Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 406: 1 full box of gems

The Ministry of Public Security attaches great importance to the receipt of the mysterious package at the Palace Museum. After all, it involves whether dozens of rare treasures can be returned to the hands of the Chinese, and a special team was organized in the ministry to investigate.

For this case, the ad hoc group decided to conduct an investigation in the dark. One is looking for who sent the package through the package, cultural relics, and clues on the mailbox. The second one took the initiative to contact the other party through the mailbox, trying to get all the cultural relics back safely.

Of course, this must be done quietly. Otherwise, let the Americans know that it is bound to be another trouble.

But the investigation was in trouble from the outset. Check the package, there is no information of the sender, and the package itself did not find any clues about fingerprints. Check the courier company, but I don't know how this parcel was received? It seems to somehow appear in the sorting center of the courier company.

And the logistics channel is also very complicated and unable to start. The entire domestic cultural relics circle has never heard of anyone who can get a large number of cultural relics from the United States, and even the smuggling circle has not heard of anyone who recently obtained an entire container-sized shipment from the United States.

As for the e-mail address, the telecommunications department reported that it was sent via a mobile phone. Tracing the phone number, it was found that the phone was stolen a few days ago. And after it was stolen, it only shut down completely by sending only one email, presumably it will no longer be used.

"People who engage in this matter are very anti-reconnaissance." Leader Xiao of the task force repeatedly checked the information at hand and found that it was impossible to investigate. This matter is very serious. The more you do n’t let me investigate, the more I have to investigate. If you do n’t figure out who is responsible for such a thing, the entire task force will not sleep well.

But without further clues, the task force could only wait patiently. After all, this matter can't be anxious, in case it is impossible to get the national treasures and cultural relics in the hands of the thief, the crime is even greater. Therefore, Team Leader Xiao can only wait for the museum to communicate positively with the parcel sender.

"We sent an e-mail to the other party to express our willingness to cooperate. As a result, he sent us a latitude and longitude coordinate." Now the mailboxes contacted by both parties are under the control of the task force, and they are reported whenever there is movement. "It was also a message from a mobile phone, and the number was just stolen."

Leader Xiao compared the latitude and longitude coordinates on the map and found that the location was on a dirt road in Greater Holland. He quickly rushed over and eventually dug out a large box from the coordinate point.

The police in the same group looked at the dirt road that was not in front of the village and behind the store. The people who were scolding the boxes were too cunning. "There are no monitoring probes on this road, and even the villagers nearby don't come. Who buried this big box.

In addition, there was a heavy rain two days ago, which destroyed all the smell of footprints on the ground. The person who buried the box must have picked this place after watching the weather forecast. "

It's so cunning to get home. People in the ad hoc group couldn't help looking at the big box and kept pouting. After surveying the place for a long time, the gang left nothing. Returning to the emperor, he opened the box, and as a result, the entire project team and the Palace Museum were stunned-a box full of gems were flawless, and more than two kilograms were more than 10,000 carats.

Grabbing a handful of gems in the box, it was like grabbing a crystal clear pebbles, falling like a bead into a jade plate. There are lesbians in the task force, and they are stunned when they see so many precious stones.

"God, where do all these gems come from?" This question kept rising in the minds of all members of the task force. After all, not everyone can casually see a box of precious gems, which is enough to make thousands of women scream.

The gems were all authentic after being identified, and the task force wanted to investigate the origin of the gems. It is just such a large batch of gems, but I have not heard of any gem shop in the world that has been stolen recently. This is really weird.

In addition to the gems in the box, there are several artifacts. For example, the Qing Dynasty enamel bowls used by the imperial family, the Tang Dynasty flower-and-bird pattern leaf-shaped silver plate, and the Yuan Dynasty painter Zhao Mengfu's "Shuangsong Pingyuan" scrolls are more valuable than one. After identification, it is all genuine.

In the box, there was a note with the text ‘The cultural relics were sent to the country. The gems helped me sell them, and I only got half of the money I received, and the money was remitted to foreign accounts. After completing this transaction, let's talk about the latter. ’

The foreign account came from a bank in the Bahamas, and it was difficult to investigate the head of the household. And this account is likely to be just a transit account, there is still a long way to go before the real account of the head of household.

"This mysterious guy really came to us to sell the stolen goods." The members of the ad hoc group laughed nonstop. "The courage is bold, the work is meticulous, and the conditions that we can't refuse are set. Dozens of cultural treasures, There is even a national treasure-level bronze Buddha. In the end, he even divided us into half, which is really interesting. "

"What do we do? We really help this thief sell gems?" The members of the task force also laughed and stared. No one had thought of such a big case, but he was led by his nose. As a national * violent agency, this situation is not quite the opposite.

Especially now that this case has been up to heaven, the task force can only continue to report the situation, and as a result, the matter even alarmed the more senior national elders. I was instructed above: the emphasis is on retrieving the national treasure, supplemented by investigation. Deal with it at your discretion.

The task force is a combination of people from the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of National Security. They do n’t have to worry about selling black gemstones, and they do n’t even worry about being underpriced. It was not an ordinary small businessman who was found to buy gems, but a state-owned bank.

Although the gem is sold at a discount, the quality of these mysterious gems is very high ~ www.readwn.com ~ very collectable. There are more and more rich people these days, the luxury market is rising, and high-quality jewellery has won people's favor.

The bank actually said it would be happy to take the gems in the form of a mortgage. The price of the mortgage is much higher than that sold to the black market merchants, even if there is still 50 million after half the price ... USD. This translates into more than 300 million yuan in RMB, without paying taxes!

In order to get the follow-up national treasure, the task force solemnly wrote an e-mail to the mysterious person, enumerating in detail a picture of the 10,000 carats of various diamonds in a box full of pictures, quotations and sales. The money was eventually sent to the foreign account left in the box. Not long after, I received a short "Thank you" in my mailbox.

At the other end, Zhou Qingfeng just ended the call with Feng Wan. The lover's sister told him that one of the dozen or so accounts that had been set up during the registration of the "radiation" venture capital had more than 50 million US dollars in one account. He was strolling on the streets of the Imperial Capital, and when he heard the news, he laughed a little, looked up, crushed the other stolen mobile phone with one hand, and threw it into the trash.

This is just the beginning, and there are still many famous Western Renaissance paintings. Those so-called art treasures have a higher value, and they can easily reach tens of millions or even tens of millions.

Now I'm going to make a fortune! (To be continued.)

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