Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 272: Turn your face

The air was trembling, the engines were roaring, huge planes were descending from the sky, or straight up into the skies, and this spectacular scene kept repeating at Livander Airport in Guantanamo.

"It looks like 'Increte' really controls the big cities in the southern United States, otherwise they would not be able to get so many transport planes and professional crew and ground crew members." Zhou Qingfeng saw a lot of food coming by air, and his heart was both tense and nervous. Excited.

The white glove with an empty glove is dancing on the tip of a knife. He is now sandwiched between 'Increte' and 'San Diego Military Alliance' and will be sieged by both parties if he is not careful. But watching a lot of equipment and materials converge, this is also a huge temptation of interest.

Zhou Qingfeng asked 200,000 tons of food and 100,000 tons of various fuels for the 'Increte'. This amount cannot be delivered within a month by a transport plane alone. 'Increte' is already considering using a ship to give it. ' Aurora's Corps sent over.

Behind this series of plans, Zhou Qingfeng told Katerina who had arrived in Guantanamo: "Our army formation must be accelerated, and the planes, boats and various personnel transporting the" Inkley "shall be detained after ten days. No one is allowed to leave our territory. "

Caterina was also watching Zhou Qingfeng at the airport with a modern airlift miracle. After listening to Zhou Qingfeng's statement to start with 'Inkley', she lowered her voice and exclaimed: "You are crazy, 'Inkley' is far stronger than us. The 300 soldiers they are sending are not something we can resist. It is good that we can occupy the Caribbean now. "

The reminder of the fierce girl is true, which Mr. Clooney of 'Inkley' is quite savvy. After reaching an agreement with Zhou Qingfeng, he sent a camp of three hundred people with several Boeing 787 airliners. 'Protecting the property of Enclave' is actually worried that the 'Aurora' Legion will be black and eat black.

This battalion armed to the teeth not only made Zhou Qingfeng feel threatened, but even the 'Alliance' occupying Guantanamo was disturbed. However, Zhou Qingfeng still definitely ordered: "Katlinna, as I said, all people and equipment of the" Inkley "will be stuck after ten days, and they will not be allowed to leave."

Catalina didn't immediately agree. She asked coldly and solemnly: "Are you sure you want to provoke a powerful organization far beyond yourself and turn this possible ally into an enemy?"

"I'm sure."

"I need a reason."

"..., no reason, just do it."

"Victor, you are always so unexpected." Katerina stared at Zhou Qingfeng for a long time and said after taking several deep breaths, "Well, I am willing to accompany you to challenge 'Inkley', I hope I haven't See the wrong person. "

Han Niu seems to have a sense of self-sacrifice. She must use life to make a bet, and use Zhou Qingfeng's words as a willingness to give everything to complete her mission.

Zhou Qingfeng was a little bit crying with her temper that likes to dig into the horns of her horns, and was frightened by her brave expression. He had to be relieved: "Katrina, you have to believe that I won't make fun of your life."

The savage girl's heart warmed up, and her frosty face suddenly smiled, "Okay, I know! I believe you will always work wonders, and I won't be worse than that little woman of Lina Fox. . "

Saying that Caterina grabbed Zhou Qingfeng's shoulder, kissed him before his forehead, and smiled again: "Since you want to play a big one, then I'll play a little bigger.

There are also a large number of passenger planes at Miami Airport, and many ships in the port. I can talk to the Cubans who control Miami, and use fuel to replace the passenger planes, ships, ground crews, pilots, and sailors in their hands. "

Zhou Qingfeng nodded and agreed with Katrina. "It can be, but our airport port in Mars is too small to land large passenger aircraft and dock large ships."

"Then occupy Nassau. Nassau has a large international airport and port, and the enemy's power is not strong. I just organized a 500-person light infantry battalion on Grand Abaco Island. The reserve service, which now has a strong transport force, should be expanded. "

When it comes to combat, Katerina let her eyes shine, and Zhou Qingfeng felt that he should have a more reliable place. Big Abaco Island is too small, but Nassau, which can accommodate 200,000 people, is different. In control of Nassau, the entire Bahamian waters will be of the 'Aurora' regiment.

"You're here to direct this attack?" Zhou Qingfeng was trapped in Guantanamo and couldn't walk away. Only Caterina was now able to move freely.

"Of course." Katerina proudly said, "I am a regular soldier. I have received military education and training since childhood, and it is okay to command 500 people to fight."

"Well, I agree." Zhou Qingfeng felt that this was a small risk and a big gain, and it was still worth a try. "I'll talk to Clooney of 'Inkley' and ask them to arm us with airlift. Support us for something. "

Clooney raised his hands in favor of the idea that the Aurora Corps attacked Nassau. He would love to see the 'Aurora' Corps fight against Cubans. In order to make the battle smoother, he even offered to send an AC-130 gunboat for air fire support.

The progress of the plan appears to be quite smooth, but with the transportation of a large amount of food and materials, Mirta, who is on the side of the 'Alliance', has sobered up from shock. She again found Zhou Qingfeng and raised her doubts, "Don't you want to retake Guantanamo?"

In just two days, a large amount of materials were transported by air. The 'Alliance' will get two or three thousand tons of valuable food. What is lost is the transport planes and helicopters they simply cannot use. But watching so many Americans return to Guantanamo, Mirta looked extremely nervous.

"Our next goal is Nassau, and then control the entire Bahamas. I don't think we will be enemies within a year." Zhou Qingfeng laughed. "But after one year, who can tell the situation at that time? "

Such straightforward speech silenced Mirta, and seemed to be assessing the credibility of Zhou Qingfeng's speech. She said after half a while: "Victor Hugo, you are a frank man and a dangerous man. I keep having the idea of ​​killing you immediately, so that I won't be killed by you in the future."

"Really? Why didn't you do it?" Zhou Qingfeng's smile remained unchanged, and she even got close to Mirta, and was almost close to the woman's full breasts. "Since I'm dangerous, why should you approach me?"

Mirta could not stop talking. Through the black veil, she could see a variety of messages with different meanings flashing in her eyes. There were coldness, appreciation, anger, and unwillingness. Zhou Qingfeng reached out and touched her veil, wanting to see what kind of face was under the black veil?

But Mirta grabbed Zhou Qingfeng's hand very sensitively ~ www.readwn.com ~ unpleasantly shouted, "What do you want?"

"I want to see how beautiful you are?"

"I'm not pretty at all. On the contrary, I'm ugly."

"I don't believe it, so I want to lift the veil."

"Dare you ...? I'll order to kill you immediately."

"You won't order it and you won't kill me."

"Victor Hugo, I hate your arrogant tone."

"Hahaha ..."

It is exciting to play with a proud and violent Mirta. Zhou Qingfeng is feeling fun, but the tall General Federuo suddenly appears.

His Excellency General seemed extremely angry about what was happening. When he saw his wife grabbing Zhou Qingfeng's hand, Zhou Qingfeng almost touched his wife's chest, and frowned immediately, "What are you doing?" (To be continued.) Find this Search "" or enter the URL:

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