Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 178: Damn Spam

New York, Queens, John Fitzgerald Kennedy International Airport, Terminal 7.

This terminal was built more than thirty years ago, but it has been refurbished in recent years and still luxurious. The terminal has a wide space and complete ancillary facilities. It has become the official residence and command center of Fernando Resno, one of the five leaders of the Skull and Bones.

In the VIP lounge in the terminal, Fernando Resno is listening to Richard's report on the operation. Unlike several other leaders of the Skull and Skeleton Society who are rash, the Brazilian comes from a rich family and always considers himself elegant. He is only fighting to prove that he is different.

"You mean, there's a guy named Victor Hugo who intervened in your actions and caused your failure, right?" Fernando was sitting on the leather sofa, shaking the wine by his hand, his mouth smirking. Seeing Richard want to open his mouth, he shook his head slightly and said, "No, no, don't explain. I don't want to hear any explanation. I just want the old man, Alan Derek.

I need him to deactivate the Aurora's security defense system, activate the central intelligence on board, and tell me how to get the two nuclear reactors on board to work properly. Of course, the two nuclear reactors are indeed working now, but without Ellen Derek, I'm always not assured. "

Fernando Resno is very satisfied, very satisfied, extremely satisfied. Satisfied and satisfied, but he could not gain control of the ship because of the height] √ long] √ wind] √ text] √ learn, ww ↓ w.cf → wx.n≯et the intelligent control center was closed .

Only the captain and chief mate have the authority to restart the control center. Now the captain has disappeared, and the chief mate Alan Derek has become the key. Without Alan Derek, the value of the Aurora would be greatly reduced.

"Richard, I trust you very much. I also know that you are working very hard for me, so I will not treat you badly. And I have nothing else in my hand, all kinds of living supplies, go and have a good meal Let's continue working. "Fernando Resno waved his hand and signaled that Richard could go." I hope to see you next time and hear your good news. "

The whole work report was basically a performance by Fernando Resno, and Richard could not insert a word, only feeling extremely depressed. He ran to the terminal's restaurant alone, and the chef prepared him something to ‘eat a good meal’.

"Uh ... what's this?" Richard looked at the pink pieces of meat in his plate, feeling ..., and said nothing. He was obviously hungry, but he had a rejection of the food in front of him.

The chef said coldly, "Sparm."

"Spam luncheon meat?"


"Damn it. I hate luncheon meat." Richard picked up a fork and ate a small piece, which was very greasy. If it was before the cataclysm, I was afraid that the poorest tramp would not eat this thing. But now the senior detectives in the Dignified Skeleton Society Intelligence Department ate this.

"Mr. Richard, don't you eat the rest?" A man from the operations department gathered together to look at Richard's remaining pieces of meat.

"You eat." Richard felt himself full.

In less than half a minute, his subordinates ate the rest of Spam, with an expression of unsatisfactory expression. Richard asked, "Do you think it's delicious?"

"I haven't eaten meat for a week, and it feels delicious." He wiped the oil on his mouth and laughed cheerfully: "Some people have recently been transporting a large amount of Spam lunch meat from the sea to the black market. Mr. Resno bought all these cans and distributed them to his soldiers as quartermasters. "

"A lot? If there isn't anyone going to grab it?"

"Because it wasn't shipped in one go, and the canned people were very careful, they also recruited some children from the black market to transport and trade for him, and they couldn't grab much. And because these cans solved a large part of the quartermaster problem, Mr. Resno has ordered that the deal continue. "

Luncheon meat is also considered a normal consumer food. Some people like it but some don't. The news was a gossip after a meal, which should have been heard and forgotten, but just as Richard was about to leave, a crippled big man came to him and sat down with a sigh.

"Chef, give me a lunch." The lame man greeted him, and he looked at Richard with a smile, and reached out, "Hi ... Richard, my name is Guzman, and from now on we will It's a partner. "

Richard looked stunned. "What partner do you say?"

"Mr. Resno said you're having some trouble. A kid named Victor Hugo has a headache, so he sent me to help." Guzman grinned, "I'll be happy to help you . "

Richard's face collapsed again, "You are the Guzman who tried to assassinate Mr. Resno and found that nothing could be done right away?"

"Ah, yes." Guzman was thick-skinned, paying no attention to the ridicule in Richard's words, "Trust me, I know Victor Hugo very well. I can help you catch that abomination Kid, chop his head, cut off his limbs, cut open his belly, and let him go to hell. "

Guzman gestured with his hands and feet, and said very vigorously. But when the chef sent a copy of Spam, he turned around and cried, "Why is it Spam again? I have been here for three days, breakfast Spam, Chinese food Spam, and dinner Spam. Is there nothing else? "

"What I sell in the black market, I'll do what you do here. Don't ask too much." The chef didn't care about Guzman's complaining, a bad attitude of "eat as much as you want, but don't eat and pull down"

"Hell." Guzman couldn't help it. He looked at the pink piece of meat and had a kind of pain and helplessness to see God. But even so, he could only endure nausea.

Spam didn't taste bad at the beginning, and the taste and texture were okay. But if this greasy and greasy thing is eaten every day, it can drive people crazy.

Looking at Guzman frowning, his canned Seth Palm in his mouth pained, Richard was upset for the other. He asked on the side: "What is Victor Hugo's situation in the Brotherhood of Steel? I want to know some details."

"What else? Being a mercenary like me was sent to assassinate Mr. Resno. But it wasn't clear to me how that kid would rescue Ellen Derek. I only knew that kid was a ghost You must be careful to embankment him, maybe at some point you will suffer a great loss. "

Guzman said as he ate, and complained of Spam's disgusting taste with an extremely resentful expression. "Who the **** did Spam do? I hate this person, and he ruined my last thing about food This is simply forcing me to eat dog * shit. I hate him, hate him, hate him! "

"This seems to have been delivered by Victor Hugo." The action team member said weakly.

"What?" Guzman and Richard exclaimed ~ www.readwn.com ~ both felt that something terribly bad had happened.

The man in the action team was frightened by the scream, and his tone was lowered by three points again, saying: "This is an open secret, but everyone is unspoken. Now people on the black market know that these cans are Victor. Sent here. "

"Will that guy poison the cans?" Richard turned pale, and he thought of conspiracy the first time.

Everyone looked at the chef who cooks Spam, but the chef smirked his neck and sneered, "Who would poison poison in cans nearly a hundred years ago? The age of this thing can be my grandfather."

"Nearly a hundred years ago?" Richard and Guzman were even more surprised.

An empty Spam tin box was thrown out. After seeing the vintage label above, Richard and Guzman both felt like they were going to cry. What they ate was actually canned American troops during World War II. This thing has made US soldiers frightened!

Guzman was in a daze, then a bun, and finally went crazy. He yelled loudly: "The **** Victor Hugo, he gave me this **** can, and I'm going to kill him!" (To be continued.)

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