Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 424: Unwilling

If more than 20 members of the Korean Gendarmerie Special Operations Team can open up their positions and cooperate with each other, the chances of killing Zhou Qingfeng are still very high. Hunter hunting text ?????????????? But, Zhou Qingfeng did not give them this opportunity.

From the moment Zhou Qingfeng raised his hand to surrender, all the special combat team members have treated the international star in front of them as a fish stupid with no resistance, all kinds of ridicule, all sorts of ridicule, and even taking pictures to upload to the Internet on.

When Jin Minji also wanted to show his sense of existence, Zhou Qingfeng, who suddenly burst, hit the other seven team members' heads as soon as he shot. Although the remaining players still responded immediately, the sudden headshot scene was too weird and shocking, making people confused.

Zhou Qingfeng is intolerant when he starts, and the more he kills, the stronger he is. His strength actually doesn't take absolute advantage, but his degree and agility can scare people.

In just half a minute, Kim Min-ki became a dying man from the preeminent special commander. Although uncomfortable, he could only leave with resentment.

The auction venue is a place for black market transactions. Here are a few places where the entire mail boat is not monitored. Zhou Qingfeng can use his skills unscrupulously to kill.

Because the auction venue is relatively large, Jin Minji also brought other black market members arrested by his team members. When Zhou Qingfeng killed, these poor worms were crouched one by one in the corner, and it was their turn when the Koreans died.

"No! Don't do this, don't kill us."

"Mr Hugo, we won't tell any secrets."

"You are a demon, you are a demon!"

The poor bugs were still shaking Zhou Qingfeng's hot hands, and now they have seen his relentlessness. A shot rang and more than a dozen corpses fell. But the killing did not end there, and Zhou Qingfeng did not fully protect his property.

Mask, helmet, body armor, walkie-talkie, firearms, Zhou Qingfeng grabbed various equipment from the body to arm himself. By the way, he also destroyed all Koreans ’mobile phones, especially the memory cards of various photos.

After doing all this, Zhou Qingfeng has transformed from an international star in a suit and shoes to the king of terror with a gun and a bullet. He found a lot of cruise ship door cards from the bodies of Kim Min Ki and his teammates. After a simple calculation, there will still be a few special teams missing the net.

"Where will the rest of the people be?" Zhou Qingfeng had Jin Minji's walkie-talkie. This thing will not send information without pressing the call button. In the short and fierce gun battle, no one was free to inform others of the auction venue.

"A group of Koreans came to the cruise to catch the black market merchants, and there should be a conductor behind them." Zhou Qingfeng had another thought in his mind. Eventually, he pressed the intercom call button and ventured to communicate in Korean: " This is Kim Min Ki, and each unit reports the situation. "

There are always some noises and distortions in the ship's walkie-talkie in VHF. Zhou Qingfeng's imitated voice was not suspected, and someone soon responded to his inquiry. One is asking in a condescending tone how the situation is, and the other is simply reporting.

Obviously, one is superior and one is subordinate.

At this moment, in the cabin where Kim Min Ki lived, Brigitte was carrying several dozens of men to carry dozens of picture frames in a cart. Although she was a little tired, she said cheerfully: "It's all too easy. Now we are missing that" Mother, Son and Saint ", haven't the Koreans sent it?"

But Irving, who was standing in the cabin, didn't answer. He was facing, "What happened?"

"Kim Min Ki's call was a little weird," said Irwin. "The Korean is always very respectful to me, but when he just reported, he just said` `everything is normal."

Brigitte is still puzzled, "Can't you say 'all right'?"

Irving, who was highly suspicious, did not think so. "I just reported to headquarters that the situation is under control and all criminals have been arrested. The support vessel will arrive in half an hour. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is talking to Singapore. The government communicated that the Ocean Princess would go to Singapore immediately.

The results of this operation will be kept secret for the time being, and will be released after the specific theft of the artwork and the path of the stolen goods are found out. But now I always feel that the Koreans are a bit wrong. "

Irving, uneasy in his heart, decided to go and see the situation, but Brigitte said that she would follow along to get the last painting back. The two went to the auction site without accompanying them, and naturally did not give any notice on the radio.

At this moment, Irwin has publicly revealed his identity as a cIa. The cruise ship belonging to the American company cooperates with the control of tourists on the ship. Now there are waiters standing in the corridors to maintain order.

Irving walked, and Leng Buding saw a heavily armed, blood-stained special combat officer across from him. The special commander actually held a map of the operation and asked the waiter in the guarding hall to find the location of a certain cabin.

The two were already close by the time they met, and Irving could see at a glance that the action map was a sketch he had drawn up when discussing the action plan with Kim Min Ki. He immediately felt tight, and the situation in front of him was absolutely abnormal.

"This cabin is not far ahead." The waiter who was asked was scared enough to be scared by the **** special forces. The special warrior holding the road map also looked up at the two Irving who was coming.

Irving was beating his heart, but he didn't react abnormally, and went forward calmly and calmly. However, Brigitte, who was next to him, was shocked when looking at the eyes of the special combat team. Although she continued to move forward in a casual way, her hands and feet quickly became extremely uncoordinated.

The special warrior has ignored the waiter's explanation ~ www.readwn.com ~ and touched the gun bag on his leg directly. As the two sides passed by, he sang in a deep voice: "Stop, how can you two move freely in the cabin corridor?"

Irving's heartbeat suddenly increased, and he wondered if he would continue to pretend. The waiter who had been answering the question said for him: "The captain said that Mr. Wallace could move freely on the ship."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being able to move freely at this time! This said that the two sides immediately tore their faces, and Zhou Qingfeng, acting as a special warrior, had long seen the Mr. Wallace's discomfort, and at this moment he immediately drew his gun.

Mr. Irwin, who couldn't hold it, pushed the Brigitte beside him towards Zhou Qingfeng, and he also fired.

One is fast, the other is fierce, and both sides continuously fire multiple bullets in a short period of time. For a moment, the sound of the gunfire of "BangBangBang" was dizzy.

The gunfire suddenly stopped, and Ervin leaned against the bulkhead of the corridor in two steps. He reached out and touched a pool of blood on his chest, then looked at Zhou Qingfeng wearing a black mask, in a self-mockery tone. Said: "Victor Hugo, you are Victor Hugo. I never thought you were the black hand hiding behind the scenes, everyone underestimated you." (To be continued.)

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