Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 19: High alert

Less than five minutes after the death, Katerina drove past the street in which the accident occurred. There are two beauties in the car, one big, one small, two eyes wide, looking for the trace of Zhou Qingfeng on the street, just to see four or five police cars parked outside the Turkish barbecue restaurant.

No. 78 police screamed and rushed into the store, but were followed by two policemen who had been stripped into pigs. The two unlucky eggs were also linked by hands and feet, and their faces were copied on a table, the image was too dirty to describe.

In Brooklyn, **** entrenched here have always been happy with police. A lot of people watching the crowd gathered at the yakiniku restaurant's entrance, took out their mobile phones to take a picture of this scene, and spread the Internet in minutes.

Looking at the appearance of the ugly police in New York, a small assault case spread immediately. It was spread in Lukelin in three minutes, and in New York in ten minutes. Twenty minutes later, CNN's news began to track the incident. After waiting for half an hour, Zhou Qingfeng's head shots have spread all over the world.

"It looks like your friend is going to be famous." Katerina didn't find Zhou Qingfeng in a circle in this neighborhood, but the news on the mobile phone has already reported the details of Zhou Qingfeng's good work. She not only saw reports of Zhou Qingfeng stripping off two police uniforms, but also a video of Zhou Qingfeng killing a **** outside a McDonald's shop, especially when she turned around and evaded, she stunned.

I believe that seeing this moment's fatal blow, everyone will be intimidated by Zhou Qingfeng's agility and speed. Katrina is even more astonished!

As a mercenary, Katerina is extremely sensitive to killing and being killed. She naturally took the role of resisting the turn and counterattack, but the result surprised her suddenly. Because she found that even if she was in the position of robbing the niggas, even the whole god's alert could not resist Zhou Qingfeng.

It's too fast, it's too fast, it's so fast that people have no time to react! This kid has two hits and doesn't look so weak.

"I really have to find that kid, I am a little interested in him." Katerina has always been known for her swift action, but Zhou Qingfeng's performance has made her feel threatened and challenged. She asked Anji: "Your friend is wanted, do you think he will hide there?"

"Uh ...!" Anji tried to think back, but finally shrugged and said, "Victor doesn't seem to like going out, he always stays at home."

"A dead house?" Caterina looked at the screen of the mobile phone repeatedly showing the killing of Zhou Qingfeng, and shook her head. "No, no, no, your friend is no dead house? He is better than you think many."

Lu Anji also saw the killing of Zhou Qingfeng, even a fool can see that Zhou Qingfeng's killing is extremely easy, fast and fierce, and a fatal move!

The little girl couldn't accept this. She looked at the video in confusion and said, "I never thought Victor would kill. He promised me that it would never hurt anyone."

"Anyway, let's find him first." Katerina activated a cracked monitor on a police channel on the car and listened to the news released by the New York Police while driving.

At the moment, it is not only Katerina and Angie who want to find Zhou Qingfeng, in fact, the entire Brooklyn Police Station was provoked by Zhou Qingfeng. Criminals in New York will deceive the police, beat the police, shoot the police, but no one will steal the police's equipment and strip them of their clothes.

This performance is like a loud slap in the face of the New York Police Department, especially after the news media added jealousy to the report.

"Investigate the suspect and see who he has anything to do with it. Order all patrolmen to come to the street immediately, and we must find the bastard. I authorize any police officer to kill him on the spot after he is found. We must not tolerate this blatant Crimes provoking the police. "

The order of the police chief spread throughout Brooklyn, and police throughout the region were mobilized. Especially in North Brooklyn, where law and order is most chaotic, many police riot squads have even appeared on the streets. These heavy policemen frightened the street bastards.

The New York Police ’s combat effectiveness ranks highest in the United States. In order to suppress increasingly serious violent crimes, the police here are extremely aggressive and overbearing, even callous cold-blooded and armed with teeth.

Because Zhou Qingfeng showed an extremely terrible violent tendency, the wealthy New York Police Department even dispatched five or six helicopters, armed with heavily armed special policemen, hovering at low altitudes, always ready to give Zhou Qingfeng a thunder strike.

哪里 "Where is this bastard? Find him out! I want to see his body or see him crying and crying while standing in court."

The head of the Brooklyn Police Department even personally announced to the media, "No one can humiliate the police like this, and we must pay him a price. If someone can provide clues, we will be happy to give a $ 50,000 bounty."

There must be a brave husband under the so-called heavy reward. The bounty of 50,000 US dollars has made many people who saw the report quite tempted. Various bars, shops, markets, and even people on the street have begun to pay attention to their surroundings, hoping to find the Chinese kid worth $ 50,000 ~ www.readwn.com ~, and Zhou Qingfeng's identity was quickly checked out. , The media even posted the information to the network as soon as possible. But the information about him is simply incredible-in addition to name and age, there is only a simple home address.

No parents, no education, no relatives, no friends. Except for the registration of receiving social assistance, Zhou Qingfeng's other identity information is all empty.

"This is a violent criminal with impulsive personality disorder. He may usually appear mild and harmless, but it is actually like a time bomb. You cannot know when he will hurt you."

"The New York City Police Department reminds the general public to pay attention to this violent criminal. From the investigation and evidence at the scene, we can see that he has a terrible killing skill and can kill the victim in an instant."

"This young man named Zhou Qingfeng is likely to be a terrorist, and he is likely to lurk in New York City after being professionally trained. We should be alert for possible future attacks. I hope the police will arrest him as soon as possible. Put it to justice. "

Over time, media coverage has intensified. Although there are violent cases in New York every day, this convict who has committed crimes continuously and showed extremely high killing skills has obviously attracted the attention of the majority of New York citizens. Zhou Qingfeng's image in the minds of the general public was obviously demonized.

The most puzzling thing is that more and more police were mobilized by the New York Police Department. All intersections and streets were almost blocked, but Zhou Qingfeng was never caught. Everyone began to ask where this extremely horrible violent suspect had hid. com ~ mobile users, please read.

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