Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 251: Flight encounter

You can't figure out your opponent's strength, but your own strength is not enough. This is the so-called 'Fear of Two Strikes against a Wolf'. Zhou Qingfeng also couldn't figure out how many warships the pirates in Nassau had. They could only send unmanned reconnaissance aircraft to watch Nassau's every move at the same time, and the fleet went to Big Abaco Island in northern Nassau.

There is a small port on the big Abaco Island, Mars. Zhou Qingfeng and others landed in the port with a small boat in an attempt to obtain supplies and information.

The Caribbean Sea is a well-known resort, and the great Abaco Island is full of bright sunshine, white sandy beaches, and blue waters. In the past, tens of thousands of people lived here all year round, but now they are quiet. Even if there are living people, they don't know where to hide.

There was no one in Mars's port area. Zhou Qingfeng led a team to find an airport with an earthen runway nearby. He also found many abandoned sightseeing planes in the hangar. The only flaw is the lack of fuel.

"We have nothing now, no staple food, no fuel, no hope. Just take whatever you want, and I can't stop it anyway." The caretaker at the airport was a greasy old man who seemed to be responsible for ground handling .

"Where are the people on the island?" Zhou Qingfeng wanted to ask the situation.

"Run away." The old groundman shrugged. He is an aboriginal man on the island. He has lived here for generations and depends on tourists who come and go every year. "Unexpectedly, there was a riot. At first, people ran towards the United States, but then Americans ran towards us, like a tide, and soon it became a dead place."

"Do you know what's going on in Nassau? It is said that it was occupied by a guy named General Santos. He doesn't seem to be short of fuel." Zhou Qingfeng asked again.

"I don't know. We completely cut off our connection with the outside world. No one cares about our lives." The old groundman was completely depressed.

"What about Miami?"

"do not know."

"So what do you know?"

"I don't know anything."

The old groundman stayed in his broken hangar and kept shaking his head in the face of the problem. Zhou Qingfeng looked at the other person's dull eyes, and said for a long time, "My name is Victor Hugo. I think we can help each other. I guess you must be hungry, maybe you should order some bread."

"Do you still have bread?" When the old man heard something to eat, his eyes were green, he quickly got up from the rotten sofa he was sitting on and said, "We only have some canned fish, fruits, vegetables, etc. Yes. But the staple food has been cut off for almost two months. "

"We can exchange your fruits and vegetables with flour." Zhou Qingfeng said, almost let the old groundman kneel.

The old man shouted into the wooden shed behind the hangar and ran out of children. They brought in some fruits and the like, but Zhou Qingfeng shook his head and said, "Too few of these, we want more. We must summon the rest of your island to work for us, and we provide flour as compensation."

On the island's containment, you can find three or four hundred people, all of them elderly and children, and the young and strong are out to find their way. It's just that few people know these days that it is safer to stay on such an isolated island.

Although the island cannot grow food, there are farms that produce fruits and vegetables, as well as a lot of canned food. The fleet exchanged flour with the people on the island, and a bag of 50 kilograms of flour could be exchanged for half a ton of citrus, just as if they were looting. The cold storage of "Aurora" was quickly enriched. The residents of the island started to cheer as if they had found a way to live.

"Old man, can those planes be used?" Zhou Qingfeng finally spotted a few abandoned small planes at the airport.

"Of course it works."

"Will anyone else on the island fly these planes?"

"I will. It's easy to fly these little planes. You can fly them by car. But we don't have fuel."

"We have some aviation gasoline, maybe you can teach me."

"Do you still have gasoline ?!"

After being surprised that Zhou Qingfeng could provide a lot of flour, the residents on the island were surprised that Zhou Qingfeng had obtained a lot of aviation gasoline. Several small Cessna series aircraft at the airport were pulled out, with the old ground staff as instructors, training Zhou Qingfeng and others as pilots.

The Cessna series of small planes are really easy to drive, safe, reliable, and comfortable. Zhou Qingfeng learns fastest, and can drive independently in almost three days. His first task was to clarify the situation near Greater Abaco.

The first is Nassau, then the Bahamas, then Miami. In short, the catastrophe is almost three months, social order has been restored, and human life can be said to be in order. However, when Zhou Qingfeng explored the surrounding situation, he also found that a small plane also ran over the big island of Abaco and seemed to be looking for something.

Both are single-wing piston propeller planes. During the driving process, the plane even approached Chou Qingfeng's Cessna and pulled the trigger towards him.

"Fuck! What do these dogs * want to raise?" Zhou Qingfeng's learning ability is very strong, but the flying level is still relatively tide for the time being. He has recently taken off to investigate the surrounding area for two consecutive days and has encountered this small hostile plane twice.

Especially in the second encounter, this single-wing Beech plane actually opened fire under the nose, and large-caliber bullets flew. This firepower rushed Zhou Qingfeng's head to the sea. But the other party chased down directly from the sky.

"Look, Lao Tzu is not a fighter pilot!" Zhou Qingfeng stood up on the spot, and the machine gun bullet hit a spattering waterline on the sea. The 'Beach' quickly approached the Cessna driven by Zhou Qingfeng. Kill him alive in the cabin.

At the critical moment, Zhou Qingfeng could only drive the plane into the sea ~ www.readwn.com ~ with his strong body to withstand the impact of high-speed impact on the sea surface, and then quickly blasted the glass cover of the cockpit and escaped the aircraft.

As long as Zhou Qingfeng was still in the sea, the ‘Beach’ in the sky did n’t let him go, and the slug bullets repeatedly shot out of the sea until he did n’t see any signs of surviving.

And Zhou Qingfeng suffocated in the sea for two minutes, watching Cessna driving himself sinking into the dark and deep ocean. After waiting for his opponent to leave, he emerged from the sea and connected to his waterproof individual radio station to call for support.

The "Beach" flew back to Nassau's airport and flew to the airport before landing. He reported his success on the radio to the airport. "Both the other two ships have been found. Tell General Santos that he can Send a fleet to launch a raid.

And I shot down an enemy reconnaissance plane today, and the pilot of the other side fell into the sea. I think you can prepare the paint and draw a record icon on my fighter. "

There was a cheer on the radio at the airport, applauding the pilot's record. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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