Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 278: Sleepy beast

Bang ..., bang ..., two gunshots followed. One shot was before the stone landed, and one was after the stone landed. The two Santos guards at a wide angle were shot in the chest and fell unwillingly to the ground.

When the gunfire sounded, Mirta's eyes were scared. She clearly saw a serious foul by a gunner who took part in the duel, but she could not even send an exclaim. Zhou Qingfeng had already shot one hand and followed by another.

Because of the high tension and concentration, everything in front of him seemed to appear in slow motion in Mirta's mind, and was repeatedly played back and forth. Zhou Qingfeng played quite easily this time. The two opponents who should have fired at the same time failed to launch an attack together. This left shot, right shot, calm down, handsome!

By the time Mirta opened his eyes, there was silence all around. Everyone followed the fixation technique and looked at Zhou Qingfeng in the field with incredible eyes. Suddenly, shocked, speechless, all kinds of mentality emerged. It was not until more than ten seconds later that the tsunami-like sound of the mountain shouted again.

"Mr. Hugo won, and one man killed two gunmen. The moment he shot was as fast as lightning. When he heard only two shots, the opponent was killed by him."

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable! He can still win even if the opponent fouls. If we change it, we are afraid to be sieved."

"I can confirm for now that Carlos is not too weak. It is clearly Victor. Hugo is too strong!"

"It's an unparalleled moment. My excitement is about to explode. Only God can overcome this kind of person, and he is now our friend."

The moment the two bodies fell, crowds crowded around. The girls hugged Zhou Qingfeng like crazy and kissed, and the men raised him like a hero and cheered loudly. He was tossed into the air one after another, and the passionate Latina even lost his bra in pieces in a laugh, expressing his admiration for him.

"Hahaha ..." Zhou Qingfeng laughed too, and on his arm, his forehead hung seven or eight women's underwear with body temperature.

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng so popular, Mirta standing below had to change her face, all the tension just turned into a laugh. For the queen who controls the entire Guantanamo base, it is rare to show such emotion to a man.

Just in the carnival-like lively scene, Santos was as black as the bottom of the pot. The heavy frustration gave him a sense of weakness and decadence. Zhou Qingfeng was just like an invincible giant, making people feel depressed and dead.

"Go, let's leave here. After destroying their base and defeating their army, we can mock their ignorance and arrogance with the posture of a winner." Santos was too lazy to collect corpses from his men. Click away.

"Wait ..." Zhou Qingfeng was carried by several Cubans on his shoulders, looking down like a king. "General Santos, are you planning to admit your failure?"

The depression in the old Santos' heart can be turned into a stone, but now the two are dueling with Zhou Qingfeng, and even one person did not kill him by firing in advance. The kid's ability can no longer be explained by common sense. He didn't bother to admit: "You win this duel."

"So has the conflict between us been eliminated?" Zhou Qingfeng asked again.

Speaking of contradictions, the old Santos remembered the pain of bereavement when he was old, how this hatred can be easily eliminated. But at the moment he could only nod against it and say, "Yes, the hatred between us is written off."

"Since it's been written off, why did you leave in a hurry?" Zhou Qingfeng jumped off the Cuban shoulder and pressed Santos to ask: "Do you still want to retaliate against me? Do you still want to fight?"

Kill you a ghost!

Two people can't fight you face to face. How can this be duel?

However, Zhou Qingfeng made up his mind not to allow the old Santos to leave. Instead, he grasped the other party and kept shaking like a thug, and asked loudly, "Do you still want a duel? Do you still want?"

I asked a few words in a row, no one answered on the Santos side, and no one even rescued his own general, but the rest of the followers stepped back. Now everyone knows that the young man in front of him is a pervert, and dueling with him is completely suspicious.

During the shoving, the old Santos was pushed back to the temporary residence where he lived, and even the people with his luggage and various luggage were pushed back. Zhou Qingfeng blocked at the gate and yelled: "Mr. Santos, from now on, you should stay and live for a few days. If you dare to leave this house with your men, you are dueling with me, and I will gladly accompany you to the end ! "

The onlooking Cubans were again shocked. No one expected that Zhou Qingfeng's troubles would be to suppress the momentum of the other side, and Santos and his men were placed under house arrest. Mirta responded fastest, hurriedly approaching Zhou Qingfeng and whispered, "Are the Aurora Army planning to attack Nassau?"

"Still in preparation ..." Zhou Qingfeng asked someone to find a chair for him, so he continued to block the door of Santos' apartment with such carelessness. Now even Santos himself understood that Zhou Qingfeng didn't plan to let him go.

As soon as the door was closed, the old Santos was as irritable as the sleepy beast. However, instead of screaming and scolding this time, he asked his men to spread out the map, start the radio station, and immediately asked Nassau for information.

Nassau responded that everything was normal, and the island's army was gathering according to his orders, and it would be a few hours before they could attack the large Abaco island. The only trouble now is that Santos, the commander, can't go back.

"Damn it!" Old Santos didn't expect to come back to take over a batch of equipment ~ www.readwn.com ~ By the way to persuade a drop, but it turned out to be like this. Some men suggested that Havana send another person to command the battle. He immediately raised his hand and slapped him, cursing: "Send another person to take my place?"

After a breath of breath, Santos gritted his teeth again and comforted himself: "It doesn't matter, I can command the battle if I can't go back. As long as there is a radio station to contact, it's no different than being in person. The military forces I can control are far better than the 'Aurora Army' Strong, you can still win! "

In the past half month, a large number of people went to the Greater Abaco Island to find jobs. Although the "Aurora Corps" established an island-wide patrol system, it still couldn't hold someone from sneaking in and out to conduct investigations. The basic strength of the island could not be hidden.

On paper, Zhou Qingfeng and others have used all their strength to expand their forces. But they have a large number of people in their hands, not the army, and the technical equipment has not improved significantly. At least they still do not have professional warships. This is a major flaw.

And Santos' hand is just a new tanker Bunker Hill landing ship enough to sweep the entire Bahamas. Santos still maintained his confidence in this, he exclaimed with a fist against the map: "What is the use of Victor Hugo to stop me? As long as the 'Aurora Legion' can be crushed, I am willing to die." (To be continued) .) Please search for "" or enter the website:

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