Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 27: World attention

Zhou and Tony Parker hanged up on their own initiative. Hearing that slick voice, he felt resentment in his heart. But this anger also gave him a lot of strength, freeing him from the threat of confrontation with David Lawrence.

"Done * your mother's David Lawrence. I haven't slept with your wife, let alone touched your daughter, what are you shouting and screaming? If this world is the end of hell, you don't live too many months When winter comes and nuclear bombs wash the ground, you won't be better off than anyone else.

On the contrary, I only know the overall situation in the future, I know how to deal with the desperate situation of death, I only know **** a road to survival. Now I'm just killing a robber, I will kill more people later, and I will laugh to the end! "

Zhou Qingfeng cursed and reinvigorated his morale while checking his arms and ammunition. He snatched two guns and a total of eight magazines from two policemen. Now he has consumed one gun and five magazines, and the ammunition is running out.

Zhou Qingfeng escaped from the driveway of the parking lot to the negative third floor. He did not understand the situation on the upper two floors and felt that he was trapped in this negative third floor. It was definitely a dead end. The only way out was to get out and he chose Go up from the fire passage.

However, when Zhou Qingfeng quietly pushed open the fire door of the parking lot fire channel, he heard a loud voice from the broadcasting system of the parking lot, "Sergeant Hugo, are you alright? Introduce yourself, this is Locke, this time The planner and director of the abduction case.

Now I have caught my goal this time-Miss Lina Fox. I asked the Fox Consortium for a $ 100 million ransom, and the consortium and the police are considering my request.

To be honest, I underestimated you. I thought you were just a rookie policeman who just graduated from a police academy, but just learned that you killed and injured two of my men. I really admire your ability.

As a policeman and a gangster, the contradiction between us seems irreconcilable. I think you used to be trained to catch bad guys. Now let ’s play the cat-and-mouse game of bad guys catching the police, OK? It's also the entertainment before I get the ransom.

To make our game more exciting, I will execute a hostage every ten minutes until you surrender or be killed, or you will kill us all. By the way, I deliberately allowed CNN reporters to enter the hospital, and our games will spread throughout the world through the media.

Now, the game has started, I wish you a happy play! "

I can hear crazy laughs and screams in the broadcast system. It sounds like an evil bandit is abusing a large group of captured hostages. Zhou Qingfeng touched his mobile phone again and searched for keywords such as the kidnapping case in the New York hospital, and found that CNN had a live video broadcast.

Zhou Qingfeng saw dozens of hospital hostages being held, and a dozen kidnappers. The guy named Locke had a particularly eye-catching head.

"Fuck! They are in the monitoring room." Zhou Qingfeng saw several projection screens hanging on the wall. The small squares above were all the monitoring probes inside the hospital. He quickly looked around, and sure enough, he saw the monitoring probe in the underground parking lot in one corner. "Lao Tzu has always been under the surveillance of the other party."

Zhou Qingfeng decisively found several fire extinguishers from the parking lot and smashed the monitoring probe, but the image of his police uniform was photographed. A CNN reporter in the monitoring room transmitted the image to the media through a camera, and people across New York saw his face.

"Isn't this the murder suspect?"

"How did he become a policeman?"

"God, I don't understand a bit. How can both sides of the confrontation be criminals, where is the real police?"

With the online media's various comments on the screen, all kinds of strange talks came out. The most insane of these is the New York Police Department.

The director of the police station was going to be fooled by the sudden appearance of Zhou Qingfeng. He yelled at his men and shouted, "Why the murder suspect who humiliated our entire New York policeman was in that hospital? And also Became the backbone of the fight against the kidnappers. "

For the question of the director, the next bunch of policemen only blinked and said, "We don't know!" We've been tracking this kid all afternoon, who could have imagined that he was mixed into another more urgent case?

贼 The thief shouted to catch the thief. The scene of the police watching surprised the people all over the world. Billions of people used various media terminals to understand the movement of the incident. Everyone was wondering who would win the showdown between criminals and criminals?

"I'm not very optimistic about the fake policeman's kid. Although his killing skills are extremely amazing, he has only one person, which is the biggest disadvantage."

"As a senior police officer, to discuss the situation on the scene, I think this young Chinese man will be shot if he cannot hold it for half an hour under the siege of a kidnapper."

"In less than half an hour, haven't you noticed that the Chinese kid only has a small pistol? Look at the kidnappers who are generally equipped with assault rifles ~ www.readwn.com ~ The disadvantage of firepower is even greater than the number of disadvantages. He is dead ! "

In the face of this bizarre case, everyone has turned into a critic, and people around the world are talking about the death of Zhou Qingfeng.

However, these hustle and bustle cannot be seen by Zhou Qingfeng. In front of him was the deserted underground parking lot and the fierce kidnappers who were approaching. And just as he thought about how to escape, a weak voice sounded in the dark corner of the negative third-floor parking lot, "Mr. Police, will you save my mother?"


When Zhou Qingfeng turned around suddenly, he saw a 8- or 9-year-old boy in the dark corner of the parking lot. This little guy was covered in dust and black, and looked pitiful when he looked at it.

"How do you hide here, little guy?" Zhou Qingfeng frowned, asking strangely.

"My name is Ronnie. I accompanied my mother to the hospital to see the doctor. When the bad guys rushed into the hospital, my mother was arrested to cover me. I fled to the underground parking lot by myself. I just saw it on the negative second floor. You fought with those two baddies, so I hid in the negative third floor.

Now those kidnappers kill a hostage every ten minutes, they might kill my mother. Can you save my mother? I beg you. "Little Ronny said and wept silently, tears even more pitiful.

I am not a police officer! The task of saving the world should be to find a hero like David Lawrence, I am a criminal now! Or the criminal sentenced to death by the savior.

Zhou Qingfeng is really furious ~ www.readwn.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest, and most popular serial works are all in ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mobile users please read.

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