Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 209: restore

"This **** will not succeed. It has been chaotic for two days. The army has been cursing, the city is getting worse, and the situation is getting worse every day. A novel <﹤

At the Skull and Bones Logistic Center, Deputy Chief Ted, who pretended to be ill, was in his separate office, listening to a summary of the situation from his men, and was very happy. "If he is shot, I must have a good drink. This means that my status is irreplaceable. "

For Zhou Qingfeng, the past two days have been a torment. The deputy commander stopped his strike, and everything ran to his deputy, who knew nothing. Faced with complex and changing situations, this cannot be done by a single person or a small group.

The service personnel of the entire logistics center command have been transferred by Zhou Qingfeng's instructions, and all the information he faced has been transferred to Lena Fox. But this did not make the situation any better, but worse.

Miss Fox is also acting fast. She learned that Zhou Qingfeng controlled the logistics center of the Skeleton Society. She spent a day recruiting hundreds of people to form a planning team, and spent another day analyzing and sorting out various complicated Information and develop management plans.

And now is the third day .... The senior leaders of the Skull and Bones are not bad tempers. They will not tolerate the chaos for three days, and they do things simply and rudely. Now, Zhou Qingfeng is under tremendous pressure.

"Victor, our team has determined a management plan and is ready to take over your work and release the management authority." Lena Fox's voice sounded on the radio, which made Zhou Qingfeng relieved.

The Logistics Center of the Skull and Bones has its own set of management and communication equipment, and more than 50 service personnel at the headquarters are responsible for controlling the system. Now, the mobile command vehicle on Staten Island has begun to dock with this system and has begun to enter the management level.

The command staff has changed from the original decision-making organization to the information collection and order transmission organization. Zhou Qingfeng mixed his original team members and replaced many of the original management personnel to ensure that his secrets are exposed as little as possible.

When the mobile command vehicle and the logistics center's management system were successfully docked, Lena Fox's team immediately sent a large number of orders from Staten Island and transmitted them to various executive organizations of the Skull and Bones through various radio equipment. The logistics center, which had been quiet for two days, became lively.

The leisurely loading and unloading workers are busy again, the transportation convoy is roaring again, the skeleton organization administration which has been stagnant for two days is activated again, the flow of materials and personnel becomes smooth and purposeful, and the work efficiency is significantly improved. In terms of ability, Lena Fox's team is more than 100 times higher than the team of Deputy Commander Ted.

In the past two days, Richard's life has been terrible. During the Anti-Bomber 6 battle the night before, he reported to Fernando Resno the trace of Zhou Qingfeng, but the crazy leader directly ordered a gas bomb attack.

Fortunately, he escaped from the gas attack, and the senior agents of the Dignified Intelligence Department were hungry these two days. Not only is he hungry, but the entire intelligence service is starving.

Richard inquired about the food delivery truck on the radio, but the delivery truck said that the convoy that delivered the supplies did not come today. I asked the logistics convoy that the logistics center did not give them any transportation orders. I asked the logistics center that a new commander had come from the logistics center, and the center was now paralyzed.

"What **** new commander? I want to complain to him!" Richard survived these two days with his usual food reserves, but was hungry and hungry. He yelled at the logistics center countless times on the radio, but it was useless.

"Where do I go to sue this guy named Jim Jones? I want to let him know how good I am, no one can make me hungry anymore, no one!" Richard vowed, but on the third day At noon, the delivery truck finally arrived.

"Hi, the intelligence department, come out and have your lunch today." The delivery driver shouted outside the office building of the intelligence department.

Richard leaned his head out of the window and listened to the word 'lunch'. He felt hungry. He immediately made a decision-'I'll fill my stomach before I complain.'

There are hundreds of people in the intelligence service. Because the business is completely destroyed and the flow is stagnant, their dietary problems are guaranteed by the administrative power of the Skull and Bones. After being hungry for two days, everyone's eyes were green. Listening to food, they ran out.

The food delivery truck removed the buckets full of food and began to divide meals for everyone. Richard picked up a plate and walked forward, and today the food is extraordinarily rich, and it smells drooling.

"What's going on today?" Richard asked, "has the logistics center started working again?"

"Yes. It is said that the new commander has reorganized the entire management team, the efficiency of material circulation has improved a lot, and we can get more." The driver who delivered the meal was also satisfied with the situation in front of him. In the past, I was in charge of delivering food, and the orders I got were often wrong. But this time it was rare and accurate, without delay. "

"Really? I hope I can do the same in the future." Richard suddenly felt that he could not complain for a while.

After lunch, the Intelligence Department continued to join several convoys, and the car was filled with supplies they had not obtained for a long time. They knew they had these things in the logistics center, but they couldn't get them.

Richard got a body armor, a new pistol, and even a new portable computer and short-wave radio station ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is very helpful for going out.

"Oh oh ... praise the new commander of the logistics center, they finally came up with something good." An intelligence staff member yelled, "Look, they opened a brothel * and prepared two at one time. More than a thousand women are for us to enjoy. They also said that let us take care of these women so that they can survive. "

Another member of the intelligence team shouted: "Hey, I just received a request for assistance from the logistics center. They asked us to find out the road congestion in the Jamaica area. It is said that we need to organize more than a dozen cleaning teams from the relief camp. Clean up the city again. "

One afternoon, Richard had increased the work of their intelligence team by more than a dozen times, all from the logistics center, and asked to investigate the situation throughout the city. He complained that he had too few staff, and he received more than a hundred men an hour later. And these people are still organized, and don't need him to worry about the broken things of Lazar, ready to use.

"What the hell, when did the logistics center become so efficient?" Richard suddenly felt extremely weird, because the logistics center was exercising the role of the government. The agency even tried to contact the five bosses and wanted to mobilize the army of the Skeleton Society. To restore order in the city, "It feels good, but can we return to the peaceful life of the past?" (To be continued.)

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