Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 180: Bath

If it wasn't for the radio in the cabin that couldn't be reached, Zhou Qingfeng really couldn't help but immediately asked David Lawrence. ≥1 novel ≤ I can guess whether the tough guy who is looking for his wife will penetrate Brooklyn from Manhattan, kill the Queens all the way, and jump directly to the ‘Aurora’.

Zhou Qingfeng will bet!

I think David Lawrence was such a man who rode a broken Harley, killed a single horse from Brooklyn to Manhattan, and shocked Zhou Qingfeng!

Depressing curiosity in his heart, Zhou Qingfeng aimed at the washerwoman again. Only a dozen washing machines were buzzing in the entire laundry room, and the washer was lowering her head and working silently. This is already deep in the cabin, and no one knows anything.

Holding a gun handle, Zhou Qingfeng slowly approached the washerwoman. The middle-aged woman saw him approaching with the corner of her eyes, and immediately raised her hands in a panic, exclaiming: "Please, don't kill me. I just complain, I have been working for two days in a row, and I am a bit tired. No, no No, I'm not tired, I'm not tired at all. I can still work, I will work immediately. "

The washer woman was scared **** urinating, and desperately showed her diligence in front of Zhou Qingfeng. But Zhou Qingfeng said coldly, "Enough, stop. I said stop!"

"Please, don't kill me. I still have a child to raise, and I swear I must work hard." The washing woman knelt down, hugged her hands and begged hard.

"Tell me, who are the clothes in that laundry basket?" Zhou Qingfeng pointed to the laundry basket with high-end underwear and asked.

The washerwoman was stunned, she never expected to be asked this question, "I don't know."

"Um ..." Zhou Qingfeng snorted coldly.

The washerwoman felt her heart tight again, and quickly moved her mind and said, "The clothes were sent by someone else, I don't know who it is?"

"Is there a woman named Rachel on the boat, about thirty years old, who looks very beautiful. She is likely to be with Fernando Resno, who occupied the boat." Zhou Qingfeng asked again, he is now It is increasingly suspected that Angie's mother was looted here.

But the washing woman still shook her head. "Sir, I don't know who is 'Rachel'. I have been working in this cabin all day and all night since I got on the boat. Sometimes someone will bring me food, but there are At that time, the guards on the ship simply forgot that there was me here. "

According to Zhou Qingfeng's eyes, there was a lot of clothes in the entire laundry room, and it seemed that only one woman was working here. He walked among the clothes, frowning and asked, "How many people are on the boat?"

The washerwoman finally realized that something was wrong. The fierce man in front of him was obviously not the man on the boat. However, she honestly replied: "I don't know how many people are on the boat, but there are more than 300 sets of clothes delivered every day, from jackets, underwear, shoes and socks. I have to keep busy, I really Very tired. "

"More than three hundred suits, almost three hundred people on the boat?" Zhou Qingfeng felt that this number was too much. He picked up the suspected Rachel underwear again and asked, "Who will come to get the washed clothes? When will they come?"

"There are other employees on the boat, but the time for picking up clothes is not fixed. However, these high-end underwears that need to be dry-cleaned are delivered by a dedicated female employee. I don't really know about other situations," said the washing woman.

This woman knew too little, which made Zhou Qingfeng very dissatisfied. Just as he thought about what to do with the woman in front of him, the radio in the cabin suddenly sounded an alarm.

Someone shouted in the radio: "Please note that the whole crew, someone sneaked into our ship. Everyone is on their own, search all corners of the ship, and be sure to find the mouse."

The radio rang a dozen times, and Zhou Qingfeng heard heavy footsteps and shouts from the cabin above him, and these voices were still approaching quickly. Obviously, these South American mercenaries recruited by Fernando Resno have extremely high combat qualities.

At the same time, a weak cry called 'Mom' came from a corner of the washerwoman. A five- or six-year-old was awakened and crawled out of a den made of old clothes, eyes narrowed. Looking for mother.

Zhou Qingfeng immediately drew a gun and drank, "Find me a place to hide, otherwise I will kill your child."

The washerwoman was immediately excited, but in the laundry room, she could see the bottom at a glance, that is, a dozen washing machines plus a large number of laundry baskets, which could not be hidden at all. She thought about it, pointing quickly to the corridor outside the laundry room, and said, "Go up to the left side of the deck, there is a utility room, where no one should enter."

"You better not lie to me, let alone divulge my whereabouts." Zhou Qingfeng grabbed the child and left. "Otherwise your child will die with me."

The washerwoman immediately frightened her body and pleaded, "Don't hurt my child, I will never tell you."

Zhou Qingfeng soon couldn't hear the lament of the laundry lady, and the child in his hand was frightened. And he quickly went up to the next deck and saw that there was a cabin that could be pushed away, and he went in without much thought.

After entering, he was surrounded by fog, hot and warm, it was definitely not a utility room. It was just that there was a heavy footstep outside the cabin, and he could not retreat.

Taking the first two steps in the mist, Zhou Qingfeng knew that this was the large bathroom of the 'Aurora'. There is no shortage of fresh water, energy or space on this nuclear-powered ship. If you want to take a bath, you can do whatever you want, and there is also a large fountain bathroom.

This bathroom is divided into two compartments. One is a dressing room. The voice of a woman talking and changing clothes is heard in the bathroom, and the other side is a bath. Zhou Qingfeng can only run towards the bath room and directly dive into the steaming pool water.

Not long after I heard someone knocking on the door, the ship's guard seemed to want to search the bathroom, but was stopped by the anger of a few women.

"Hell! Lao Tzu ran into the women's bathroom." Zhou Qingfeng looked at the little ghost around him and asked in a low voice: "Uncle is a good guy, those are bad guys, we have to hide. Will you breathe?"

The five- or six-year-old ghost nodded his head ~ www.readwn.com ~ swiftly drilled into the water, more aggressive than Zhou Qingfeng. While he listened to the woman in the locker room, he seemed to be coming in, and he could only dive into the pool for a while before talking.

This large bath is one meter deep, and there are steps for sitting and taking a bath. Just now the little ghost was sitting on the steps with breathless breath, Zhou Qingfeng swam slowly and looked up.

In the mist, the water surface can not see the water surface, but the water surface can see the water surface. I saw two sturdy gun-bearing women coming in first, followed by a half-naked woman wrapped in a large bath towel into the pool water.

The bath towel spread out in the pool water, half * naked became full * naked in an instant, a delicate and embossed, full and seductive in front of Zhou Qingfeng. He was looking straight at the water, but the woman was swimming in the large bath. As soon as she lowered her head and plunged into the water, she saw Zhou Qingfeng looking at her in astonishment and surprise.

With their eyes on each other, they both froze!

"Uncle Lawrence, I swear to God, I didn't mean to peek at your wife to take a bath. By the way, your wife is really a devil figure, so good! No, I'm going to have a nosebleed, I'm going to have a nosebleed!" to be continued.)

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