Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1729: Exploded

When Rachel was hijacked by a gunman, the Masonic police who overtook realized that it was in serious trouble. And when they rushed to the front, it was even more bitter. The looks and clothes of the abducted women were at the highest level, and they were extraordinary characters at first glance.

Such people's hair loss is a big event. In case of death, the police can buy themselves ashes.

Rachel's bodyguards chased after the first moment, but also endlessly. The wife and mother didn't get on the bus when she came out of the church. She eagerly chose to walk alone on the street and dropped the bodyguard in a few steps.

When Zhou Qingfeng chased out of the church, the bodyguards did not dare to approach. Because Uncle Zhou's mutant guard was right behind him, he arrogantly occupied the bodyguards. When the hijacking happens, everything is too late.

The scene changed dramatically in a few seconds, and Rachel was strangled by a scream. Dozens of sweaty policemen split into several layers and surrounded the gangsters with a loud voice to stop the gangsters from laying down their weapons. The outer bodyguards were frightened, and shouted that everyone would put down their weapons, and there was something to discuss.

Only Zhou Qingfeng slowly walked through the gaps between the policemen with a steady pace, calmly and boldly, with a calm and bold attitude, and walked in front of the gunman.

Zhou Qingfeng's appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention. The panicked policeman didn't know who this person was, the horrified Rachel opened his mouth slightly, and the gunman recognized the culprit that caused him to be arrested in excitement.

"It's you, it's the police you called." The man with the gun was tall and big, and when he saw Zhou Qingfeng, his lungs really exploded. He yelled in disgust: "I told you my views, and the police wanted to arrest me for" spreading illegal speech "within ten minutes. It must be you."

Zhou Qingfeng was still thinking how to pretend to be forced, and he was greatly demoralized by the explosive rebuke of the gunman. Rachel was scared of incontinence by the muzzle on her head. When she heard this, she couldn't help distracted and looked at Zhou Qingfeng.

That means ‘did you kill me for being hijacked? ’

With an angry look and a confused look, Zhou Qingfeng was forgotten by the two people in front of him, and he forgot the lines he had just thought of-neither of you followed the script.

"Huh." Zhou Qingfeng gave a cough and calmed down. "This, brother, let this lady go. If you need hostages, I can replace her. You don't need to embarrass a weak woman, Let me keep you safe. "

See how great I am, how calm I am, and how brave I am, how can a girl's heart not be in love? How can I not be touched by the mess, tears can't stop, and I can't help but let my body meet?

Anyway, Zhou Qingfeng is not afraid to be shot with a muzzle at a close distance. He has done a good job of being rejected by a gunman, and he has done a good job of allowing the gunman to hijack him, and has done a good job behind him. The police and bodyguards yelled for him not to take personal risks.

I'm prepared for all situations. I don't capture beauty's heart. Who else is qualified to capture it?

The man with the gun heard that he really cursed Zhou Qingfeng away, but before he spoke, Rachel said coldly, "Victor, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Afraid, of course." Zhou Qingfeng also wanted to tell how scared he was, but he still had the responsibility and obligation to ensure the safety of a woman-how noble sentiment is set against fear.

However, the sage, the opposite, is obviously also a person who does not play cards according to common sense.

"Victor, is this what you arranged?" The wife and mother were still scared to cry at gunpoint, but when Zhou Qingfeng pretended to come out, she felt that she didn't have to be afraid. She straightened up again, her original flinching form disappeared, and her face was completely free of panic.

Alas, Rachel, why do you think so? Without this, you are really hijacked! You should be scared with tears.

But instead of being scared at this moment, the wife and mother instead shouted to the two women in the Franklin family who were hiding in the distance to watch a show: "Come on, let's see how this boy arranges all this? He will most likely set a deceit. People, he puts himself in the best position every time, this big liar. "

The two women from the Franklin family did not come, but they apparently entered the theater mode, stepping on their toes and looking towards Zhou Qingfeng. They were curious that the bodyguard Ladu could not leave.

Zhou Qingfeng was surprised, he didn't understand how a woman's brain circuit could be so clear? The most stunned man was the gunman, who stared at Rachel and exclaimed, "Please respect me, okay? I'm trying to take hostages."

Yeah, the gunman took the hostage. Hostage, how are you You can't be afraid of anything like this, and it's hard for the gangsters to do it.

But Rachel wasn't afraid. She turned her head scornfully and looked at the man with the gun. "How much does this kid give you?"

"Money? I gave a hundred dollars." The man with the gun refers to the tip given by Zhou Qingfeng when chatting.

Hahaha, Rachel turned his head to Zhou Qingfeng again with a mocking laughter, "Victor, you are stingy. You can only give you one hundred yuan for such a dangerous job. One hundred yuan will buy you a life. You are too stingy Now. "

How did the plot develop in this direction?

Zhou Qingfeng didn't understand. He whispered to Rachel: "This guy was not arranged by me, he has a real gun. Rachel, don't irritate him."

"Yeah, I have a real gun in your hand. You all listen to me, stay away from me. I will really kill people." The gunman also vomited blood. He was the focus of the whole incident, but now how can everyone start to ignore him?

The police, who were so nervous that they were scared to death, began to relax, and the bodyguards who were scared of soft legs were relieved. The Franklin women who had watched the drama from a distance came closer. Urban scene dog blood drama. Saint director, produced by the Virgin.

Rachel mocked Zhou Qingfeng and said to the gunman: "You said you were a real gun, and the boy said he was not afraid of death. Well, I'll give you two hundred dollars, and you shoot at that boy. You are not Say he attracted the police to arrest you? Do n’t you hate him? Do n’t you want revenge? Shoot him. ”

This is really a good offer.

The man with a gun seemed to be awakened in a dream. He looked at Zhou Qingfeng again, and suddenly felt that it was best to solve this guy who had suffered him now. He immediately turned his muzzle to Zhou Qingfeng and pulled the trigger.

Bang ~ www.readwn.com ~ Gun smoke was emitted from the muzzle, and the bullets flew out of Zhou Qingfeng's forehead. But when the warhead was close to Zhou Qingfeng, Zhou Qingfeng's head slightly deflected in 0.1 second. The bullet swept across, hitting the wall of a building behind him, and hitting a police officer's thigh after rebounding.

Alas, the policeman who was shot fell down holding his thigh, and blood leaped from his fingers, screaming constantly.

Real gun, real bullet!

The atmosphere at the scene became extremely tense again. The big gunman missed a shot and pulled the trigger again, still aiming at Zhou Qingfeng's head, but still missed. He had to pull the trigger one shot at a time until all six rounds had been fired. But Zhou Qingfeng just missed his head a few times.

With each shot, the bullet bounced off the back wall. With each bounce, a police officer was shot, either in the **** or thigh. After six rounds, six screaming policemen fell on the ground.

After the bombhole was emptied, the gunman looked at Zhou Qingfeng just like watching the possession of the Holy Spirit. He threw the bulletless pistol on the ground and raised his hands-what can he do other than surrender in such a case?

The police rushed and the gunman was overwhelmed with the old punch. Rachel's bodyguards hurried forward to surround her, staring to the left and right. Two women from the Franklin family trot over, patting their chests to marvel at the thrilling scene.

But Rachel, she looked at the screaming police on the ground and said scornfully to Zhou Qingfeng again: "I should have thought that the police were also cooperating with you in acting and tricking me with some red potion, right? You are really bad. "

The wife and mother dropped a series of smirks and strode away under the protection of the bodyguard.


What can Zhou Qingfeng say? He looked at the back of his wife and mother and had nothing to say.

This is really a hero who failed to save the beauty!

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