Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 192: The truth is not important

Marco is very confident in his thoughts. He has tasted the feeling of hunger, which is really desperate. > ≧ One novel < ≦ ≤ ≦ ≤ No one can still insist on their own stand under the hunger, the gentleman will become a bandit, and the fierce woman will become a wife, but this is the case. He felt that he was also helping Zhou Qingfeng, as long as he lived in troubled times, the rest could not care about it.

Walking near the tent of 'Hugo Ban', Marco saw Qi Guangrong standing at the door. Both were familiar with Chinatown, and he approached him with enthusiasm and greeted him, "Lao Qi, did you eat? If not, I can have some canned meat here."

Qi Guangrong seemed a little nervous, and saw someone coming over and whispering something into the tent. I heard a mess of noises in the tent, and seemed to be packing.

Marco stepped forward with a smile and offered to hand Spam in his hand. According to his thoughts, Qi Guangrong, who was hungry for a day, should be just like a dog grabbing food, and he was grateful for his generosity. But Qi Guangrong saw Spam's expression but it was weird, and he felt a little bit contradicted but had to accept it.

"Lao Qi, I know you are all wronged, and this matter is not to blame you." While comforting Qi Guangrong, Marco walked into the tent. Zhou Qingfeng and the butcher were not there, but everyone looked strange when he came in. Everyone seems to have made the gangster just erased the crime scene, and there is a strange smell in the air.

Looking at Zhou Qingfeng's absence, Marco was even more courageous. "Your squad leader, it's so fucking! They say that the eldest husband can flex and stretch. What time is it now, and are you still fighting with those white chiefs? You said, Chief Zage Fancy your armored car, it would be nice if you gave him, why bother hungry everyone together. "

Mark spoke, and gave all his Spam to everyone in the tent. "Come and come, I know you're all hungry. I'm kind and can't see anyone suffering. You also have to advise yourself The squad leader, the days are long, it will not work like this, we can't just be hungry. "

Mark felt a little distressed about taking Spam out. Although Spam was unpalatable, this was his ration for the next three days. Without this ration, he would be hungry. Just to make Chief Zaki happy, he divided the things out and made it an investment.

"That ..., where is your squad leader? I need to talk to him well, everyone has this temper, but it depends on the occasion, it depends on the person." While talking to Qi Guangrong, Mark also took the can In the presence of Sister Irene and Ellie, the two sisters didn't reach out at all, and seemed unwilling to ask for it.

"Don't be too shy. Eat it, eat it!" Marco still liked the sisters, after all, both girls were pretty. He also reserved one for each of them. The only thing that surprised him was why the sisters' mouths were bulging?

Sister Irene reluctantly followed Spam, but sister Ellie couldn't hold her face, and suddenly a bone came out of her bulging mouth.

Uh ... what is this?

The light in the tent was bad, and Marco hadn't seen it at first. But no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the bone was a bit wrong. At last he recognized that this seemed to be a chicken leg, a big chicken leg, a delicious big chicken leg, and the air in the air was the smell of braised chicken legs!

Lying down, how can there be chicken legs? What a strange thing is this? You know, we are all eating **** Spam outside, you guys should be the most unlucky, the most miserable and the most pitiful in the big chicken leg!

Marco was on the spot, his eyes blinked for a long time. I saw my sister, Ellie, turned around and pulled a big chicken leg from her mouth, and then hummed and ate. The older sister also bulged her mouth, smiled, and stopped in front of her sister.

"What do you eat?" Marco suddenly felt drooling and panicked.

The elder sister Irene didn't speak, humming. Obviously, her mouth was stuffed.

Mark looked at the people around him, and there were many details in the entire tent that he had not even noticed. Crushed bones on the ground, a box of empty canned sardines was opened, some crumbs fell on the ground, and some people even had some jam on their faces.

"Aren't you hungry?" Marco smelled the refreshing smell of canned fruit in the air, and the more he felt panicked about his hunger. He has n’t eaten fruit for a long time. The last time he ate was almost a month ago. At that time, the world was very peaceful!

Qi Guangrong hurried forward and dragged Marco out of the tent. He also returned the Spam cans that he had given him, "Oh Marco, you can come to see us, we are so happy. We are indeed hungry, and have n’t eaten for a day. Go and talk to Chief Zagi, please. ”

"But ... you just ate ..." Marco turned and wanted to enter the tent again.

But Qi Guangrong still held him. This time, even two members of the Hugo squad also stood up and barred him from entering again. Qi Guangrong even denied that: "We just pretended to be eating. You have to understand this."

"You're talking nonsense, I want to tell the sir. You ..." Marco was still struggling, and he was even angry-paralyzed, why don't you give me a portion? I'm kind to help you here.

"Marco." Qi Guangrong also yelled, his face suddenly sullen. "You walk your Yangguan Road, I walk my single wooden bridge, no one of us can interfere with it. Brother, I have a wife and children to support by the monitor, this time He sold his life. If you dare to be blind, don't force me to kill you! "

Honest people are on fire, even worse than beasts. Qi Guangrong shoved ten boxes of Spam back into Marco's hands ~ www.readwn.com ~ and included a box with him, "You do n’t want to mess things up. Please tell us something, we can still see Something good for you. "

Marco looked at an extra box of canned green beans in his hands, and was inexplicably furious: I was worth only a box of canned food? Anyway, give me more boxes? Just to see Qi Guangrong and others looking poor, he was discouraged again.

Upon returning to Captain Zaki's tent, His Excellency Captain Danger was firing with quartermasters, and a few boxes of Spam were on his desk. "Why do I also eat this **** can? Our bread and milk? Our What about jam condensed milk? "

The quartermaster said blankly: "According to the order of the General Commander Johnson, in view of the difficulty of food supply, the troops who are now going to the Queens area are given priority to eat these portable cans, including you."

Where can Captain Zagei believe? He lowered his throat and asked, "Don't tell me these shit, have you sold them all ?!"

Quartermaster obliquely looking at the sky at forty-five degrees, smiling, just like Captain Zaki's arrogance at first-I just resold. What can you do with me? Anyway, you are all going to the battlefield, it is not necessarily whether you can come back alive, the truth is actually not important. (To be continued.)

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