Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 195: To fight back

"Hahaha ... these idiots. ≧ 1 ≧ ≥fiction ≦≦ They are really stupid!” Guzman held a telescope and looked down from the green of the golf course, and saw only the dozens of steels on the opposite side. The vanguard of the Brotherhood were all suppressed from moving in the beach park.

Richard was also on the side, looking at the good situation in front of him, and sighed, saying, "They are not stupid, they are too arrogant. We thought that we could not find their real location for the beach, so we appeared so publicly."

For the Brotherhood of Steel's Ascension 6, the Skull and Bones is not without its clues. I just do n’t know where the opponent is going to go ashore. After all, New York is near the sea and there are too many places to board 6. The Skeleton Society does not have dozens of millions of troops in full guard, only mobile defense.

Guzman's squad is a team of mobile defense. His men were originally Mexico's anti-drug police. After adding mortars, heavy machine guns and trucks, he was responsible for maneuvering the back roads of the Skeleton Society. Really dead, he collided with the vanguard of Zhou Qingfeng.

Nietto will still follow Guzman, but because of his poor ability, he is already at the bottom of the entire team. Sofia, who had been taking care of him from Staten Island some time ago, was tortured to death, and his spirit began to become a little shy, but fortunately, Harry was still with him, and the two comforted each other.

"Hi Nieto, the heavy machine gun in position two is almost out of bullets, you can send a box over." Guzman received information from the radio and shouted violently to Nieto.

Nito, who had been on standby, took a few magazines from their trucks and ran towards the so-called position two. And when he ran for dozens of meters, he suddenly heard a woman's scream. He looked back and saw that Guzman was bumping into Harry, who was also a juggler.

Due to the distance, Nito only vaguely heard that Harry was shouting 'help'. An anger rushed into his heart, and he immediately dropped the magazine in his hand and wanted to run back. But Guzman saw him, struck his pistol and hit the sky with a bang, and yelled at him, "Get out, send ammunition."

The roar was clear and clear, Nietto was scared by Guzman's fierceness, and immediately remembered the scene where he was generally driven to the front by Guzman as a cannon fodder, and he could only turn around under unstoppable fear. Just ran and didn't even care about the dropped magazine.

The so-called No. 2 machine gun position is in a seaside cottage. About three hundred meters away from the vanguard of the suppressed Brotherhood, the brothers fired two 'Javelin' missiles at this villa in succession, but they failed to destroy the machine gun, but killed several people.

And when Nietto ran over, the people on the machine gun position looked at him empty-handed, and suddenly exclaimed, "What about the bullet we want? We'll hit two more boxes at most."

Nietto paused and froze on the spot. At this moment, he saw a fluffy tail emerging from the machine gun position, and a black-backed wolf dog was approaching in secret. The distance between the two sides was less than one hundred meters.

"Fight the dog first!" Nito had a deep memory of the dog and another nightmare in his mind. It was this terrible dog who showed his steel teeth at the beginning. It was also this terrible dog that killed all his men and killed Guzman's partner Kowal.

It's just that the entire machine gun position ignored the dog, they were shooting at another man crazy, a person who was going to hit against their machine gun fire.

"This kid is really perverted!" The old 'seal' lying on the back saw Zhou Qingfeng's head straight. "Did China now evolve into a human?"

In fact, everyone on the battlefield is now paying attention to Zhou Qingfeng. Because the rest of the Brotherhood could not be raised by the mortar and heavy machine guns, he was still attacking.

Zhou Qingfeng is far from ordinary people in terms of physical strength and endurance. When the old 'seal' felt that nothing could be surrendered, he stated that he should not surrender.

Relying on the degree brought by the powerful explosive force, and the time to fight twice for the "smartness", Zhou Qingfeng took the "dog meat" out of the bunker on the beach, and ran out of the scene for 20-30 meters in an instant. The people were startled.

And when all three heavy machine guns listed Zhou Qingfeng as a key target, ‘dog meat’ used his low body to run fast on the battlefield, and nobody noticed it for a while.

"Mortar, hit the guy running around on the battlefield." On the golf green, Guzman also saw Zhou Qingfeng. He ordered the two mortar teams under his opponent, and at the same time commanded Harry, who was kneeling down, "chuck, **** **** your mouth, don't stop. Master Guzman likes you, now I'm so happy!"

Richard on the side was really speechless about Guzman's quirk. While the crude Mexican commanded the battle, he actually found a woman to fly him. However, it seems really cool to engage in women on the occasion of gunfire.

When several shells landed next to Zhou Qingfeng, he had rushed into a house by the beach. He had a few seconds to shoot at each other before shells and heavy machine guns smashed the house.

Bang ... With the aiming of four times the optical sight, a bullet was fired from Zhou Qingfeng's scaR rifle, flying over a distance of more than 300 meters, and accurately hit a machine gunner in a machine gun position.

Five percent increase in combat effectiveness, ...

Then the second bullet was fired again, and the deputy shooter on the machine gun position just pushed away the body of the shooter, trying to make the machine gun growl again. But the bullet passed through his chest, smashing his entire chest.

Ten percent increase in combat effectiveness, ...

What was attacked by Zhou Qingfeng was the No. 2 machine gun position where Nito was located. The death of the front and back shooters caused a few other machine gun operators to be in a hurry, and the “dog meat” that had been lurking a hundred meters away suddenly sprinted.

"Virgin Mary!" Nito suddenly felt urgency, he was not afraid of bullets, he was afraid of the dog. As soon as the 'dog meat' approached, he immediately turned around and ran.

There are more than a dozen people in the entire machine gun position ~ www.readwn.com ~ dead shooter and deputy shooter and others can go up. But for just a few seconds, Zhou Qingfeng, 300 meters away, continuously fired precision shots one after another. The more people he killed, the more powerful he was. No one dared to look up in the entire position that he later fought.

In just a few seconds, ‘dog meat’ has rushed over a hundred meters away. For the same few seconds, Zhou Qingfeng's house had been demolished by two other heavy machine guns. The wall of the brick wall structure is constantly cracking under the impact of large-caliber machine gun ammunition, and the three or five mortar shells that have continuously dropped have to knock down the house.

But at this time Zhou Qingfeng's combat effectiveness had been increased by 30%. His agility, his degree, and his judgment ability were all strengthened, and the third time he used it wisely.

For one second, stabilize the spirit and aim at the target. The m2o3 grenade launcher ‘嗵’ under the barrel fired a forty millimeter high explosive grenade. Everything is in Zhou Qingfeng's precise plan, and the strengthening of the brain by nTZ-49 has shown results.

Another machine gun position that was firing at Zhou Qingfeng, in the eyes of the main shooter, the wall originally covering Zhou Qingfeng had just collapsed, revealing the opponent's figure. All he needs to do is pull the trigger, and this mighty and terrible enemy will die. Just then, he saw a dark grenade flying over. (To be continued.)

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