Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 186: Recruit fellows

Zhou Qingfeng used his experience to personally verify a sentence he said: the longer the last days last, the deeper the disaster, and the more suffering humanity will have. A novel ≤≤ <≦≦≦≦≦ <<﹤ ≦≦≦ ﹤ ≦ Now there is a big trouble in front of him. Compared with foods such as agricultural products, the shortage of industrial products is more serious, the most obvious is that No one can find cheap and convenient fuel anymore.

On Staten Island, many people are already cutting down trees, dismantling abandoned houses and even various furniture. Zhou Qingfeng saw for himself that someone had cut a valuable carpet and just cooked a meal for the fire.

Fortunately, many small cottages in the United States are wooden and can be burned for so long. But vehicles and speedboats can't burn wood, and can only lie down without gasoline and diesel.

Zhou Qingfeng had originally expected to get some diesel from the two ferries left by Fernando, but the fuel tank on the ferry was almost empty, at most, he was allowed to run two or three rounds on a yacht, and then he had to catch blind.

Another security issue is even more urgent, and no one can guarantee that the skeleton will never again attack. Zhou Qingfeng's last forty or so people can't really lose it anymore. If they continue to lose, maybe he'll be on guard that day, wash and cook, and do all kinds of miscellaneous work, then don't want to escape New York.

"Well, I'll join the Brotherhood of Steel." In order to be able to go to the Queens again, and to settle family members and internal members such as Lena and Angie, Zhou Qingfeng and the butcher could only go deeper to work for the Brotherhood of Steel. And not just being a mercenary.

The Brotherhood of Steel has also been forced to helplessly recently. This white supreme organization has suffered a lot in the battle with the Skull and Bones. It is not worth the death of their now noble whites on the battlefield. They must find some cannon fodder to fill the battlefield. To this end, they opened up the scope of recruitment.

When Zhou Qingfeng and the butcher went to the recruitment site of the Brotherhood of Steel, it was already crowded here. In order to eat and eat, a lot of people with thin skin and yellow skin are willing to die, and even many women are cut short, smeared, and tried to mix in.

Looking at the dense crowds of recruits, the butcher whispered, "Maybe we should also recruit some people. Now these people will not run around just casually."

The food reserves searched by Zhou Qingfeng and Lina are still relatively rich, especially after transporting a large amount of materials underground in the Manhattan Police Station headquarters. .

"It's okay to recruit a small number of people. But there are more, and the Brotherhood of Steel will kill us as soon as possible." Zhou Qingfeng said.

Although the Brotherhood of Steel wanted to recruit cannon fodder, it did not recruit a bunch of cannon fodder for food. There were also standards for personnel requirements. Many people were unable to meet the standards because of their poor constitution. Zhou Qingfeng was crowded in a group of rejected people, and suddenly felt that someone was grabbing his arm. When he immediately made it, he drew a gun.

The person grabbing his arm fell to the ground, Zhou Qingfeng looked intently, and said in amazement, "Uncle Zheng, have you run to Staten Island?"

Looking at Uncle Zheng, it was all the people in China Street who had been neighbors with Zhou Qingfeng. Compared with when they stayed dead in Chinatown and stayed away, they are even more downcast now. They are messy in clothes and have dishes in their faces. They look just like Jiaozi.

Uncle Zheng fell to the ground and couldn't stand up for a long time. He looked hungry. He reached out to Zhou Qingfeng and cried, "Xiao Zhou, give us a hand, please, for your compatriot's sake, help us. This time we all listen to you, even if you let us die, half dead You can, as long as you can live the other half. "

Half dead, half alive, this is Zhou Qingfeng's idea when he first met the Chinese people. It was just that everyone was dying, and no one wanted to die. Now the situation is getting worse and worse, only everyone is dead.

Zhou Qingfeng glanced at the Chinese people in front of them, and the number was at most one hundred, which was already disastrous. He helped Uncle Zheng up and asked, "You just have so few people left?"

At first, there were thousands of people trapped in the Chinese Street. These guys discussed the matter all day and night, and did not discuss any farts for more than half a month. Zhou Qingfeng didn't want to help these idiots.

Speaking of other people, Uncle Zheng couldn't help crying, "The Brotherhood of Steel ascended to Manhattan 6 and confiscated all our property and drove us out. In this rush, everyone was displaced and even their home was gone. .

There are only five or six hundred people left in our team. Every day, some people starve to death. The remaining young and old men can only come out to serve as soldiers. Even if they die, they can get some food for the family. People who can recruit troops say that we do not meet the requirements of the source of troops, do not want us. "

Uncle Zheng wept and shed, and the more than a hundred people who followed him also cried. Zhou Qingfeng, having seen all kinds of misery, sighed at most, and said, "Change me to be the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel, and don't want your gang of cries that just cry."

Uncle Zheng wiped away his tears immediately, said Zhou Qingfeng's hand, "Xiao Zhou, please be kind. Help, I know you must have a way."

Zhou Qingfeng looked dark with black paint on his face, and his body was dirty with all kinds of dust and mud, but his sturdy spirit showed that he had at least no worries. Uncle Zheng has no other choice but to see Zhou Qingfeng can only come up and haunt him.

Sighing again, Zhou Qingfeng turned his head to look at the butcher behind him, and wanted to solicit the opinions of the other party. The always cold-faced butcher said indifferently: "We only accept people with professional skills, others are not."

Zhou Qingfeng turned around again and said to Uncle Zheng: "We give priority to receiving medical staff."

Uncle Zheng hasn't spoken yet, and someone immediately behind him shouted, "I, I'm a doctor."

A middle-aged man with glasses rushed over in a hurry, Zhou Qingfeng frowned and said, "If you are really a doctor, the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel will not want you. They are so scarce that they don't care if you are white. Don't tell Me, you are a veterinarian. "

"I'm a Chinese medicine practitioner. I'm good at traumatic sprains and acupuncture treatments, and there is no problem in preparing herbal medicines. But the white doctor in the Steel Brotherhood Medical Department said that I was witchcraft, and they didn't recognize me as a doctor." Wearing glasses Middle-aged people are very frustrated and thought they would be rejected.

Well, Chinese medicine is also good, Zhou Qingfeng nodded. As a result, Uncle Zheng's team ran several people, all of them Chinese medicine.

"We need a few more cooks." Zhou Qingfeng was almost tortured to death by junk western food. The butcher was originally the executive chef of Manhattan's top restaurants, but he couldn't make any good food with some common ingredients. And Chinese food is good at making good things with the most common ingredients.

In the last days, a good meal can boost morale. So Zhou Qingfeng recruited several Chinese chefs.

"Is there anyone who knows repairing cars, repairing electrical appliances, and repairing motors? We need people with strong hands."

"Does anyone know how to grow vegetables? Is there a talent for the Chinese nation?"

"Does anyone know the radio?"

"Anyone who knows all kinds of domestic chores, do you? For example, men's and women's clothing can be repaired, even children."

After all, for the sake of compatriots ~ www.readwn.com ~ As long as they can obediently obey orders and listen to commands, Zhou Qingfeng feels that he can still help.

However, even if the conditions were relaxed to the limit, 66 continued to recruit hundreds of people from Uncle Zheng's team. For the remaining hundreds of Chinese teams, this is a waste of money, but many people are really nothing, and they are all like uncles.

Even for a long time living in the United States, the yellow-skinned Chinese could not even speak Chinese, and they had to put on a white mentality to make various demands on Zhou Qingfeng. For these people, Zhou Qingfeng has only one sentence, "Go to death, go to **** to raise your human rights."

Zhou Qingfeng finally asked, "Is there anyone who has been a soldier? Anyone who can play with a gun will do."

Three or five people came out this time, but each one was thin enough.

"Isn't there a guy named Marco before? I remember he was a soldier." Zhou Qingfeng didn't see the thorny head.

Uncle Zheng has become a subordinate of Zhou Qingfeng because he can grow vegetables. He whispered, "Mark has joined the Brotherhood of Steel. He is the only one of us to join." (To be continued.)

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