Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 255: Sea and Air Battle 3

During the violent muzzle flames, the 120-mm laser-guided projectiles detached from the cannon, eight front and rear wings were deployed, and they began to enter the middle section of inertial guidance. Launching a cannonball with a high trajectory is all a matter of luck. Maybe the cannonball can fly very far, but it can only be known whether the landing point can be corrected back!

The distance of seven nautical miles is almost thirteen kilometers, which is far beyond the detection range of the 'Abrams' fire control system. Although the maximum range of the shell may be able to reach this distance, don't think about the accuracy.

Neither the butcher nor Minsk knew where their shells were hitting, they just fired in a general direction. Right now, we can only see if the laser guidance of the drone can correct the deviation distance at the end.

No one on the battlefield knows if such a shot can hit the target? Even Zhou Qingfeng can only pray to God, praying that the radar of the tattered frigate has been out of repair for a long time, and the target position detected can be greater, which may allow the patrol boat to escape, otherwise he will even collect the dead body of the butcher. Can't do it.

In the frigate's bridge, Santos was very proud of the situation at hand. In his opinion, although the investigation of the aircraft at the beginning was blocked, the enemy's position was already clear. Individual air defense missiles can deal with small aircraft, but not warships. As for a helicopter and no anti-ship missile, naturally there is no need to worry about him.

"Speed ​​up, speed up, we must rush to Mars, but we can't let those two big ships run away again. This time we will definitely win! As for the patrol boat that tried to sneak in on us, don't worry about it, it is fast He will be sunk by the gun. "Santos was confident, although his frigate was old. But this work can still be done.

It was just that this self-confidence had not lasted for half a minute, and suddenly a thunderous masterpiece suddenly appeared, and the frigate's bridge was shaking shaking. Santos, who was sitting high and steady, fell off the chair while shaking, and slammed his nose on the floor.

His general, nosebleeds, managed to stabilize his body, and scolded, "What happened? We were shot?"

The star officer quickly asked the damage management team, but no one could say exactly what was going on? Finally, Santos ran out of the bridge by himself, and saw that the bridge was smoky, black and exploded from the top, and various antennas were stacked and twisted. The key is that the fire control radar located above was blown up. No trace at all.

I'll do a big fuck! Where did the shelling come from? There are no warships around! The closest to you is a patrol boat. No artillery will be installed on the patrol boat!

His Excellency Santos was instantaneous—the fire control radar of the main gun on my ship was such a piece! If this is knocked out, how can it be mixed in the future? And with such fragmentation, there is no chance of repairing.

Without radar providing target data, the two 76mm main guns in front of and behind the frigate quickly stopped firing. The artillery crew ran out of the turret and looked at the smoky place on their warship, all dumbfounded.

Without the radar, the next thing is to rely on visual bombardment, and it's back to the era of fearless ships! It ’s all a matter of luck to fire a gun, and one hundred or two shells can hit one or two even if they are well trained. At present, the gun group in Santos's hand was able to shoot out the shells.

Only Santos was beaten, while Zhou Qingfeng was thunderous. The two sisters, Elin and Ellie, who were in charge of the guided shells, hugged each other directly, cheering each other to boost morale. And Zhou Qingfeng learned that this shot of an ultra-long-range shot actually hit accurately, and also shouted on the radio: "Butcher, you can't die!"

The butcher and Minsk were also numb to the bottom of their hearts, because the opponent's two main guns blasted dozens of shells in an instant, and the more they hit the more accurate, the closer they were, they might be knocked out at any time. .

But now when he heard his blind shot killed the other party's most important fire control radar, the two big men yelled directly in the crowded tank turret, ",, continue!"

As a result, after two bear-like men experienced a hellish time, a strong desire for battle erupted, and they fired five artillery shots at one time against the frigate Santos took.

But the subsequent five shots were not so lucky. Because the distance is too long, even with the drone's laser guidance, the wing of the shell cannot be corrected. Only one shell hit and bombed the 30-mm anti-aircraft secondary gun on the side of the 'Kony' frigate. Rotten.

But even so, Santos was scared and scared, watching the continuous water column exploding on both sides of the hull, and he immediately understood that this must be the good thing that the enemy patrol boat was doing.

"Both speedboats and torpedo boats are rushing towards the enemy's patrol boat, and they must sink each other!" Santos knew that he had to sink or drive away the troubled patrol boat, and the opponent's ability to fire at a long distance need not be the same. The drone in the sky is relaying guidance.

"Quino, kill the enemy drone, it is attacking us with guided shells." Santos can now only count on his son.

Quino in the sky also reorganized his formation again. More than a dozen small planes no longer gathered in a group, but instead attacked concentrically from multiple directions with a fan surface, so that Zhou Qingfeng could not be kept busy.

"Be sure to destroy this helicopter, otherwise my father will not be able to survive, neither of you will be able to survive." Quino forced his men to rush up, and he himself oversaw the battle.

Faced with enemies in multiple directions, Caterina, who was in charge of driving, also began to use her skills. She can't fight with speed, she can only fight with maneuverability, "Victor, hurry up!"

Two 1,600-horsepower turboshaft engines gave HH-60H helicopters super manoeuvrability. Under the extreme driving of Katrina, this 'Rescue Eagle' made various incredible actions at sea level.

And Zhou Qingfeng was also responsible for knocking his opponent out of the sky in various turns of the earth ~ www.readwn.com ~ He yelled angrily: "Katlina, can't you stabilize? I can't lock it up aims!"

"If we stay a bit, we'll both be finished." Katerina also gritted her teeth. She circled all the way at a height of three kilometers, constantly circling with a small plane like a bee. Hold on to the drone responsible for the guided shells.

In the case of super maneuverability, Zhou Qingfeng could no longer use the Stinger X, and could only use 6,000 rounds of M134 per minute to spit bullets. During the fierce exchange of fire, the fierce two men teamed up and shot down five enemy aircraft trying to attack them. In particular, Zhou Qingfeng's ability to kill more and more powerful enough is enough to make anyone cold.

In the end, all the small planes were scattered and ran away, and they could no longer gather together. Zhou Qingfeng was a little bit panted, sweating all over, and saw a single-winged "Beach" rushing towards him at high speed. Come over.

Through the glass window, you can see the angry eyes of the opponent, and then look at the madness of the opponent's firing. Zhou Qingfeng instantly recognized that this was the opponent who had shot him down. He straightened the M134 in his hand coldly, and said calmly, "Want to die? I can fulfill you!" (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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