Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 1736: Prepare

The preparations for mass at sea took only two or three days and were extremely efficient. Zhou Qingfeng's unquestionable thing was done by his opponent-four aircraft carriers that should have been well protected were towed out and stopped side by side in Elliott Bay in downtown Seattle.

Four 100,000-ton heavy-duty fleet carriers are lined up together, and the tugboat reduces the distance between them to a dozen meters, and is connected by a suspended ropeway. Their flat-deck hulls are tens of meters away from the sea surface, as if a city emerged out of the bay from a void, looking at the towering mountains.

The venue on the deck has not been completely arranged, and the entire Seattle public has already made a sensation for this. Countless people ran out of their homes and crowded the road around Elliott Bay to watch this wonder. The dense crowd blocked the Bay Area

Countless people are screaming in excitement. They are looking forward to boarding the aircraft carrier to participate in the maritime masses that are hard to see in the world, and they are cheering for the Freemasonry having these four maritime giants.

A group, an organization, and a regime all need cohesion. Without cohesion, it is a piece of sand. And common pride is the one that most evokes a sense of identity.

"It does look good." President Franklin stood tall on a building near the Bay Area, commenting lightly. He looked down at the four steel giants through the window, and in his heart he was proud of the Masonic rule that he ruled and the super strength of the organization.

His Excellency the President was originally unwilling to move these four housekeeping treasures, especially the cases of the disappearance of the 'supply' class supply ship in the past few days have no clue. The Navy Department and the Marine Police are still scorched. He doesn't want to be troublesome.

But President Rutherford's words behind the president provoked his sensitive nerves. "We need to convince the public that we are strong enough, we need to give our supporters confidence, and we need to make the enemy fear us. Nothing like this Something invisible will leave us. "

In the last days, life is worse than a dog. The bumpy life makes everyone feel insecure. Every government is fighting for people's hearts, and only by uniting them can development be possible-of course, a guy like Zhou Qingfeng who does not lack supplies will feel too much of an alien population is a problem.

His Excellency the Vice-Chairman was sitting behind the President in a wheelchair at the moment. He smiled and looked kindly and kindly, and could not see anything unusual. He is highly respected in the Freemasonry and has a lot of power.

On the other side of President Franklin is Zhou Qingfeng. In order to handle this grand mass, Uncle Zhou specially dedicated people to transport a large number of celebration items.

Such as lighting and sound equipment, separate generators, cables and power supply facilities. These things allow the mass party to be held normally. As for other food and drink, as well as decorations and fireworks, everything is pediatrics.

Zhou Qingfeng turned to Vice President Rutherford. His investigation of the old man lasted for two days, but nothing was found except through a few public channels to inquire about it-it was like a Chinese person casually The vice president who went to the United States to investigate.

Look up a ghost!

It is impossible to connect with others.

Sensing Zhou Qingfeng's gaze, Vice President Rutherford also turned his head and smiled, "Head of the Hugo Army, thank you very much for sponsoring this mass event. Looking at the tens of thousands of citizens in the Bay Area, I believe their gratitude Some of it is dedicated to you. "

Hehe ..., really speaks.

"I'm very honored." Zhou Qingfeng smiled, too, and he would really like to knock open the other person's head to see what conspiracy is in it.

In the past two days, Zhou Qingfeng's men boarded four aircraft carriers for the reason of setting up the Mass venue. Wen Tianyu except for lamenting the carrier's oversized deck and complex cabin, he found nothing.

Zhou Qingfeng sent Marco Shi's mutants, Sister Irene and Ellie, and even 'dog meat' to investigate. No matter how you searched the aircraft carrier, no matter how you looked at the staff on the aircraft carrier, you found nothing.

Zhou Qingfeng wanted to find a suitable opportunity to remove all four giant ships next to each other. What he wanted was not a pile of scrap iron. Naturally, he was worried that someone would destroy the mass party.

And from the previous judgment, it can be basically concluded that the secret opponent cannot plan to steal or occupy the aircraft carrier like Zhou Qingfeng, the biggest possibility is destruction.

If it is destruction, explosives must be used. Various dangerous ammunition and fuel on the aircraft carrier have been removed, fighters have been moved to land, and the reactor has stopped working. So where is the explosive?

There are a lot of materials on board the aircraft carrier, but Freemasonry is more worried than Zhou Qingfeng that someone will take advantage of this opportunity to cause damage. They implemented strict security measures and barred anyone from entering the aircraft carrier after completing the cabin inspection. All the masses are on the deck and can be seen at a glance.

"Strange, what's the old man's idea, Rutherford? The Mass Party will be held tonight, and he will be too late if he doesn't set it up." Zhou Qingfeng nodded to the vice president, but couldn't figure out what the other party wanted to do. I misunderstood him, is everything just a coincidence? "

Without intelligence support, Zhou Qingfeng was unable to make a judgment. At present, the entire Elliott Bay has air security and sea surveillance. Maritime police ships are patrolling everywhere. It is not easy to launch an attack. In this case, his suspicion shook a little.

"Look ... how powerful our Freemasonry is!" When a Freemasonry logo made of flowers appeared on the aircraft carrier's main venue, President Franklin couldn't help but sigh.

"We have four aircraft carriers, and any one can cross the ocean. Behind the aircraft carriers, we have a fairly complete military logistics maintenance system, such as the Puget Naval Shipyard, which is the only six large shipyards in the United States. one."

When President Franklin was in a good mood, he desperately boasted in front of Zhou Qingfeng, and he was really qualified to boast about it.

Because Seattle itself is an important industrial base in the United States. Although it was not bombed when the nuclear bomb washes the ground, it still has considerable industrial potential in the ruins of the city.

Freemasonry-controlled Washington State and the territory of North America and Canada have quite good high-tech manufacturing industries. They have a large inventory of aircraft, ships, avionics, and precision instruments.

As long as there is a variety of people's livelihood commodities provided by the Aurora Corps to rebuild the social order, it is not impossible to redevelop these industries.

The current sensation caused by the aircraft carrier made President Franklin make a great deal of determination ~ www.readwn.com ~ He said on the spot: "Our next task is to restore the combat effectiveness of an aircraft carrier and to cultivate a strong maritime force This will affect the next fate of our Freemasonry. "

Papapa ..., the powerful words applauded a group of people around the leader, and even Vice President Rutherford was praising his boss's foresight. Zhou Qingfeng also expressed his appreciation and admiration, but she was really depressed.

Rachel, who will be the host of the Mass at Sea, remained quiet throughout the scene. She is the only woman in the group of people at the scene, and has been watching the subtle changes of the men with great palms.

The wife and mother noticed the joy of President Franklin, the low-key of Vice President Rutherford, and the calmness and sullenness of Victor Hugo.

Eventually Rachel settled and whispered as she approached Zhou Qingfeng, "Victor, when did you start working with your enemies?"

"What?" Zhou Qingfeng's neck was tickled by Rachel's breathing, and what made him tickle was something in Rachel's words.

But Rachel smiled sweetly, looking away, just not saying.

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