Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 391: steampunk era

"We ignore certain advantages of our opponents in the current battlefield environment."

"Although the technology of the steam battleships they built is backward, it now seems that they can control the sea surface by carrying advanced guided weapons."

"The most important thing is that the steam warship burns coal or even firewood. It may be a bit slower, but it can be deployed and used without restrictions, and it has self-sustainability on the sea for at least half a month. God can't hold on. "

"It won't be long before this inferior steam battleship fills the sea like a small steamer. If we don't get new equipment, we will soon lose control of the sea."

When Commander George returned to Havana, he told the entire high-level of the Diego powers what was going to happen. The news of the loss of the fleet soon will spread, they must think about how to respond?

Governor Diego, who presided over the meeting about the fate of the team himself, said in a dry voice: "We must reform our organization, and this messy situation can no longer continue to fight."

The Dialgo force was originally a large gang from Mexico. In the war against the 'Aurora Corps', it was almost entirely maintained by the material support of the 'Increte' and the management of the military advisory group. And now the entire management system has reached the end of the crossbow and cannot be maintained.

"First of all, we need stronger support from 'Increte'. Food, medicine, daily necessities. If we want us to continue to fight with the Aurora Corps, we must strengthen us.

Second, we need more military advisory staff and more heavy equipment. Even direct military intervention. For example, "Inkley" dispatched fighters to directly kill the other steam warship and bombarded Nassau and Matanzas.

Finally, we need to work with others to fight the Aurora Corps. For example, there are other forces in the Caribbean Sea. No one likes a too strong and oppressive organization to occupy the Caribbean. "

Regarding Governor Diego's request, members of the 'Increte' military advisory group agreed. But identification is identification. Whether it can be done is another matter.

Marshall, the head of the advisory group, said: "It is possible to give more material support, and it is no problem to help the Governor to reorganize the group.

The reason behind this statement is actually very simple. Since the Soviet Union ended, the United States has been the strongest pole in the world, and the pole that attracts the most hatred. In the process of nuclear bomb washing, like Cuba, the capital Havana was hit by a nuclear bomb, Mexico was only four or five, and small places like the Bahamas were not hit.

Where have so many nuclear warheads all over the world gone? There is no doubt that the United States has suffered the most nuclear bombs. The nuclear bundling policy does not distinguish between friends and enemies. It is the end of the world. It must be dragging everyone together to die. Therefore, all five nuclear powers are attacking the world indiscriminately, and they will suffer together.

The United States was repeatedly ravaged by four other big hooligans. Not only was the city completely destroyed, but military bases were the top priority. "Inkray" now gathers the endgame and finds that she no longer has the power of the sea and air that has been in the world. The airport was destroyed, the military port was bombed, and fighters and warships were almost lost. Even with a little left, it is difficult to find maintenance and driving personnel.

A powerful aircraft carrier, behind it is a powerful and complete industrial system, and the American industrial system is now destroyed. Modern industry took hundreds of years to build up. How easy is it to rebuild?

Do n’t you want to send more warships to the Caribbean to pack up the Aurora Corps? Not that he didn't want it, but he couldn't send it out!

In fact, when I learned that the 'Aurora Corps' was actually engaged in a steam warship, the first reaction of 'Inkley' was surprise, and the second reaction was identification. It is foreseeable that within a decade when the petrochemical industry has not completely recovered, low-tech but easy-to-use steam power will once again prevail.

Anyway, the distribution of coal mines is very wide, coal can be used after mining, storage in the open air, and transportation is very convenient. Unlike the need to build a series of refineries after oil extraction, it is troublesome to use.

But now the 'Aurora Corps' is the first step to re-enter the steam era. If other forces do not recognize the reality and follow up quickly, they will be completely eliminated immediately.

Faced with this situation, ‘Inkley’ does not even want the ‘Aurora Army’ to have a good life. Although Diago's power is now greatly weakened, as long as they can trouble the Aurora Corps, they are willing to support it.

After repeatedly bargaining with the Dialgo forces, 'Increte' was still willing to support this force that occupied Havana. Their only requirement was to defend Havana and never let the 'Aurora Army' occupy Cuba.

In order to wait for the support of 'Increte', to restore strength, and to have a counterattack, the Diago forces began to shrink their defense. With oil refineries and ports at their core, they laid out a large number of defensive fortifications in order to prevent the attack of the 'Aurora Corps'.

And just as the Dialgo force began to enter a defensive posture, Nassau's shipyard was still in full swing, and the steam battleships that had just completed preliminary sea trials were being outfitted. Various auxiliary equipment such as pipeline circuits and other equipment on the ship must be installed, so as to ensure that the ship can exert its combat effectiveness as much as possible.

In the dock, another steamer with a smaller tonnage was slowly being pushed in by the tugboat. Zhou Qingfeng stood by the dock, listening to Dr. Lei Zuo's introduction to the ship.

"Before we were worried that the power could not keep up, so we chose a light-weight large yacht for transformation ~ www.readwn.com ~ and now this time we are going to transform a 600-ton marine police ship, which is also replacing the power , Enhanced armor.

As long as we occupy Havana, where do we get the refinery. The main force of our future naval battles will be advanced kiloton-class fuel-powered warships, and this small steam warship will be used to maintain law and order and cruise the ocean.

Before long, there will be steam-powered ships sailing across the Caribbean. These ships will be the guarantee of force for our rule here. "

Zhou Qingfeng was very satisfied with this. He asked with a smile: "When will the steam battleship complete the final outfitting work? Which one 155mm caliber howitzer on it is powerful enough, I can't wait to use it. Havana was down. What governor Diego had been there for too long. "

Dr. Rezzo shrugged and said, "The steam battleship has nothing particularly advanced, and we do not plan to use that battleship for a long time. It can be outfitted in at least three days. The combat power can be improved than when it was just launched. less."

"Okay, three days later, Matanzas's troops were almost finished and they were replenished. I want to launch an attack by sea and land together and blast the enemy out of Havana in one go." (To be continued.)

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