Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 197: Time to kiss

In the last 100 meters, Zhou Qingfeng rushed in like a gust of wind. 1 Novel ﹤ ≦ ≤ < ≤ he was twice as strong as the average person's physical fitness, and once again strengthened 100%, it was equal to multiplication by two. The m2hB heavy machine gun with a tripod attached to the magazine over sixty kilograms was struck by him with one hand.

But when the two machine gun positions were fixed by Zhou Qingfeng alone, in the end, Guzman set up three main machine guns and was blasting at the Yankees on the beach. Two mortar teams also blasted their shells endlessly.

When these guys went to the beach one by one, they were cobbled up by the cowhide, but now they are suppressed by firepower. After a dozen people died, they were all crying for help on the radio. The old 'seals' in charge of the command were all mad at them.

"Sir, we need support."

The old 'seal' said in his heart: I will support you with a ghost!

"Sir, think of a way, we must withdraw."

The old 'seal' said in his heart: Can't you summon one thousandth of the courage?

"Sir, maybe we really should surrender."

The old 'seal' said in his heart: The Chinese boy has managed two machine gun positions by himself, and you can't even determine one of your over fifty. What do you do alive, forget it!

And it's not just the retired U.S. Army of the Brotherhood. On the green of the golf course, Guzman and Richard both felt Zhou Qingfeng's fierce fighting style in the telescope. They both exclaimed: "Victor Hugo."

"Why is this kid here?"

"Crossfire cannot kill him."

"This guy killed us two machine gun positions."

"It's over, the main position flanks are exposed, and it will definitely be attacked."

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Guzman kicked Harry, who was eating birds in front of him, and shouted to the people in the main position, holding the radio and shouting, "Watch your left wing, someone killed you."

Richard asked anxiously: "Are we supposed to retreat? It's likely we won't be able to go any further."

Guzman wanted to say ‘I have hundreds of people, ca n’t even one person deal with it’. In fact, they have lost too many times in Zhou Qingfeng's hands in the past, and really have no confidence to fight it.

"Mr. Resno has ordered that we must stick to this place and follow-up support will return soon." Guzman himself cheered himself.

The Skull and Bones organized a mobile unit specially for the Brotherhood of the Iron and Steel to board the 6th. It has about 1,000 people and is equipped with a large number of motor vehicles.

"Where is the support now?" Richard hesitated. "I'm from the intelligence service. I'll take some people to support the unit."

After talking about Richard, he led his dozens of people to drive away, leaving Guzman alone. Even Guzman's fierce mania was frustrated by Richard's sudden departure.

At this moment, the Skeleton Squadron responsible for pinching from the direction of the sea was in place, and they saw dozens of American troops shrinking on the beach. These unobstructed targets are simply the best targets.

The Yankees on the beach also knew that the trouble was serious. While being suppressed by mortars and heavy machine guns, they also set up 'Javelin' missiles to drive these patrol boats. .

At this moment, with the enhanced brute force, Zhou Qingfeng, with a heavy machine gun, brought together ‘dog meat’ and quickly touched the final machine gun position. He has entered the building complex behind the beach, and one villa after another has given him a lot of cover.

Flanking the position two hundred meters away, Zhou Qingfeng lowered m2hB and set up a tripod. After receiving a warning from Guzman in the main position of the machine gun, a m24oB general-purpose machine gun aimed at the position of the left wing. When someone saw his head, he immediately struck.

At this moment, Zhou Qingfeng was driven away, and the fierce firepower even made a big hole in the house he used as a bunker. He could only retreat in the running, all the way to more than 600 meters away, it would be difficult to see him without a sight.

The shooter who controlled the m24oB became short of breath and was extremely nervous, because he actually saw someone in the sights who could run around the battlefield with a heavy machine gun in one hand-this is incredible, it ’s normal. Heavy machine guns need five or six people to serve!

"Sir, sir, I have a weird man here, and I need support," shouted the m24oB shooter.

The commander of the machine gun position was busy staring at the brotherhood US forces on the beach, and only asked: "How many enemies are there?"

"Just ..., just ..., just one," m24oB's shooter said.

"What is a person afraid of? Kill him!" The machine gun commander didn't care. But for a while, Zhou Qingfeng's m2hB finally started yelling, "Dare to hit me, now it's time for me to hit you."

The distance of six hundred meters is not a problem for the five-hundred-point ammunition. When the machine gun "fires", a comfortable scene appears.

Large-caliber bullets spewed out of the muzzle, and the hot projectiles connected a fiery red light chain, and flung fiercely at the enemy machine gun positions. The positions were temporarily constructed from sandbags, building bricks, and even abandoned vehicles. When the light chain landed on a random pile of bunkers, the sandbag full of dirt was torn up first.

Sand and shattered pieces of cloth flew around, and the bursting dust covered human eyes. This seemingly strong bunker fell apart instantly under the impact of high-powered projectiles. Temporary pieces of building materials and abandoned vehicles also failed to play any role and were knocked out of the caves.

High-power bullets penetrated the bunker and penetrated directly into the position. The seemingly sturdy fortifications were completely vulnerable to heavy machine guns. After a torrent of bullet rain raged, this position was like a junk that was discarded, and was sifted inside and out ~ www.readwn.com ~ And at this time, the US Brotherhood on the beach was already crazy, they Two patrol boats were killed with individual missiles, but seven or eight people were killed and wounded on their own side. With nearly half of the casualties, many people are beginning to lose their minds.

When Zhou Qingfeng brought ‘dog meat’ to join this group of people, these nervous guys thought they had come again. A soldier suddenly emerged from behind the bunker and shouted ‘for the sake of the United States’ with a slogan, firing at him, but Zhou Qingfeng, who was four times stronger, rushed over six or seven meters in one step, kicking the daredevil over.

Behind this daredevil, there are more than ten nervous Brotherhood soldiers. When they saw Zhou Qingfeng, they turned their guns. This group of guys also yelled 'kill him', 'shoot', 'revenge the soldiers'.

It was just '嗵 嗵 嗵' that the sound of heavy machine guns rang out first. To know that the sound of large-caliber ammunition was deafening, the slogan of this group of soldiers was suppressed at once, and they were able to restore their senses.

"I helped you kill three machine gun positions and saved your lives. You just returned me like this?" Zhou Qingfeng pointed at m2hB and pointed at the stupid soldiers, and said mischievously: "The American soldiers are not very Well, shouldn't you come and kiss my ass? "(To be continued.)

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