Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1731: I have a bold idea

News headlines.

‘The saints influence the wicked, and the miracles reappear on earth. ’

Freemasonry is backed by Canada. In addition to its good infrastructure and the Aurora Corps to provide equipment, media such as television stations and newspapers have begun to spread and distribute in a small area.

Zhou Qingfeng was having a headache about how to steal an aircraft carrier. Leng Buding saw that there was a big news on TV. Still related to him.

The coffee shop waiter who had been bleeding in the past two days went on TV. After his arrest, he was strictly investigated. The tall man would be weak like a kitten.

On the TV screen, the unlucky man is crying to the camera and complaining about his ups and downs in the past two days.

"I'm guilty, I confess my mistakes, and I'm ashamed of doubting the Lord's thoughts. I actually vilified the government. I didn't appreciate the hard work of the Freemason leaders, Enze Millions of people, and I sinisterly discredited the great Saint Victor .The image of His Excellency Hugo. I am really too mean. "

Is this going on?

When Zhou Qingfeng saw this scene, the whole person was bad.

Next, the TV host told an amazing and magical story in an excitement and devotion. Uncle Zhou's pretense of failing was changed by the media, and he wrapped it up and put it out to deceive.

In order to summon a lamb that went astray, the respectable maiden Rachel Conner made the bait in person, and the great and bright saint Victor Hugo took the initiative. They joined forces to demonstrate the existence of the Lord. How sacrifice they are, how admirable they are.

"Well ... what are these people talking nonsense?" Zhou Qingfeng never expected, "This is obviously a shame, isn't it?"

The TV host tells a legend that can sing and cry in vivid sentences. When the mob slayed the virgin, Saint Victor Hugo stood at the muzzle and demanded that he be shot. He said, ‘He ’s not killed, he ’s the Lord ’s counsel. ’

"Nonsense, who said that killing Lao Tzu wasn't worth his life? It was Rachel who said that he was shooting. The young lady wanted to expose the so-called scam. Lao Tzu had the opportunity to 'shoot' her." Zhou Qingfeng pointed at the TV screen. Said.

The TV host said in an astonishing tone: "Ignorant thugs really shot and he aimed at the Lord Saint's head. At that time, the distance between the two was only three meters, but the Lord's miracle happened."

As the screen turned, the crying suspect said to the camera, "It's really incredible, but I swear I aimed. I did aim the saint's head. I had an extreme urge to hate, and I thought Break his head. "

Next, the news section group also made a test. The suspect held his revolver again, six rounds of bullets entered, and shot continuously at a target about three meters away. The gun hits the bullseye.

The suspect also exclaimed, "I'm a good shooter, and I can't shoot my nose at the eye at such a close distance. I was pretty sure I wouldn't miss, but the bullets I fired refused to execute my order. They bypassed The saint's head hit others after reflection. "

This is the will of the Lord!

The column team went to interview several policemen who were still in the hospital. The unfortunate policeman lay on the hospital bed and shouted to the camera, "The situation was extremely crisis, and even death was inevitable. However, the bullet refused to attack the Lord Saint. They hit our **** and thighs.

We are glad to have suffered Victor Hugo on behalf of Victor Hugo, which is the glory the Lord has given us. All of our warheads were removed during the shot. This is a lucky warhead, a spiritual warhead. We decided to treat it as a heirloom, and only future generations can inherit it. "

Neuropathy, Zhou Qingfeng is already rolling his eyes at the TV screen ... "What are these **** thinking? That's ordinary warheads, but they're just unlucky."

And the policeman who was not shot at the scene also stood up and sighed: "We all hate ourselves for not getting closer to the Lord Saint, how we hope to be shot. We ca n’t miss this sacred opportunity next time .

If God can give us another chance, we must recommend that the suspect change to a 'Glock 17'. If we can ask a little bit more, we hope that everyone will get a Holy Spirit warhead. "

The confession of the suspect, the sigh of the police, and the flicker of the host, this matter is a sensation in Seattle-in order to redeem a humble and unbelieving person, the saints and virgins have shown signs. What a great sentiment.

Zhou Qingfeng rolled his eyes at this, and scolded in his heart: I have a ghost sentiment, I just want to be a girl. Finally failed.

Don't think about it, it must be the Mormon Church behind it. The priest of the church appeared at the end of the show, saying that God had forgiven the suspect by the hand of Saint Victor Hugo. However, the suspect was guilty of guilt, and he voluntarily requested to serve his sentence in prison.

Uncle Zhou didn't get one thing done and caused another trouble. Thousands of Seattle citizens ran to the hotel where he was staying that day, hoping to see His Excellency Saints firsthand-a lot of people under the building shouted the name of "Victor Hugo" and held it up. Various 'I love you' signs.

The Mormon Church has said that it will host a grand Mass party, and also asked Zhou Qingfeng to personally chair it. Uncle Zhou, who was irritating, flatly refused, "When did the Mormons start to play Mass?"

The priest of the other church said in a word, "We are also absorbing the advantages of other denominations to reform. We have played a lot of mass magic like Mass. This time it will definitely have a sensational effect. "

"You are just a bunch of **** sticks." Zhou Qingfeng said that he was lazy and didn't engage in mass. He just wanted an aircraft carrier.

Please don't show Zhou Qingfeng, the gods said to them, ‘Saint Victor. Hugo is too tired to show miracles, and the mass will be hosted by His Holiness. ’

The maiden is OK ... Anyway, it's all flickering ~ www.readwn.com ~ Who isn't flickering? The image of the Virgin is better.

Zhou Qingfeng himself did not know, because he was too bored to discuss in the church and went out, because he went out to meet the waiter at the coffee shop, because he casually reported a hijack, because a hijack was exchanged for a miracle. As a result, the miracle attracted the attention of tens of thousands of people after brewing.

The last days are so boring that even religious activities can attract a group of people to participate. Not to mention there are still many gimmicks in this event, especially the miracles that Uncle Zhou influences-whether it is true or not, a trivial matter has been blown into the sky after adding branches and leaves.

The Mormon Church has an addictive passion for missionary matters, and they want the entire Seattle people to pay attention to it. They propagated everywhere, pulled sheep everywhere, encouraged everywhere, and Rachel ran around with the priest like a marionette.

There were reports on TV, rebroadcasts on the radio, and comments on the newspaper. Zhou Qingfeng's casual information was related to this miracle mass. It was annoying that this mass was not open for a day or two. The gods of the church rarely showed their faces, and they decided to rejoice for a week.

When the consciousness of the group was agitated, when more and more people were involved, and when the situation of muddy water touching fish suddenly appeared, Zhou Qingfeng suddenly found his wife and mother, "Rachel, I have a bold idea."

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