Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 211: The disappearing ‘pretense’

"Victor, do you want us to have a few m1a3 'Abrams'?"

"Do you want to drain the last drop of fuel in our tank with that kind of oil tiger? No!"

"What if we could convert it to electric?"

"Butcher! You have to find out, 'Abrams' has a weight of nearly 70 tons and 70 tons! Where can I get a powerful electric motor with 1,500 horsepower and a superior energy storage battery? 1 Novel <≤≤≤≤ ≦ ﹤﹤ ≤ "

"But it would be disappointing without a tank."

"Come on, fuel is tight now, and you can use electricity. At least I found a lot of graphene batteries in the warehouse of the logistics center, and the two nuclear reactors on the" Aurora "have ample power supply. There are no electric powered armored vehicles in the weaponry. "

"Yes, yes, but this thing is too imposing."


"The light wheeled reconnaissance assault vehicle is electrically driven and weighs two tons. The field trip has exceeded 300 kilometers. It is highly intelligent and requires only one driver. It is equipped with a 90mm low-barrel artillery gun. There is an automatic loader with a capacity of thirty. But this car is too small, I must not be able to get in. "

"Great, I like this. We need to pay attention to the versatility of our weapons in the future. This small car that can do everything and go anywhere is just what I want!"

Zhou Qingfeng is in the office with the butcher's nest, discussing what weapons and equipment to choose from the warehouse of the Skull and Bones. Things like machine guns, individual missiles, explosives, landmines, drones, etc. are all easy to solve, but the butcher insists on a heavy tank that is powerful and domineering. This is really speechless.

In fact, everything else is secondary. The Skull and Skeleton Club has not managed well in the past month and a half, but its ability to search for land is staggering. However, after gaining control of the logistics center, these hacked items have completely opened the warehouse door to Zhou Qingfeng, allowing him to get whatever he wants.

In order to make his voyage more secure, Zhou Qingfeng transferred dozens of container trucks to transport cargo day and night to the bird of paradise that he secretly controlled. Among them, light flour rice, soy sauce vinegar and other food materials have nearly 10,000 tons, saving enough to eat for hundreds of people for ten years.

Food is not enough, and there are many clothes, quilts, fabrics, daily necessities, and home appliances. These were originally used as luxury goods for the senior management of the Skull and Bones Club, and were also searched by Zhou Qingfeng to ensure that his quality of life would not be too low in the future.

In addition, there are some necessary industrial products, such as various mechanical equipment, chemical equipment and their accessories. Zhou Qingfeng doesn't know much about these things, but Lina's overall planning team strongly recommends bringing them. Many people say these things are needed to restore civilization.

Then all the equipment of a divisional field hospital of the 6th Army was towed from the warehouse by Zhou Qingfeng. He even deliberately took thirty skilled medical staff from the hospital controlled by the Skull and Skeletons, ready to pack them away.

The last item is a large amount of fuel. Although the 'Aurora' can provide sufficient power, and the world in 2o3o has begun to enter the era of complete electricity, there are many fossil fuel-powered machines, such as the 'Paradise Bird' You need diesel.

In this way, the 40,000-ton load-bearing position of the 'Bird of Paradise' was quickly allocated, and now all we have to do is fill it up as soon as possible, and we can get out with the corresponding crew.

Wait a minute ... and the Aurora as the core!

"Damn Fernando Resno, where did he get the Aurora?" Zhou Qingfeng's abacus was excellent, thinking that in seven to ten days, all the preparations were done, and then while ' Pretending to be a perpetrator and sneaking into the 'Aurora' when they are about to get married, killing and stealing the ship.

Then ten days passed quickly, all preparations for Zhou Qingfeng went smoothly, and the 'Bird of Paradise' was full, and the personnel were fully prepared. The Skull and Bones also increased their strength because of the smooth internal management. Instead, they pushed the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel out of the Broncos area, and they were even counterattacking the Manhattan area.

But Fernando Resno did not disappear. Zhou Qingfeng contacted the other party several times without any information, and even Hasim Resno disappeared.

Zhou Qingfeng controls a drone team in the logistics center, which has been monitoring the offshore New York. The U.S. special-purpose unmanned reconnaissance aircraft has searched thousands of nautical miles around the sea, and did not find the nuclear-powered scientific research ship.

"Where did this **** die?" Because of his job, Zhou Qingfeng, who controls the logistics center, is even going to replace Fernando Resno. After all, tens of thousands of people in the Skeleton Society now rely on the team behind him to live and nourish. Without the materials he deployed, everyone would have a hard time.

At this moment, Richard, who had been passing smoothly during this time, suddenly received a command on the radio asking him about the current status of the Skull and Bones, and the order came from Fernando Resno, who had disappeared for many days. Although Richard was surprised, he reported all the recent events.

Then, Fernando began to inquire about the status of the several leaders in the Skull Club, and finally asked: What is the background of Jim Jones who controls the logistics center? Is he still reliable?

Why do you suddenly ask this?

In fact, after ten days, the entire Skeleton Society recognized the ability of 'Jim Jones.' Even the Brotherhood of Steel learned that the power of the Skeleton Society was increasing, it would cause all the 'Jim Jones' columns. For the enemy.

There have been three waves of people trying to assassinate Zhou Qingfeng. It was like sending Zhou Qingfeng to assassinate Fernando Resno. Zhou Qingfeng said that the pressure was great. He was a deadly enemy in the Skull Club. Now even the Brotherhood of Steel has indirectly regarded him as a deadly enemy.

More importantly, Zhou Qingfeng's hidden power has caused the suspicion of the other four leaders of the Skull and Bones ~ www.readwn.com ~ If Zhou Qingfeng did not recruit soldiers and recruit horses, or if he could not do without Zhou Qingfeng's management team, they would do What's hard to say?

And Richard has no interest in 'Jim Jones', and naturally told Fernando Resno of the current delicate situation in the Skull and Bones.

However, after learning that 'Jim Jones' has become an important weight affecting the balance of forces in the Skull and Bones, Mr. Pretending Offender ordered: investigate the identity of 'Jim Jones' and confirm whether he is still loyal to the Resno family heart of?

But soon, His Excellency Ted, the deputy commander of the logistics center, found Richard. In just one week, the old man had gone from a hot logistics executive to an unattended old man.

And now, the old man led a few fierce South American mercenaries and said to Richard, "Don't ask why. Your task now is to investigate 'Jim Jones', and I'm responsible for protecting you, also Monitor you. Do you understand what I mean? Nod if you understand. "

Richard felt a little shuddering and nodded in a hurry. (To be continued.)

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