she felt Zhou Qingfeng full of gossip and nonsense. Zhou Qingfeng smiled cheekily, "Would you like to make a bet? I can let you get these foods out in an hour."

Hehe ..., Rachel couldn't help but sneer, "OK, I'll block you. But you can't cheat, you can't force others, you can't use administrative orders, you can't use your power."

The wife and mother stood on the street all morning, and less than a tenth of the things sent out. Zhou Qingfeng wanted to send everything out in an hour, which was impossible.

The wife and mother will have three chapters with Zhou Qingfeng, but Zhou Qingfeng whispered: "I just need to change your banner and slogan. If I win, can I get a kiss from you?"

"Ha ..." Rachel screamed in astonishment, with a thin angry expression saying, `` Victor, why is your skin so thick? Actually mentioned this request ’. Unsuccessful, she agreed happily, "If you lose, you strip me away and go naked."

Gambling agreement established!

Zhou Qingfeng laughed, a heartfelt desire. He didn't do much, he really made people change the banner of the charity relief scene.

The original banner was ‘Charity Food Distribution’, and the staff ’s propaganda was, ‘Her Merciful Lady, come to condolence the suffering citizens of Boise. Come and get free food’.

Zhou Qingfeng changed the banner to ‘Long live the city defenders of heroes! ’

‘Boise warriors, come and cheer for the victory! ’

‘The fierce gangsters did not conquer us, let the food conquer us! ’

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it ’s over!

Watching Zhou Qingfeng ‘people are going crazy’, he shouted on the street with an electric horn, Rachel was in a daze behind — bad, this bad boy was prepared, so I ’m afraid to lose ...

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