Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1723: Helpless eating

After a period of rapid development, the expansion of the Aurora Corps in North America has entered a bottleneck or even retrogression. The Boise incident perfectly demonstrated the influence of the Legion in North America, but also directly exposed the problem, triggering a strong rebound of the senior members of the Iron Brotherhood.

Back at the hotel where he stayed, Xiao Yi, a companion, reported to Zhou Qingfeng the current situation. "Our trade volume with North America last month exceeded one trillion Aurora.

Of these, 80% were free trade with the Brotherhood of Steel, and 20% were secret trades with the Enclave. "

Zhou Qingfeng has been continuously conducting foreign trade since the establishment of the Aurora Corps. He towed hundreds of cargo ships of more than 10,000 tons from North America before the nuclear bomb washes. These ships have been rusted in the port for two years, and now they can be repaired and re-used.

"Due to the large volume of freight, our cargo ships are currently too busy. Ship repair yards in several ports have indicated that they lack skilled workers, and the maritime department has just been set up, and there have been many accidents during the rush." ​​Xiao Yi said.

The huge amount of cargo transactions requires a huge logistics system to support it. Obviously, the Legion is currently stumbling when building this system. The main reason is the lack of competent technical and managerial personnel, and talent in this area is everywhere.

"The goods we purchase from North America are currently arriving in Hong Kong. These things need to be waiting for you to go back for transshipment, otherwise the ship can only float on the sea." Xiao Yi said with sigh on this topic.

100,000 tons of oil tankers, ore carriers, bulk carriers have arrived in Mexico with loads. These huge ships are packed with cargoes of oil, ore, wood, etc., in huge quantities.

Because Zhou Qingfeng's trade with North America is essentially 'barter trade', and no other buyers can be found in North America, the prices of various raw materials he has obtained are very cheap. For example, a barrel of oil shipped to the real world is less than ten dollars, which is still the price of freight.

Zhou Qingfeng has agreed with the real-world flower growers that all products will be sold at a 50% markup. He can make a profit just by changing hands, the key is that he has not paid taxes. Because this is a lightless deal.

However, these cargoes must be transshipped by Zhou Qingfeng himself, so currently dozens of freighters are parked at ports along the coast of Mexico and are running out of air.

Compared to the raw materials bought, the goods sold by the Legion are also calculated in millions of tons. When it comes to selling things, Xiao Yi said with a light tone and a smile, "We sold one billion pieces of shirts alone. This quantity of orders has directly driven the real-world coastal companies crazy."

In the industrial history of the world's major powers, the easiest to engage in is the textile industry. At that time, it was not a joke for the British to engage in 'sheep eating people', but the first development of rabbits on the southeast coast of the country was the large and small garment factories.

You can easily complete the order in terms of '100 million', and this can only be achieved by 'World Factory'. Sufficient supply of goods allows Zhou Qingfeng to open up all kinds of textiles for sale abroad. In Mexico alone, there are 20 to 30 million consumer markets that need to wear clothes and hats.

In addition, Zhou Qingfeng's tentacles are not only extended to North America, South America, Africa or even Europe. This kind of sole food business gives buyers no choice but to buy from the Aurora Corps.

"At present, we have achieved zero inventory, and all the goods you transferred before have been sold. From the current feedback from various markets, we can increase the sales volume to the level of 10 million tons.

We have achieved such results in one month from scratch, and our various departments have already performed well. I think the transport volume must reach the level of 100 million tons within six months. Unfortunately, we do not have so many ships to carry cargo, and even the crew is not enough. "

For the news of the good news, Zhou Qingfeng sat on the sofa indifferent. Xiao Yi leaned next to him after finishing this month's summary economic report and asked, "What are you thinking about? Unhappy."

"Brotherhood." Zhou Qingfeng looked indifferent in front of Rachel, but when he was alone, he still had to think about how to deal with the current situation.

Speaking of the Brotherhood, Xiao Yi opened another report in his hand and whispered, "After all, the Brotherhood of Steel is a sovereign entity. What's more, our initial condition is that they are much stronger than us.

Some things can't be too demanding, let's go back to Mexico and develop slowly. In ten or twenty years, America will be your world. "

Since the implementation of 'Free Trade' for a month, the goods of the Aurora Corps have gained huge profits through dumping. But there are also unhappy things, such as the Aurora Bank's grant of hundreds of millions of Aurora coins to support loans to increase North American agricultural products and ore production. but…….

This huge piece of fat was followed by a bunch of officials from the Brotherhood of Steel. They stated that in order to implement financial control, loans must be managed by the financial institutions of the Brotherhood. To put it plainly, they wanted to intervene to make a difference.

This incident alone made Zhou Qingfeng very uncomfortable. The 'Aurora Loan' was an important tool he used for peaceful evolution. It didn't take a few days for the opponent to mess up. The reason for his opponent is very good, which makes him nowhere to fire.

Mastering the economy means mastering the lifeblood of the opponent.

In contrast, the president of the Freemasonry is a trivial matter to eliminate the influence of the Aurora Corps among North American workers. As for disarming workers, banning guns, and implementing policies such as news control, it has nothing to do with Zhou Qingfeng.

For these troubles ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhou Qingfeng can do nothing. From the perspective of the Brotherhood of Steel, limiting the wanton expansion of foreign capital is a matter of course, and he can only admit it. But if he wanted to return to Mexico, he was unwilling.

In deep thought, Marco Shi, who is responsible for security work, knocked on the door and reported: "Sir, Wen Tianyu has been released. He came to ask you to see me."

"Let him in." Zhou Qingfeng said.

Wen Tianyu, who walked into the living room of Zhou Qingfeng's suite, was very embarrassed. Although he was neatly dressed, his expression was unnatural. He was unlucky this time, and he was arrested by the Freemasonry for a long time as a hero, and he was detained for an unnecessary charge and locked up.

"I'm sorry, Chief of the Corps. I messed things up." Wen Tianyu bowed his head and thought, very unhappy. If Zhou Qingfeng hadn't personally come to rescue this time, the Masonic Society might have killed a chicken and a monkey and shot him.

Regarding this confession, Zhou Qingfeng just waved his hand with a smile, "You saved a city, became a great hero, and enhanced the image of the army. What's messed up? Masonic will sooner or later gather power. We do n’t have this. Any way. "

After hearing the words of his boss, Wen Tianyu smiled at the corner of his mouth, and he felt much better. At least these days, the prison did not squat in vain. He immediately stated that he was in good physical condition, and he wanted to be ashamed.

Zhou Qingfeng ‘um um’ twice, pacing back and forth. After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly said, "Go and investigate the strength of the Freemasonry, especially the navy side. I want to know what are the large warships of Freemasonry, such as the carrier fleet, and where do they dock? "

Ah ..., investigating military power, focusing on the navy?

Wen Tianyu was somewhat inexplicable. The Legion is not enough to fight the Brotherhood of Steel by force, but it is necessary to do some preliminary investigation. Although this task was not happy enough, he still stood up and saluted, saying that he was determined to complete it.

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