Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 230: Future movie superstar

Riding the wind and waves, sailing all over the sea, the sky is high and the sky is wide, let me travel!

"Go to hell, New York! Lao Tzu will not play with you anymore. Even if you die, you will eventually escape the fate of destruction! Lao Tzu is on the sea now, and no disaster has anything to do with me .; 乐; 文; 小说 www .lw + No nuclear bomb would hit the sea. "

Watching the Statue of Liberty disappear at sea level, Zhou Qingfeng stood on the side of the ship 'Aurora' and shouted in the direction of New York, venting her tension and pressure in these two months. Now the 'Aurora' and 'Birds of Paradise' have penetrated the open sea, and have temporarily escaped from their worries and hustle and bustle.

In order to save fuel, the 'Bird of Paradise' shut down the engine and imbedded the 'Aurora' with thick cables. It was powered by the two 100 MW nuclear reactors of the 'Aurora', and the two boats slowly moved on the sea at the speed of eight knots of snails. Sailing.

The perfect living facilities on the "Aurora" made Zhou Qingfeng and his men and women enjoy a comfortable life. At least take a bath in the warm bath, take a swim, and then have a good meal before returning to the room. It's too convenient for a pop-up activity.

"Commander Hugo, where are we going next?"

"I don't care, just float on the sea for a while."

"Commander Hugo, do you need to look at the staffing?"

"This is Miss Fox, don't look for me."

"Commander Hugo, who is responsible for training our armed forces?"

"Find a butcher, Catalina, or even Minsk. Don't look for me."

Zhou Qingfeng, who is not under pressure, is like a rice bug. She is carrying two big, fat, and big buttocks big horses, Jenny and Nancy, in the room for two or three days, and then returns to 2016.

In 2016, Zhou Qingfeng was still in the hospital ward. In order to get an artificial laryngeal cartilage for Minsk, he deliberately targeted Fang Ruhu who was in trouble. Fang Ruhu has been dealt with, but he is still in the ward.

Zhou Qingfeng gently wiped the traces of his past, climbed out of the opened window, reset the opened railing, and quickly left. Waiting for dawn, the whole city of Tianyang is rumored that the surgical patients suddenly disappeared in the circulating hospital. It is said that the matter was so bizarre that even the police officers handling the case were fuzzy.

However, this matter has nothing to do with Zhou Qingfeng. He now has another headache-how to use 2016 technology to copy NTZ-49 in one year, and even upgrade to NTZ-50 without sequelae.

The world in 2030 is a mess, and it is unlikely to want to make NTZ-49 again. In the attack by Fernando Resno, the equipment from the Alenzo Super Energy Lab was completely destroyed, and Professor Kelvin, who presided over drug development, died, leaving only Zhou Qingfeng with a large amount of experimental records and learning materials.

It is not easy to bring together professional equipment and personnel in the 2016 world. Zhou Qingfeng had no money, no connections, and no technology. Everything could only be self-made.

Roughly reading the materials left by Professor Alenzo and Professor Kelvin, Zhou Qingfeng knew that relying on him alone was absolutely no way to get things done within a year, and he had to recruit others.

"The best way is to find Professor Kelvin and Professor Arenzo in New York. They are still alive now." Zhou Qingfeng searched online and quickly found Professor Kelvin. The opponent is a Nobel Prize in biology and medicine, a super cattle figure.

There is contact information of Columbia University Medical Center on the Internet. Zhou Qingfeng found his email address, and after typing a few words, he found that he had nothing to say to the other party.

Do you say, ‘Hi, I ’ve seen you in more than a decade. I have a big project here that can change humanity. Would you like to participate? ’

You blame others if they know birds!

Similarly, Professor Arenzo is an extremely well-known figure in the world of medicine. Now he has not reached the level of insanity. He is a visiting professor at several universities in the United States and has a great reputation!

Zhou Qingfeng has a lot of research materials on the NTZ project, but he can send these materials to Professor Arenzo. However, the subsequent results are difficult to predict. First, he could not explain the source of the information, and he could not guarantee whether Professor Arenzo would help him.

Cooperation is based on equivalence of capabilities. Elephants will not cooperate with ants because the latter will not benefit the former. After thinking for a long time, Zhou Qingfeng thought to myself: I need a team of biological experiments, and I have to invest a lot of money.

The so-called "big money" is not hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions. To build a high-level biological laboratory these years, the basic investment is hundreds of millions, and the follow-up investment is even billions of billions. Maybe Zhou Qingfeng can make a trick, but the most basic cost is indispensable.

When Zhou Qingfeng was upset about money, a text message suddenly appeared on his mobile phone. It said: Are you worried about money? You can get part of the movie box office as your startup capital.

The text message looked up as "GOD", this time surprised Zhou Qingfeng. But he wanted to send a text message to continue his inquiry, but was told that the number was invalid. He immediately went online to search, and it turned out that the movie ‘Wasteland’, starring him, was about to be released in public. The first one was provided to the theater for free, but the second one had box office income.

How much will he fuck?

Zhou Qingfeng immediately searched for ‘waste movie box office estimates’, and the news that emerged was overwhelming. Overnight, major film and television and entertainment media issued articles discussing the 'waste land' movie.

The creation of this movie.

Actors of this movie.

Distribution channels for this movie.

The movie's profit model.

The revolutionary significance of this movie.

All this has caused heated debate. Most importantly, the entire movie market is still very optimistic about this film that has been released online. Market research shows that although many people have seen this movie on their computers, they still want to experience the big scene on the wide screen of the theater.

"This movie is very thrilling to watch on a computer, and it must be better to see the big screen."

"This blockbuster has to look at the I-MAX version for a strong sense of presence."

"I watched the film, it was really wonderful. And the whole film really looks good, this is not a gimmick, you have to watch it."

"I'm a Victor Hugo fan ~ www.readwn.com ~ I must support him."

The investigation of student groups and white-collar workers has made the school line confident, especially now that there is no need to give the publishers and producers a penny. The school line can fully get all the profits, and it has spared no effort to support the film.

"It can be expected that in the next week, the movie screen of the country and even the world will be the screen of‘ waste land ’.”

"We are very optimistic about the box office of this film, because the publisher has done a global warm-up, which has never been an innovative promotion method in the past. And its mystery draws everyone's appetite, I want to give The film's promotion team scored the perfect score. "

"Although I still don't know who is the main creator team of this film? Especially not who is the guy who starred in Victor Hugo? But I want to say that this man is the fastest rising actor in the world. This film Once the film was released, he was absolutely red and purple! "

"The actor who plays Victor Hugo must be the movie star of the future."

Seeing so much news, Zhou Qingfeng's entire heart burned. He wants to know now: How much money can I get? (To be continued.)

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