Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 259: Island life

Without revealing his special talents, East landed on the island of Big Abaco and was registered as a basic labor force. After a full meal, he was sent to the island's farm to pick tomatoes.

East didn't understand this tense moment, why did the people of the "Aurora Corps" pick up some tomatoes slowly? But in fact, there are still many people involved in tomato picking, and the origins of the personnel are very complicated.

There are Americans, Cubans and Haitians working on the farm. East has asked how these people came from? It turned out that the pilots who had not returned to Nassau actually did not surrender the 'Aurora Legion' in the battle the other day, but instead flew to other places around them.

So the news that the 'Aurora Corps' defeated General Santos was spread by these pilots and soon spread throughout the waters around the Bahamas. Moreover, the 'Aurora Corps' not only lost flyers in Nassau, but also lost flyers elsewhere. Many people who couldn't survive tried their best to run to the Greater Abaco Island to find a way to live.

People who came to Big Abaco felt they were saved. Some people were assigned to canneries, some were arranged to go fishing, and some people were picking various vegetables and fruits on the farm. They found that although life here was a little bitter, it was enough to fill their stomachs.

In fact, the "Aurora Corps" is a very good food for the labor force. Although there are no particularly valuable ingredients, the seafood in the sea and the fruits and vegetables on the farm are open. At most, the staple food is a little lacking, but it can still fill up. belly.

Among the tomato-pickling crowd, East saw even the woman who claimed to be a 'prostitute', and she took her children to work on the farm. East asked how she came from? As a result, the other side said that military control was implemented on the entire island, and everyone must obey the assignment and not work at will.

"Tiring work on the farm, didn't you complain?" East asked.

The woman shook her head, but her sweaty face quickly lived. "I feel pretty good, I can't ask for too much now. At least I and my child are happy, don't worry about other things."

East worked for two or three days on the farm, and was surprised that the organization of the 'Aurora Corps' was doing a great job. Everyone performed their duties, and no idlers were seen everywhere. Of course, if something goes wrong, armed soldiers patrolling with a battery car will really throw the troublemaker into the sea.

The militarized management immediately made the order of the entire island orderly, and production was extremely busy. East found that all the tomatoes he had collected were sent to a cannery, and workers at the cannery were busy producing ketchup.

"Who is going to eat so much ketchup?" The production of ketchup is simple. It is nothing more than smashing and adding various food additives. This is a food that can be stored for a long time. Looking at the large buckets of ketchup produced, East feels that this is completely beyond the needs of the Aurora Corps.

Only the workers answered this question, saying only: "We don't know. Anyway, let us do whatever we say. It is said to be for the reserve, and some people say it is for trade. Of course, some people say it is to recruit more people."

The ‘Aurora Corps’ did recruit a lot of people. When East arrived on the island, there were at most 500 laborers working for the corps. However, the population of the island is expected to exceed 5,000 a week later. He once helped transport ketchup to the 'Aurora' and heard the sailors on board say that the ketchup was to be shipped to Miami, Florida, across the sea.

"What to do in Miami?"

"It is said that there are a large number of slaves for sale in Miami, and the Legion is doing everything possible to buy slaves from Miami, or to rescue them. I think we will be lucky to be accepted by the Legion."

The distance from Greater Abaco Island to Miami is more than two hundred kilometers, and the information obtained from the sailors was quickly verified. It is said that the slaves there are extremely cheap, ten can be bought in a large bucket of tomato sauce, and can be doubled if it is canned seafood.

The Aurora once pulled back more than a thousand young men and women. These people were often tortured, ragged, thin and frightened. East is dispatched to look after these rescued people.

"What does Miami look like right now?" East is responsible for providing liquid food to these poor people, asking about the situation by the way.

"What does **** look like in Miami?" It was a white man who spoke, and it was said that the whole family was dead, and he was the only one left.

"Florida's agriculture is very developed. You should not be short of food." East is puzzled.

"No shortage of food?" The white man smiled wryly. "Florida does have no shortage of food, but those things no longer belong to us. After the disaster, countless Cubans invaded our home from the sea, and we worked hard to resist, but you Do you know how many people they have? Millions!

But after the government, the police, and the army all disappeared, those Cubans went to our Florida state like crazy. They tried everything to bring people ashore by boat, and we couldn't stop it. In the end, a whole number of millions of people landed, completely occupying our living space and selling us as slaves. "

The white man burst into tears after speaking, as did the other rescued slaves. However, these poor people had only been trained for two or three days and were driven away by the people of the Aurora Corps to work. Some people say that their trauma has not recovered and they are unable to work, and those who used this excuse were expelled in public.

East has witnessed this cruel scene. The leader of the Legion, Victor Hugo, personally made a short speech to the public, "We are not a free, equal, and fraternal world. Since you have joined our group, you should Contributing to your group, otherwise please leave. "

The deportee cried and said that he was willing to work ~ www.readwn.com ~ unwilling to leave. But the soldiers of the Legion ignored his petition and threw it back to Miami. East knows that this man will be dead when he is thrown back. He now truly understands the phrase that the Aurora Corps preached when they went ashore-this is not heaven.

Work, work, non-stop work, the area of ​​Greater Abaco Island is small. In just half a month, the resources here have been pushed to the limit by the 'Aurora Corps'. In order to accommodate more people, the Legion had to expand to other surrounding islands.

However, this expansion was under the harassment of Santos's men. They did not dare to go to the big Abaco Island to make trouble, but they could use the lack of ships of the Aurora Corps to hinder the expansion of the army.

For this reason, the leader of the legion is extremely annoyed, and must not ‘undead as a living horse doctor’ to ask thousands of people across the island, ‘who can get a warship’?

This problem is beyond the capabilities of the vast majority of people on the island, but East, who has been on the island for more than half a month, feels that he has finally waited for an opportunity, which may relieve the plight of his companions behind him.

"I can get a warship!" (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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