Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 282: You seem to make me laugh

In just twenty minutes, a main tank landing ship actually raised a white flag at the port. To be precise, a white pantock emerged from the bridge, and the nearly 10,000-ton warship stopped and floated on the sea.

Seeing this situation, the morale of the Cubans present suddenly plummeted. Words could not express their feelings, and many Cubans standing in the port were crying.

However, the Bahamas felt very happy to see this scene, and they were rare and cheerful. They joked and laughed, and even someone quickly spread the news to the whole city, leading more people to see the unluckyness of the Cubans.

It's just that Nassau has thousands of Cuban militants who obviously won't give up resistance so easily. In particular, Katerina only has a military force of 500 people, and even with more than 100 mercenary cannon fodder, the numbers of the two sides are far from each other.

But at the moment in Guantanamo, the old Santos, who had not heard of it, was already drunk. The old man was already dreaming of his fleet landing on Big Abaco Island, and Liting defeated the 'Aurora Corps' like a sweeping cave. By then, he would naturally be able to seize the nuclear-powered 'Aurora' and obtain a large amount of supplies. Finally, he would kill the enemy who killed his son.

A bottle of rum was drunk into the stomach, and Old Santos was a little confused about reality and fantasy. The horn of victory seemed to blew in his ears, turbulent cheering fell from the clouds, he patted the table, stood up, walked out of his residence nonstop, and came to Zhou Qingfeng at once.

Zhou Qingfeng blocked the door of Old Santos for a day and night, and the place where he was staying at this moment had become a scenery in Guantanamo. A large parasol stood beside him, and a comfortable beach chair surrounded him. Seven or eight girls in bikinis were waiting for him.

No way, Cuba, located near the equator, was just as hot in November as it could be to wear cooler clothes.

And the old Santos drank boldly, came to Zhou Qingfeng with pride, and drank with a wine bottle: "Victor. Hugo, you are about to die. My fleet has already set off and is now landing at your base. Imagine that the supplies you brought from the United States will soon belong to me. "

Zhou Qingfeng narrowed his eyes with contempt and didn't say anything. The hot girls who were always around him were a little panicked. At this scene, there were still many ‘Alliance’ soldiers in charge of the guards. They did n’t understand what was going on. They just watched the promise made by Old Santos, and it seemed that something very difficult had happened.

Old Santos also drank too much, and he shouted to the other Cubans around him: "You think this kid's marksmanship is good, isn't it? It's useless! The current world is not the past Western era, The cowboy traveled the world with two revolvers, this is a joke!

I own a tank landing ship, Bunker Hill, which can carry more than ten tanks, can transport large landing boats, and can send hundreds of soldiers directly ashore. It has two artillery pieces that can hit the beachhead, and it also has a close array of anti-aircraft guns that can shoot down aircraft and missiles.

Do you still think this kid can win the final victory? He is just a clown, he can only perform some funny shows, but he is no better than me in terms of practical ability! He will soon be reduced to a 'loser' and lose everything! "

Old Santos is desperately venting the depression that has accumulated in his heart recently. Seeing more and more people are coming, he wants to publicize his strength and record. This kind of "personal madness" performance personality is very contagious, and the crowd who watched the crowd for a while said that his face was pale.

If Old Santos defeats the 'Aurora Corps', the supplies shipped in these days will be cut off, and the Cuban 'Alliance' side, which has managed to stabilize, will be defeated. These Cubans who are behind Guantanamo are about to become losers, and the losers in the civil war are often bullied by the winners.

Because the matter was so important, Mirta, who was in charge of Guantanamo's internal affairs, hurried over and heard Old Santos's mad bragging. "You surrender quickly! Now surrender can still be alive. When our army of the" Liberation Front "is pushed here, you will not have good results.

Now there is news to confirm that my fleet defeated the 'Aurora Corps' and landed on Big Abaco Island, and my strength has been strengthened more than ten times. I have no time to join now, otherwise you will regret it. "

Mirta heard his brows froze, and the old Santos, full of alcohol, was dancing and celebrating cheerfully, as if the big picture had really been set and victory was in the hands. She was also a little stunned, walked to Zhou Qingfeng and smelled: "What happened?"

Zhou Qingfeng shrugged, "I don't know."

"You didn't ask what happened to your big Abaco island?"

"Why to ask? Now that my companion is fighting, I am panicked and ask, isn't it chaos?"

"Aren't you worried?"

"It should be okay." Zhou Qingfeng's face leaning on the beach chair didn't matter, as if he had no interest in the victory or defeat of the battle.

"You ..." Mirta was not so calm as Zhou Qingfeng. She quickly ordered her opponent: "Contact us immediately to send people to Nassau, I want to know the true situation now."

The men immediately verified the information, only to see that Mirta was so serious, and the people around him were even more worried. In their opinion, old Santos all drank and celebrated, and even dared to run outside to openly provoke, and the matter was afraid that it would be irretrievable.

"Dear Mirta, you sent someone in my nest? Unfortunately, he will tell you bad news right now-you lose, I win!"

"Mirta, do you know how many Cuban men are fascinated by you? The soldiers in the barracks like to use your portrait to fly planes. It's so disappointing that you marry Fedro's idiot. Wait, when My army killed Guantanamo, and I will rescue you from Federow. "

"And you, Chinese boy, you also wait for death! I want to prove to everyone that playing a good gun is just a little trick, and the real strong person gets honor on the battlefield."

The older Santos was, the more cheerful and noisy, the more depressing the whole scene. In the last few hundred people watched the old man drinking and dancing silently. Only after waiting for half an hour, the personnel to verify the news hurried back and whispered in Mirta's ear.

"What?" Mirta looked at his men in amazement.

The man under the letter was agitated by Mirta's questioning and whispered again. Hundreds of people in the audience were panicked and raised their ears to hear something.

But after repeatedly confirming, Mirta's face became extremely strange. She first looked at the old Santos who was seizure, then stared at Zhou Qingfeng seriously, and said gently: "Mr. Hugo, congratulations, maybe we Consider giving you a celebration party. "

After talking about Mirta, he gave the old Santos a vicious look and turned away.

The crowd watching at the scene suddenly felt like cats and mice biting, eager to know something. The original quiet scene was suddenly lively and noisy, and many people were analyzing why Mirta, who had just left, said such a sentence?

"Is this any hint?"

"The 'Aurora Corps' is really finished?"

"Why did Ms. Mirta say congratulations? Did she fail? Congratulations?"

In the midst of many discussions, a panic follower ran in the old Santos's residence, lying in the old man's ear and whispering something ~ www.readwn.com ~ The old man's original crazy face immediately became dull, followed Anxiously shouted, "You say it again!"

The entourage said again, from time to time, he looked at Zhou Qingfeng, his eyes full of fear.

After the same repeated confirmation, Santos's drunken head instantly cleared up. He grabbed the neck of the hand and shook it vigorously. "You lie to me, how can my strong fleet surrender? This is impossible!"

Oh ... the surrounding gossip masses finally got a little important information and exclaimed in unison. Zhou Qingfeng, who was lazily lying on a beach chair, stood up, and the girls around him were leaving. Old Santos' fleet was dead, and he didn't have to keep blocking the door here.

Zhou Qingfeng, while packing the beach chairs, said, "Hey, Santos, you just performed really well, as if you were making me laugh on purpose!"

(I just looked at the recommendation page on the front page, and the books that have played with me over the same period have been very well recommended. But I still have nothing. I really want to curse, why did I make such a hard update to this point? I want to ask the brothers who read the pirates to collect, recommend, can you help me if you don't spend a penny? No one supports it, I really can't sustain it.) (To be continued.) Find this Search "" or enter the URL:

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