Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 36: laboratory

"More than thirty years ago, Professor Arenzo isolated a special biological enzyme from a cold virus. This biological enzyme can promote human cell activity and improve metabolic functions."

"In experiments with mice, Professor Arenzo found that this biological enzyme can greatly improve the physical function of mice. He thought it might be a new drug against cancer, so he named the biological enzyme NTZ-1. And began a lengthy study of this biological enzyme. "

"In more than three decades, from the earliest NTZ-1 to the present NTZ-49, Professor Arenzo has spent all his efforts on it. His discovery has made a big splash in the world and has been vilified by others. You can only serve as a doctor in this hospital in exchange for a small laboratory. "

"Because of being misunderstood and ridiculed all year round, Professor Arenzo's character has become extremely weird. Although his talent is unquestionable, it is difficult for him to trust others. He has been afraid that someone will come to steal his research results So he didn't use any assistants. "

"As for me, I'm not a biology or medical doctor. I'm a mouse-feeder. By the way, I help Professor Arenzo clean up the laboratory."

"The beneficial effects of NTZ-49, I think you have already experienced it. If this gadget can be used safely, human development will directly leap to a higher level.

But the side effects of this thing are just as obvious as its benefits. According to the experimental results of mice, the validity of this gadget is only one month.

After one month, the effect will fade, and the mouse must take the medicine again. Without continued medication, the muscles of the mouse will twitch within 24 hours, and the brain will begin to shrink within 36 hours. Forty-eight hours later, mice will lose organs and die. "

In the little Arenzo Super Energy Pharmacy Lab, the words of the white man chilled Zhou Qingfeng all over. Then he knew that he had obtained great benefits and hidden great hidden dangers. He hurriedly asked, "You just said that the experimental results of mice, what would happen to normal people?"

The white man shrugged and said with a sorry expression: "This thing has not passed animal experiments, and it will not enter the process of clinical verification. So what will your result be, no one can answer."

What the **** ... Is I going to become an idiot in a month?

Zhou Qingfeng asked again urgently: "How much is this medicine?"

"There is only one bottle in the refrigerator, which just happened to be yours." The white man's expression of regret.

"I obviously saw a lot of bottles in the refrigerator."

其他 "The other bottles are either empty or filled with something else. In fact, you are out of luck. That's a refrigerator for biologics, and some of them are very toxic."

What-fuck! Why am I so unlucky? !! I was thirsty to find a drink of water, but I broke into a biopharmaceutical laboratory and found a bottle of something that I should not drink.

"Professor Arenzo didn't make more of this stuff?"

"Sorry, the professor has always been afraid of others stealing his research results. It has always been prepared on the spot and used on the spot."

Zhou Qingfeng felt that he was really unlucky, how could he let him encounter so many broken things? He asked again, "Where is Professor Arenzo?"

The white man continued to sigh and said, "This is bad news again. Professor Arenzo is over eighty years old. He has always wanted to distribute the perfect version of NTZ-50 without sequelae, but it has never been successful.

Due to extreme frustration, and at the same time feeling that he is running out of time, Professor Arenzo drank the last NTZ-49 three days ago, and then he drank himself a little.

But Professor Arenzo is too old to survive the period of physical transformation. He woke up for the last time yesterday and shouted in excitement ‘I found a way’. But then ... he died! In fact, the bottle you drank was left by him. "

The white man shrugged and shrugged again, saying: I've finished the story, and that's it, sir. You take care of it!

"I will die in a month?" Zhou Qingfeng asked expressionlessly, he was extremely frustrated by the bad news.

The white man shook his head and said, "You are the first person alive after drinking NTZ-49. I ca n’t really tell how it works."

God, do n’t give up if you do n’t play me, right? It's not enough to bring Lao Tzu to this broken hospital, and it will kill me soon!

Looking at Zhou Qingfeng's somber face, the white men were a little afraid that the Chinese policeman would suddenly run away. After thinking hard, he suddenly said, "Yes, maybe you can find a way to prepare this medicine yourself. I can help you find the computer left by Professor Arenzo. All his research materials should be in it."

You meowing me, I am an unlucky one who doesn't understand anything. You asked me to do biopharmaceuticals? But Zhou Qingfeng had no other choice, he had to bite his head and asked, "Well, take me to Professor Arenzo's computer."

The private laboratory of Professor Arenzo is small in size, it is simply divided into two rooms. The outer room was fed by a white man, and the inner room was used by Professor Arenzo for secret research.

After Zhou Qingfeng violently opened the door lock of the internal room with a gun, he found the professor's personal computer inside. The professor estimates that he has spent all his life's savings in this lab of about 30 square meters. The equipment here looks very advanced.

"It's that computer, the top configuration you can take with you." The white man pointed at a somewhat messy desk ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is an armband on the desk. This is Professor Arenzao's personal computer. After Zhou Qingfeng put on the armband, a virtual screen of an operating system was automatically projected from the armband. The white man said: "The password is Professor Arenzao's birthday."

After getting the password, Zhou Qingfeng touched directly on the virtual screen to enter the computer's control interface. Then ... he won't use it!

I discovered that Zhou Qingfeng looked at himself again. White men quickly took on the responsibilities of teachers and began to patiently point out how to use this customized personal computer created by the latest technology in 2030.

看 After reading Professor Arenzo's astonishing variety of biology and medical books and materials, Zhou Qingfeng sighed again and said, "I think I will not learn so much in a month."

"It doesn't matter, you just need to learn how to make NTZ-49 now." The white man brought up the experiment recording video in the computer and said, "According to the mouse experiment, your intelligence will reach one hundred in one week. Over fifty, absolutely clever.

And all the equipment for Prof. Arenzo to prepare NTZ-49 is in this laboratory. Maybe you can talk to the hospital to see if you can use them for free. "

White man waved a hand at dozens of various biopharmaceutical equipment throughout the laboratory. It seems that Zhou Qingfeng's problem has been solved. But Zhou Qingfeng was crying frantically in his heart: It won't be long before the whole world is finished. Where can I still have time for pharmaceuticals?

Wait, there is a very important question ... How long have I been in a coma after taking this medicine? When is it now? Mobile users at ~ www.readwn.com ~ please read.

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