Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 432: Big news

"Secretary of State Kerry has publicly stated that a terrorist attack was born on Ocean Princess. ?????? hunting ????? but no organization has claimed responsibility for the incident and we will follow up on the incident Progress is tracked. "

"The tourists who died in the attack were mostly tourists, mostly Koreans. Current investigations have shown that cIa has not intervened in the incident, and previous reports were misunderstood."

"We express our deep sorrow to the casualties in this incident. The US Navy's Seventh Fleet has sent the destroyer" Lassen "to the sea of ​​incident for humanitarian rescue. It is believed that other tourists on board will be properly resettled."

In just a few hours, multiple versions of various messages on the Ocean Princess appeared. The American media have a natural advantage in reporting, and are trying their best to get rid of cIa from this matter. As for the incident itself, losses and casualties are also minimized. It seems that the American people are all Koreans who are dead, so they are not so excited.

Anyway, since 9/11, terrorist attacks in this world are nothing new. Everyone is numb to casualties. Listening to the death of dozens of people, at most, it means sadness and sadness. What should you do next? Life should continue.

But after all, they were born on cruise ships of American companies, and the whites did die. His Excellency the President, who is in the White House President's Office, still needs to come out and express his views on the incident.

"Terrorism is threatening the world, and the United States will step up its fight against terrorism. We will destroy organizations that try to harm us, stop their operations, undermine their actions, and cut off their sources of funding. Our actions will Powerful and fast. "

His Excellency the President has spoken out of the dangers of terrorism, and expressed the United States' determination to fight terrorism, and once again said that the United States will lead the world for a hundred years. When the news conference was about to end, the media reporter at the scene was anxious to spread the news, and a naval officer hurriedly whispered to His Excellency the President.


Hearing the officer's words, His Excellency the President was a little aggressive. He looked at the soldier in front of him with suspicion, and almost thought he was out of order. The soldier who reported the letter continued to whisper and clarified the matter in more detail.

Stop joking, are you serious?

His Excellency the President continues to push-I have just finished talking about combating global terrorism, and I will win the fight in the end. But within a minute, you told me that terrorism had hit us. Aren't you here to tear down my desk?

This is not a dead person in other countries, but a real American ship!

The soldier also had a serious face, saying that he was also very unacceptable to the news, but the matter was born and repeatedly confirmed. The most terrible thing is that a net news group was on the scene when it happened, and it also filmed the situation and broadcast it live.

Now ... the whole world is watching the US ship being fired!

This face has been lost ...

His Excellency the President thought: You are grilling me on the fire! What should I say next?

Sure enough, a few phone calls rang out at the press conference. The reporters who received the call also forced them for a few seconds, followed by holding up the microphone in a hurry, raising the camera lens and asking loudly to His Excellency the President.

"Mr. President, we have just received the news that the humanitarian launch of the 'Lassen' was shelled and suffered heavy losses. What will you do?"

"The 'Arleigh Burke' destroyer was almost unable to fight back. Does this expose the US Navy's fatal flaw?"

"Does the 'Lassen' experience herald a serious setback in US action against global terrorism?"

"Mr. President, please answer our question."

What a **** 'fuckin!

One by one, the questions came like a wave, and came towards His Excellency the President. The face of the President was really black and black, and it was almost becoming coke. He thought to myself: I answer a fart! This happened, I was also very embarrassed, okay? Who could have imagined that the magnanimous Murray was scourged by such a clumsy method?

The ascension of the Ocean Princess has attracted attention, but now the news that the 'Lasen' was shot and also broadcast live has immediately swept the screens of all media around the world. Everyone watched as the powerful destroyer was **** with a thick pipe like a coy little daughter-in-law.

This was really a shot, one shot was better than one shot, and one shot was worse than one shot. The ‘Lassen’ was hit nowhere and crashed directly into Ocean Princess. This is really a humanitarian disaster, and we need help!

Seeing this kind of thing, Japan and South Korea were still praised for how powerful the US Navy was completely dumb, but Chinese netizens jumped out one by one and cried out: We are all Americans today! I'm so happy. After more than ten years after 911, I finally became an American again!

Online discussions on the matter directly screened.

"Ouch, why is that destroyer so weak? A gun fired and smoked."

"Don't say that the Aegis system is so powerful against the sky? There is no way to do this!"

"Good news, Americans have it today. Who did this? I want to send him a message!"

"Oh my god, a billion-dollar warship was beaten without a fight. How did this happen?"

"This is definitely a premeditated attack. The people who did this are really ruthless. The first gun blasted the fire control radar of the" Lassen ". It was fully automatic and its radar was gone. Guiding becomes scrap iron. "

"I thought the terrorist attack on the Ocean Princess was a big event. Now it seems that it is just an appetizer. The purpose of playing this hand is to lead the ship" Lasen ". The person who came up with the idea was a genius. ! "

"Where does the old beautiful face rest? The lighthouse of freedom seems to be extinguished."

The Internet is full of energy ~ www.readwn.com ~ People all over the world say they are all happy, who made Laomei do so many bad things in recent years? Enemies are all over the world.

After the original attack on the Ocean Princess, no organization stood up to say that it was related to them. But as soon as the 'Lassen' was hit, a large number of people rushed out and said that it was their job.

Al Qaeda said it was a revenge on Americans.

The 'Taliban' said it would call for more jihadists to join the American attack.

IsIs has come out to make fun, saying that he will replace the United States and establish a green nation across the world.

Terrorist organizations from all over the world have ran out, so when do you wait to brush your face before coming out? This will be a carnival of anti-American forces!

And the protagonist who actually overturned the Larsen was just driving a motor boat, and carefully approached the stern of the Larsen. A lot of damage managers are busy in this place.

The big news is obviously not over yet. (To be continued.)

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