Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 385: No way

In a warehouse in the port of Nassau, a high-pressure boiler was quietly placed in the middle of a pile of debris. There are a lot of accessories beside the boiler, and several oil tanks full of rust. The oil tank is kerosene.

An engineer from the Newport News shipyard was very puzzled after the inspection, "These tanks seem to have been here for decades, not as long as they have arrived. The kerosene in the tanks has a lot of residue. The quality is poor, but it can be used to spray coal to increase the combustion value.

The boiler is even more amazing. Although it looks very old, there is still some fresh circulating water in the boiler, as if it has just been repaired. All parts have been lubricated and run well.

Oh ... when it comes to lubrication. I also found a lot of lubricating butter in the boiler. Seeing that the packaging has also been used for decades, it can basically be used, but the appearance is not good. It can be said that the stuff here is exactly what we need now, and it perfectly solves all our problems, which is simply amazing! "

It's really amazing. This scene left a bunch of engineers who came to look at the situation sluggish. Everyone was thinking: why so clever? We want everything here, it ’s just God sending us blessings!

"Hahaha ... this is just a coincidence, I found it casually. If this thing can be used, immediately transport it away." Zhou Qingfeng swaggered away from the warehouse, a relaxed pace.

Dr. Lei Zuo had no time to delve into the reasons. Now that the battleship assembly was in a hurry, he quickly transferred to cranes and trailers and shipped all the equipment here to the shipyard. Until a stable fuel supply is available, the shipyard is the only unit that can use internal combustion engine vehicles casually.

After Zhou Qingfeng got the matter of the high-pressure boiler done, he informed Lina Fox on the radio. An understatement of "get it done" made the little fox smile like he stole a chicken.

However, this boiler incident reminded Zhou Qingfeng that he could get more than just old clothes from the real world. He could get some old industrial products.

There are too few skilled workers in Nassau's shipyard, and the industrial equipment is not complete. It may be ok to do some repairs. If you really want to mass-produce a certain type of equipment, you will always encounter things such as the inability to weld high-pressure boilers.

In the machine repair factory that Zhou Qingfeng just visited, there are a lot of rusty equipment and materials in it. No one wants it. If you get waste soil, it will be of great use. You need to know that there is so much missing from wasteland. Sometimes there is no need to solve it first, the technology does not need to be too advanced.

And the boiler was refitted, retested, and the final outfitting work was also carried out day and night. This situation has not been publicized. As Mr. Wade, who is '007', is a worker who controls the rolling mill, he does not know it at all, let alone inform the follow-up situation of 'Inkley'.

However, as the current controller of the waters of Cuba and the Bahamas, Mr. George, a military adviser, does not want to see the warships of the 'Aurora Corps' continue to improve the launch. Although arrogant, he also knew that he could not let his opponents continue to develop.

Now that the opponent ’s boiler has a problem, it is necessary to take this opportunity to completely break the opponent ’s dream of conquering the ocean. It is the best way to smash the Aurora Corps ’shipyard in Nassau.

"Let's go. Let's go to Nassau and teach the yellow-skinned monkey. Let him know that the ocean is not a poor yellow race, but only our noble white people." George encouraged his eight armed speedboats before the war, this Canadian The fleet that is less than 1,000 tons is currently the king of the Caribbean.

But before leaving, George ’s fleet was not without trouble. “It ’s more than a thousand nautical miles to and from Nassau, and we have to prepare more diesel.”

Armed speedboats were originally used for offshore patrols, and their range was limited and they could not run too far. For them, the journey from Havana to Nassau was an expedition. To fill George's fleet's fuel tanks, hundreds of tons of diesel had to be filled.

As far as the limited capacity of the Havana refinery is concerned, the transfer of hundreds of tons of diesel requires the consent of many people. The message was quickly passed to Lena Fox by Matanzas.

"Miss Fox, a smuggler named Koma sent us a message saying that the Havana's George Fleet was all out. Not only were they filled with fuel tanks, they also came with a lot of fuel tanks," the assistant reported.

"A lot of oil drums came with the whole dispatch?" Lena Fox frowned. The attack on Matanzas was not too far from Havana, and no additional fuel was needed, suggesting that the George Fleet must go further. "Notify Nassau that the small fleet of 'Inkley' should be heading in their direction."

"It takes about a day to run a distance of five hundred nautical miles at a cruise speed of twenty-four knots." Zhou Qingfeng, who was informed in Nassau, only glanced at the map to know when the enemy might arrive.

According to Dr. Rezo's report, even if a suitable high-pressure boiler is obtained, it will take two days to complete the entire battleship transformation and testing ~ www.readwn.com ~ That is to say, at least two days can be used to scare out the steam battleship, and The actual combat effectiveness is still in doubt.

"These two days can not let the enemy approach the Nassau shipyard." Zhou Qingfeng can do everything possible to stop.

Use AC-130U? This killer 锏 is easy to use, but it is an authentic oil tiger. After using it, Nassau's oil depot is about to cry. It's better not to use this stuff until you have no choice but to.

Use a suicide drone? It turns out that unless it is unexpected, slow UAVs are easily hit by machine guns. Doing so will only waste valuable drones.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhou Qingfeng didn't have a good idea either. In the end, he could only come up with a solution that was not easy-fast-fire guns and 'Javelin' missiles were installed on more than a dozen small steamers and arranged near Nassau port and shipyard. Floating turrets to prevent enemies from approaching their vital points.

"Floating battery? Is this thing useful or not?" Katerina sat in Nassau and was responsible for training the army and police with Minsk. When she heard an enemy coming, she would come to Zhou Qingfeng to discuss it.

"Our small steamer can't run fast and has no armor. We can only stay anchored near the harbor and wait for the opponent to come in. The only way is to equip it with a little weapon. We ca n’t fight, we ca n’t run, we have to keep it Stay. "

This passive defense completely loses its flexibility, and is simply a stance waiting to be beaten. But even so, Katerina had to remind Zhou Qingfeng: "The stock of 'Javelin' missiles we brought from New York is running low, so save the fight."

Alas ... I do n’t know Chai Migui if I am not at home. Zhou Qingfeng, as the head of the army, has to find ways to maintain this group. It is really hard! Now ..., say that the enemy will not be so stupid and directly hit the fire circle of Lao Tzu, right? (To be continued.)

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