Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 280: Lively port

After the cataclysm, riots broke out in Cuba, and the 'Cuban National Liberation Front' controlled the northern region, including the capital, Havana. Tomato novel ◇ △ --- `` ``-'' At the same time, they also pieced together several warships to invade the Bahamas and occupied its capital Nassau.

Under General Santos's leadership, thousands of Cuban armed men and tens of thousands of Cuban poor have flooded into Nassau, listing more than 300,000 residents as ruled. Now that Santos wants to attack the Aurora Corps, a large number of Cubans spontaneously drive hundreds of small boats to accompany them, intending to go after them.

On the shore, more Cubans who couldn't find a boat were on the one hand barefooted and deeply hated that they couldn't make a fortune together. On the other hand, they were inexplicably excited about the expedition launched by their fellow citizens.

Think of the millions of Cubans who have landed in the United States, and in turn oppressed the US emperor who had been oppressing Cuba in the past, and the Cubans in Nassau can happily drink a few bottles of rum.

"Destroy the Aurora Corps!"

"Be sure to win!"

"Bring back more loot!"

Watching the countless people on the shore waving and cheering, the fleet preparing for the expedition was also full of spirits. Compared with the last frigate of more than 1,000 tons, now the flagship Bunker Hill tank landing ship is fully loaded with nearly 10,000 tons, compared with The hull was tall and majestic.

There are also thousands of Nassau natives on the shore. The Bahamas' population is mostly black. Since the Cubans landed, black people here have become second-class citizens and are subject to discrimination. They don't say anything under the status, haven't eaten or drank.

Today the Cubans from Nassau went to the expedition and also pulled a large number of Bahamas out to cheer. Only the Bahamians are silent and numb compared to the elated Cubans. They saw the Bunker Hill that was going out to sea, and they saw a dozen frigates accompanying the Bunker Hill.

The Brotherhood of Steel not only brought the Bunker Hill to Old Santos, but also a large number of US Coast Guard ships. Each of these patrol ships was stronger than the old frigates, which greatly enhanced the strength of the old Santos. That's why he dared to attack.

The Bunker Hill is equipped with two 76-millimeter guns and a "dense array" air defense system. ☆ Tomato ○ Novel Network-"Brothers of Iron and Steel" supports some skilled operators to make this 20mm caliber air defense system work normally.

Just as the fleet went to sea, a large drone flew in the distance and flew past the port of Nassau at an altitude of 700-800 meters. Because the drone is slow and large, people on the ground can see clearly.

The Bahamas at the port opened their eyes wide when they saw the presence of drones. They started talking head-to-head in private.

"Is this the drone of the Aurora Corps?"

"Can they beat Old Santos as they did last time?"

"Will there be a powerful fleet behind the drones to fight these **** Cubans?"

The Bahamian discussions were relatively quiet, but the Cubans on the shore and the Cuban boats accompanying the sea immediately made various noises.

"This must be the drone of the Aurora Corps."

"Hit it down, hit it!"

"Die those Americans, let them know that we are great. □ Tomato □ ○ Novel Network △` `---` `---` ''

Around the sound of shouting and screaming, in the air defense radar room of the Bunker Hill, several air defense operators received an order from the bridge captain, "immediately destroy the drone in the sky."

"Yes, sir." The air defense officer responded.

The ‘dense array’ system located above the bridge began to work. The 20-mm close-up anti-aircraft gun suddenly lifted the barrel, and a puppet of shuttle shells flew into the sky. In just a few seconds, the slow-flying drone in the sky was beaten to pieces and shattered into hundreds of pieces.

"Yeah! Great, our warships are the strongest."

"The Aurora Corps is over. They don't want to hit us with guided shells like we did last time. We won't let those abominable drones approach."

"It feels great to beat Americans with the help of Yankees."

The initial success of the air defense operation, the fleet was jubilant. Seeing this in person, the Cubans on the shore and on the ship were even more excited and manic, and some people were anxious to drink on the spot. Fan △ Eggplant Fiction Net `` `-``-`-` Even the old Santos far away in Guantanamo learned about this on the radio, the old man's locked brows were loosened a lot, and his face had a smile .

"Go get me a bottle of wine, and I'll have a good drink. When the fleet wins the battle, I'll settle the bill with the ignorant and brave boy outside." The wine was delivered and everyone enjoyed it.

For the Bahamas in Nassau, this drone is already their last hope for salvation. But their hopes had only just been raised a little bit, and they were immediately shattered, and the drone was destroyed within two minutes of its appearance.

"Can the people of the Aurora Corps do it?"

"Are we destined to be ruled by Cubans?"

"I see the 'Aurora Corps' is about to die, how could it come to save us?"

"It's over, the dawn of freedom and democracy is gone, and Americans can't."

When the mood of the crowd in the port was polarized, the old Santos fleet continued to leave the port. The only headache for Cubans here is that the speed of the Bunker Hill is too slow. As a tank landing ship, it can only run 14 knots at the fastest, and its **** fleet can generally run more than 24 knots. There are even 30 knots.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Latinos have a natural characteristic, which is that they are extremely 'romantic'-slow and slow. Slow down, just slow down. Anyway, from Nassau to Big Abaco Island, it's about forty to fifty nautical miles, and it's just a few hours' drive.

However, in the warm atmosphere of the expedition, the engine murmured again in the distant sky. This is different from the scene where the drone just appeared. The plane did not appear, but the sound first appeared.

"This must be a big plane."

"Maybe it's the Aurora Corps' huge attack aircraft."

"Isn't the" Aurora Corps "a Yankee's power? Maybe it is Yankee's aircraft carrier attack fleet."

"Don't talk nonsense, where are there any aircraft carriers now?"

The Cubans and Bahamas at the scene looked up again, vaguely seeing a rapidly growing black spot on the sky. Inside the Bunker Hill, the radar had seen the black spot, and the officer on duty immediately reported to the captain: "Sir, there is a transport plane approaching us."

"Transporter? How could it be a transporter? Is the brain of the 'Aurora Corps' crippled? They should send a fighter anyway!"

At the port, tens of thousands of Cubans and Bahamas have telescopes. These people have seen that it is an American Yankee c-130 transport aircraft. This is a medium-sized transport aircraft that can take off and land at a field airport ~ www.readwn.com ~ with excellent performance and a wide range of uses. But this is a transport plane! How can a transport plane be used to fight?

"Hahaha ..., the people of the 'Aurora Corps' ran away and killed them. As long as they dared to get closer, our 'dense array' approaching guns would immediately knock them down."

"This is really ridiculous. A transport plane is actually a transport plane. I have never seen such a stupid commander. This is simply sending soldiers to death."

"This is really hopeless. Even the Americans are beginning to be stupid. We Bahamas are afraid to be slaves to Cubans forever."

In the laughter of the Cubans and the lamentation of the Bahamas, the rapidly approaching c-130 turned abruptly and began to circle in a centripetal direction about five kilometers away from the Bunker Hill. When the fuselage on the side of it exposed, a 105mm howitzer showed gloom.

This is an ac-130, with one more letter, the meaning is completely different.

(For tickets and subscriptions, no one supports it, and writers ca n’t hang on. Great gods are less hungry if they subscribe and less votes, but my writer who rushes on the street is going to die.) (To be continued.)

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