Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 32: Shock

Underground parking lot, on the entrance curve on the negative second floor.

轿车 A car was driven by two kidnappers and blocked on a curve to become a roadblock. There was already a kidnapper after the roadblock. When he saw the car coming from his companion, he shouted, "Fool, don't push this kind of gasoline car to be eliminated. Do you want to burn ourselves when it will fight? Go to the electric car come."

Two kidnappers quickly drove away gasoline-fueled vehicles, and several new electric-powered vehicles were being driven in succession.

After the barricade was completed, the two kidnappers sucked fuel out of the gasoline car with a hose, and then flowed down the **** of the curve. Smelling the strong smell of gasoline filled the entire underground space, the three kidnappers laughed cheerfully.

虽然 Although this method is a bit stupid, it looks effective. As long as the flame burns, in less than a few minutes, the negative three layers of oxygen will be consumed, and no one will survive.

The kidnapper who led the team pressed the call button and contacted the kidnapper leader Locke by radio. "Boss Locke, we have blocked the entrance and exit of the negative third floor, and we are waiting to turn the police inside into a barbecue."

"Buck, be careful, I don't want to hear any more bad news. Is the policeman quiet inside?"

"Yes." The kidnapper named Buck said with some confusion: "The policeman seemed to be driving against the wall in the negative third floor. I didn't go down and wasn't sure about the specific situation."

"Driving into a wall?" Locke asked, strangely. "Is he crazy?"

"I don't quite understand what he's doing in there?" Buck was also puzzled. "But it doesn't matter, we can quickly fill enough gasoline to the negative three layers, it takes about half an hour."

Buck then drank back to his two companions: "Hurry up, you two idiots, is it so difficult to get a gas?"

Underground parking is not a gas station. The only way to get gasoline is to **** it out of the vehicle's fuel tank. It's a bit difficult, it's not that easy. The kidnappers who pumped oil accidentally made themselves full of petrol.

At the moment, while in the hospital monitoring room, the gang leader Locke was still a little uneasy. He also used the radio to contact his subordinates who went down the fire passage. "Shawn, what's the situation with you? What is that police doing on the third floor?"

The kidnapper Sean also took two men, and they carefully walked down the stairs step by step. When they saw the three companions falling down the stairway, they all became weak.

The fire stairs were originally closed in space, dimly lit, and with the pungent blood smell in the air, looking at the three different remains on the ground, the three of them felt a tumult in their stomachs.

The most terrible thing is that the kidnapper who broke his chin is not dead. The unlucky guy was still coughing from time to time, squirting blood and blood out of his lungs.

I watched his companion look so miserable, Sean simply used a gun to help him solve the pain before he died. When he heard the inquiry from Boss Locke, he replied, "We didn't find that policeman, but there were some sounds of cars moving on the negative third floor. Oh my god!"

"What happened?" Locke asked urgently.

Shawn has now walked outside the fire exit door of the negative third floor, only to see that this door has been blocked. He quickly shouted to Locke: "Boss, the police used several cars to block the fire exit into the negative third floor fire door."

This is the sound of "driving into the wall" heard by Buck on the other side. Zhou Qingfeng knew that he could only leave in two directions. He did not choose a fire escape with a narrow space and difficult to assault, but chose a parking lot bend that could be driven away. Road.

In order to avoid the enemy on both sides, he drove the fire door of the fire passage to block, and two or three cars ran into it together, blocking a strong one.

Shawn could only look in the negative three layers from the door slit, and when the fire flickered across the room, three thumping shots hit him.

哦 "Oh ... **** it." Sean shrank back with a cry, and the bullet got in through the gap in the fire door and made a hole in the door frame. The shattered fragment flew out, making a big cut in his eyebrows. "Boss, we can't get in, the **** policeman is behind the door."

I heard that Zhou Qingfeng was still on the third floor, and Locke, with a fierce look on his face, reassured, "It doesn't matter, just stay behind the door. After a while, he will cry and shout to run out."

Alas ha ha ha ... thinking that Zhou Qingfeng was about to be burned to death, a group of gangsters blossomed on the radio. It was just that the laughter of the kidnappers didn't last long, and Zhou Qingfeng, who had no escape route, began an assault.

According to the guard on the second floor, Buck was squatting behind the roadblock of the vehicle. His position was a full 20 meters from the curved road junction on the negative third floor. This distance is relatively safe. As long as Zhou Qingfeng emerges, he will be hit by a rifle in his hands.

"Come out, come out, let me open your head to flowers." Barker kept muttering, his muzzle was aiming at Zhou Qingfeng's possible location, waiting to pull the trigger. Beside him, more and more gasoline was flowing into the negative third floor.

At this moment, Zhou Qingfeng was sitting in an electric car, and drove towards the curve after starting. He speeded up the speed as much as possible in the parking lot on the negative third floor. When the vehicle was about to go to the exit of the curve, he immediately jumped out of the driver's seat ~ www.readwn.com ~ After several consecutive rolls, Zhou Qingfeng was on the ground. It was covered in ashes. But he didn't stop in the slightest, and immediately went to drive another prepared electric drive car.

The last car slammed into the curve with a bang. With no driver, the car hit the corner of the wall in an instant. Under the condition of extremely fast speed, the vehicle did not stop immediately after hitting the wall. The strong kinetic energy pushed the vehicle to rush upward along the wall!

Uncle Buck fired violently when he saw a vehicle coming out. When he wanted to come, Zhou Qingfeng would definitely want to escape with the cover of the vehicle. All he had to do was to shoot bullets at the driver's seat.

But after the car ran a few meters away along the wall, the body rolled over and buckled directly, hitting the curve heavily.

As soon as Buck Buck opened fire, the other two kidnappers who had pumped oil quickly rushed over. The three gun tubes were sprayed together towards the cab of the vehicle. After the three magazines were emptied, the randomly fired bullets even ignited the petrol flowing on the ground. There was a blast, followed by a heat wave.

"Did he get killed?" Buck looked at the corner of the curve, creating distortions of light through the high temperature, but he didn't see any blood, "He's not in the car?"

巴 When Buck was in doubt, another car rushed out of the negative third floor, hitting the curve wall the same, rolling in the same volley, and falling into the flame on the ground of the curve.

"Hell, this **** policeman is going to use these vehicles to make escorts so that he can rush out." Barker exclaimed to the two men. "Get more gasoline and burn him fast. Never let him rush out ~ www .readwn.com ~ Welcome the book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mobile users, please read.

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