Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 201: poison gas

What was it like when a heavy armored vehicle of more than 20 tons ran into the city, destroying a large number of houses and buildings along the way, and using rough and wild brute force to break a road that was not a road?

If there are more than a dozen various military vehicles behind the armored vehicle for interception and blockade, the guns are all sounding, even including two long and long gun barrels, and nearly 70 tons of main battle tanks are also chasing behind. This is another What kind of feeling?

Zhou Qingfeng felt very crazy, if it wasn't for Anji's drone to show him the way, he would have died 800 times early. ≯1 novel ≧ ﹤ ≤ But now this death chase is still endless. The frontline commander of the Skeleton Society was so determined to destroy him, and even more than half of the armored vehicles were transferred to him.

"Anji, Anji, plan a route for me, and give me a way to escape. I don't want to go to Queens now, as long as I can run away." Zhou Qingfeng was already sweating, and he yelled wildly on the radio .

Behind him was the whole class of the gangsters. Everyone is like fighting the waves on the raging sea. Except for binding his face on the seat, he can do nothing else.

However, in various pursuits, Angie of Staten Island has become increasingly difficult to find a safe escape route for Zhou Qingfeng. More and more vehicles and personnel surrounded him, large caliber machine guns, tank guns, and individual anti-tank missiles could give him a fatal blow.

But when everyone was on the line, the vehicles and personnel desperately chasing the 'cougar' suddenly retreated, and they were extremely quick, without any hesitation.

After soaring for a long time, Zhou Qingfeng's physical strength was also very great. Suddenly, there was a quiet surrounding, and there was no noise, which was too much contrast with the attacking firepower that just rumbling.

"What the **** is going on?" The butcher stared vigilantly around the machine gun tower, fearing that an enemy vehicle would emerge from somewhere.

Zhou Qingfeng also stopped the car, opened his eyes wide in the cab, and said with a puzzled expression: "I was still chasing after Lao Tzu's butt, why now I suddenly left?"

Just so quiet for more than half a minute, Zhou Qingfeng and the butcher shouted in unison: "Oops, the drone is staring at us, it may be shelling!"

The 'cougar' acted violently again, but this time it wasn't people and vehicles that attacked him, it was really one after another shell. Fernando Resno deployed a highly skilled artillery team, specifically to deal with Zhou Qingfeng, now this artillery team is prestigious.

With a bang, a shell exploded near the cougar. But this explosion is different from the grenade that came before, the sound is much smaller, and the power is not great.

The outcropping butcher originally only had small caliber shells, but when these shells dropped in succession one after another, he suddenly woke up and shouted, "Close the door and activate the three-defense system. This may be a gas bomb . "

Zhou Qingfeng was also wondering why the power of this shell was so small? Hearing the butcher's roar, he immediately erected his hairs, and a frightful cold blew up from the tailbone. The poison gas is too invincible, so that people do not know how to die?

Thank God, Zhou Qingfeng's cougar from the police headquarters is a serious military armored vehicle with a full set of nuclear, chemical and biological defense systems. He immediately closed the whole car and rushed forward.

As the shells dropped more and more, the poison alarm in the cougar's car turned on a red light. Zhou Qingfeng yelled, "This is the madman who hit the gas bombs? It's been a godsend!"

The gas filtering and ventilation device will soon start to work, and the whole car will begin to enter the pressure state, preventing contaminated air from entering the car. The butcher also sat in the co-pilot position and looked out through the window. I saw that as the shells kept falling, some people who escaped outside the car in a timely manner had been poisoned.

"It's Vx. It claims to be able to kill one block of neurotoxic gas with just one tablespoon. This thing is colorless and tasteless. Ordinary people can't detect it. It will poison if it is inhaled or touched, destroying the nerve center, causing people to stop breathing and die. "

After the butcher finished speaking, as long as the sober person in the car felt trembling. Zhou Qingfeng was a secret secret in his heart: the Brotherhood's boarding personnel 6 was considered dead, and the thousands of people who were attacking by the skeleton were dead.

The guy who ordered the use of gas bombs was completely vicious and harmful. Crazy, crazy, this is crazy! A word that doesn't fit is actually poisonous!

"What shall we do?" Only Roma was in his compartment, and he was quite conscious.

"We need to avoid the drones in the sky first." Zhou Qingfeng could not see anything in the night, but it was clear that the cannonballs could be hit so accurately at such a large night, and there must be drones in the sky to monitor.

"It's not easy," said the butcher. It is not a way for them to hide in this way. The shell range can reach tens of kilometers, but they may not be able to escape tens of kilometers. Maybe he was hit by a shell in the middle.

"Victor, maybe I can help you." Angie's voice came out on the radio. "I found the Skeleton Drone in the infrared image. It flies at an altitude of 500 meters, and is far away from my The man-machine is only about 300 meters.

I can try to knock it down. However, for the time being, such a drone can support you. If the impact must be destroyed at the same time, you will lose air information support for at least two or three days. "

"Hit, hit, hit! Don't hesitate to knock off the enemy drone." Zhou Qingfeng shouted. Does this still weigh? It must have been a hit. There is a way to live if you hit it!

So the two drones collided with each other at a height of several hundred meters. After the lack of guidelines for school shooting, the artillery of the skeleton that fired gas bombs stopped shortly, and Zhou Qingfeng was able to escape.

After the shelling, Zhou Qingfeng and others were still afraid to stop or go out. The effective kill time of Vx gas is one hour, and the duration can be several days. He was sure that his car body had spattered volatile venom in the shelling ~ www.readwn.com ~ and he had to cleanse the car body.

'Puma' finally drove into a small river. Zhou Qingfeng drove back and forth in the river water, washing the car body with splash water. This flush continued for several hours, until the next day the poison alarm was completely unresponsive, and he emerged from the armored vehicle.

It was a really tormented night ... until dawn.

Alas ... the roof cover was opened, and Zhou Qingfeng with a gas mask leaned out his head. The outside world is already early in the morning, but the world that was supposed to be birds and flowers is dead. When he got out of the car completely, he was really dead.

There are a lot of dead fish floating on the river, and sporadic dead birds can be seen on the ground. Walking on the road, there are broken buildings, scattered ruins, abandoned vehicles, and a large number of fallen corpses, and even the air has a breath of despair.

Quiet, very quiet, extremely quiet, there was no sound in the whole city. There were fierce battles a few hours ago, but there was no sound after a few hours. Zhou Qingfeng was standing on the street, bright and bright, but his heart was cold.

This is the real end time! (To be continued.)

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