Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 175: big sale

"My name is Rooney. This is my sister. This is my mother. What do you think of them? As long as you can, you can be happy with them." The butcher led into a large tent on the black market.

This large tent is a big brothel, separated by cardboard into small rooms, where women who have nowhere to sell sell themselves for food.

Seeing the so-called "good goods" are two women with embarrassed faces, the butcher smiled unscrupulously behind Zhou Qingfeng, "Victor, do you want to be happy with these two women?"

Wayne Rooney's sister and mother looked unkempt and didn't take care of themselves for days. Their original looks did not dare to compliment, and the flesh business could not be better. In particular, seeing that Zhou Qingfeng and the butcher are not good, they are even more nervous.

"Little guy, is this your family?"


"Great, if you dare to play with me, I will kill your mother and sister."

"Ah ... please don't do this. I apologize to you, I was forced before." The little man hurried.

"Enough, shut up." After Zhou Qingfeng frightened the child, he found a can of Spam meat from his backpack, cut it with a saber, and handed it to Rooney, saying, "Taste it."

The US military cans are oily and greasy. Asians are not used to eating, but they are just right for Europeans and Americans. For Rooney who can't eat fruit, a can of oily meat can be hard to refuse, even if this can can be his grandpa.

Rooney looked at the canned food, and then at his mother and sister. He first handed the cans to his mother, then the family of three began to share the long-lost food with fear and anxiety.

Watching a family of three eating quietly, and humbling each other. The butcher whispered after Zhou Qingfeng: "Nice family, your kid is very savvy."

A box of cans was quickly eaten, and no drop of oil was left. I licked it clean. Little Rooney wiped his face with his sleeve and went to Zhou Qingfeng and asked, "Sir, as long as you can give me a can every day, I can do anything for you. But if I mess something up, please punish me and don't hurt My mom and sister. "

Zhou Qingfeng found another can from his backpack, shook it in his hand, and said, "I want you to help me sell this can. I need weapons, fresh food, and the captain and sailor who will sail. Engineers, fuel, can be changed with this can. "

Selling a large number of canned food on the enemy's site was simply death, Zhou Qingfeng didn't have the courage. He would rather be inefficient and find an agent.

"You have a lot of these cans, right?"


"Can I find someone else to help?"

"Who are the others?"

"Just my friend."

"I need someone who is reliable. If it's not reliable, it's not me, but you and your family who are unlucky first."

"My friends are all helpless children. No one cares about us. Adults are bullying us, so we are united. We know all the secrets in the black market, and we are reliable."

Zhou Qingfeng decided to try, and soon Rooney called for seven or eight children. These young children are only six or seven years old, and fourteen or five years old. They all look extremely clever, and those who are not clever will not survive. After eating a box of canned meat again, all the children nodded and agreed to help Zhou Qingfeng work.

So the distribution competition officially started. Zhou Qingfeng took these little farts to the beach outside the black market, and at first let them take away a few boxes of canned meat and exchange them for bullets. After gaining basic trust, let them slowly take more cans.

Zhou Qingfeng only stipulated a basic exchange price. Whether he can get more things depends on his own ability. When he was very pleased, these children quickly learned to unite to control the market and to lower prices to black market merchants.

All kinds of fraud and looting are indispensable, but Zhou Qingfeng backed up. After a few more people died at night, the entire Kennedy Airport knew that a food supplier had come from the black market and hired a group of children to sell it decades ago Spam meat is canned and available in large quantities.

"Sir, we need four m2hb plus 100,000 bullets."

"Sir, this price is not suitable. I cannot explain to my boss."

"We need twenty 'Javelin' anti-tank missiles. Be careful not to fool us with earlier models."

"Are there any diesel for ships? No! Think of a way. Really not? Well then, give us half a million rounds of two or two bullets."

"You said our cans are too old? Then you can not eat them! If you want to reduce the price, this is absolutely not allowed."

Every day, Zhou Qingfeng hired a tugboat to take the tens of thousands of boxes of Spam cans to the airport black market. On the same day, he replaced these cans with all the supplies he needed. At first he replaced the weapon, and soon he started buying some refined flour and fresh meat.

Within two days, the children working for Zhou Qingfeng had changed from seven or eight to hundreds. And the cans he sells to the Skull and Bones every day from the first few tons to dozens of tons, such a huge number has shocked many black market businessmen.

You should know that the skulls will occupy a large area in New York and control a large population. Every day, a lot of fire fighting will occur in order to eat one bite. Even if the senior members of the Skull and Bones Society are criminals in the prison, when they become rulers, they are upset by the current situation. It is a big problem to clean up the street corpses every day.

Zhou Qingfeng became a pivotal food supplier in a few days. Although he bought a lot of arms, the canned meat he left behind will become more and more important to the skeleton.

Whenever the group of children under Zhou Qingfeng carried rifles and pushed cans full of trailers into the black market ~ www.readwn.com ~ the entire black market merchants would come over and exchange all kinds of materials in their hands for cans.

In the same way, Zhou Qingfeng also used these children to collect information about the Skull and Bones, especially Fernando Resno. Because he hasn't got enough fuel so far, this is simply not enough to support his escape plan.

Until one day, Little Rooney notified Zhou Qingfeng of a message saying that a mysterious black market businessman wanted to see him, "Sir, I released your news of buying fuel and ships, but the conditions offered by many people were beyond control. Accept. Until yesterday someone came to me and said it could meet your needs. "

"That guy has bunker fuel? I don't want a few tons or dozens of tons. I need at least a hundred tons." Zhou Qingfeng, however, had to sail a long way, so he had to break down halfway.

"No, the man said he had no fuel, but he had a boat, a big boat."

"What's the use of a boat alone, can I sail the boat to the bottom without fuel?"

"But he said that his ship was nuclear powered."

"What ?!" (To be continued.)

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