Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 434: Maneuver

The battle room is the most critical part of a warship. The entire ship's command system is here. All information is summarized here. Controlling here is equivalent to controlling a warship. ?????????????????????? Of course, Zhou Qingfeng alone can't control here.

When dozens of bullets in two consecutive magazines killed all personnel in the theater, it was definitely a huge loss to the US Navy. However, even greater losses are yet to come, ...

Zhou Qingfeng was actually very nervous after he got on board. He didn't have much time and had heavy tasks. He had just found a few officers and soldiers outside to ask for directions. As a result, they would rather be unyielding. They actually felt that four people were looking for a chance to win Zhou Qingfeng alone.

Well, if Zhou Qingfeng was a normal person, he would really be taken down by four strong Americans with big waists and round waists. Unfortunately, he wasn't. As a result of the fight, he became more nervous.

After killing a group of people in the battle room, Zhou Qingfeng found nothing. He didn't even know he had overturned the captain of the warship with a shuttle bullet. After no one was found in the battle room, he could only leave.

Wait ... this is the battle room!

Zhou Qingfeng came back again, and then looked carefully at this place full of various electronic instruments and control equipment. While learning how to fight the 'Lasen' in the wasteland, he had a deep understanding of the key points on warships.

The battle room is the most important one!

If there are no shipborne weapons, the Larson will lose its steel teeth; if there is no engine room, the Larson will be scrap iron at sea; if there is no radar antenna, the Larson will be deaf and blind; if there is no war In the love room, the 'Lassen' is mentally handicapped.

The key is not yet here. Without weapons, power, radar, this is just a problem of the warship ‘Lasen’. There are all kinds of confidential equipment in the combat room, the most important of which is ...

It's not the Aegis system. The thing is a set of information processing equipment that cooperates with radar and missiles. The real terrible thing is the secret communication machine in the 'Rasson' combat situation room.

Know how bad the Germans of World War II fell after the 'Enig code' was decoded?

Do you know how Yamamoto Fifty-six, who planned to attack Pearl Harbor during World War II, died? Because the Americans deciphered the secret code of the Japanese Navy.

Do you know the pain of being forced to engage in optical fiber communication because the security technology of radio communication is not enough?

If the secret communications machine on the 'Lassen' is taken away, the entire U.S. military will jump up and down. The US Navy alone will spend a lot of manpower and material resources and time to replace similar equipment on all ships and military bases. Americans will not come out easily when they cannot guarantee the confidentiality of their communications.

The most interesting thing is that in the past, the US military had a large amount of confidential communication information recorded by other countries. If there is a public key cryptosystem on this confidential communication machine, it will be easy to decipher the past secrets. Many secrets will be revealed.

According to common sense, if a warship is to be sunk or captured, the personnel in the battle room must smash the confidential communication machine as soon as possible, so that it does not fall into the hands of the enemy.

At that time, when the ep-3 reconnaissance plane was forced to land at Hainan Lingshui Airport by Wang Wei, the Americans on the plane immediately smashed all the electronic equipment on the plane with an axe. The vital secret communication machine was smashed into pieces.

The combat room was originally protected by heavy armor, sealed, and even soldiers stood guard. That is, even the crew members of the ship must not approach as long as they have nothing to do with the work of the battle room.

It happened that the 'Lassen' was shelled and the ship was a mess. Zhou Qingfeng followed a non-commissioned officer who came in and out of the combat room and touched the guard while he opened the armored door of the combat room. And as soon as he came in, he heard crackling applause, so he fired without a word, and no one had time to destroy this vital piece of equipment.

This equipment was destroyed at a critical moment, and it was not so tightly hidden. It could be easily smashed with a fire axe, and it could be easily dismantled. Zhou Qingfeng knew where the device was, so the thief didn't empty it, and by the way he removed it.

Uncle Zhou had a good abacus and thought that if he couldn't complete the task, he would sell this piece of equipment. Whether it is the United States or China, they will be happy to buy it back for a large price. Of course, selling such a terrible device is more deadly. As long as your identity is exposed, you are waiting to be hunted down by Laomei Global!

And when Zhou Qingfeng took the secret communications machine away by hand, he happened to see a 'Lasen' lifeboat being put into the sea when he came out again. Twenty sailors packed a dozen large boxes and dozens of oil painting frames Put it on the lifeboat.

This is Captain Francis worried that Zhou Qingfeng has been shelling and detonating the ammunition depot, and deliberately transported this huge sum of precious oil paintings in advance. But this greatly facilitated Zhou Qingfeng, who was smiling and waiting for all the money and paintings to be installed, and then went up to kill and capture the ship.

In the end, Zhou Qingfeng left the ‘Lasen’ in a smart lifeboat, took his money by the way, and got all the oil paintings back. When he left, he had not forgotten to bring his motorboat, so as to avoid being noticed by Lao Mei.

When Zhou Qingfeng was driving with the lifeboat, the US rescue boat and helicopter just arrived, and the scene's attention was focused on the unlucky home 'Lasen'. Few people noticed that a lifeboat was leaving in the night.

In fact, Zhou Qingfeng didn't go far at all, and about ten kilometers north of White Reef was Malaysia. He drove the lifeboat about a few hundred meters offshore, at a depth of twenty meters, and sank the lifeboat where there were clear signs.

Oil painting and money are sealed, and you are not afraid of getting into the water. However, the confidential communicator was inconveniently lost, and Zhou Qingfeng took it back to the Ocean Princess with a motor boat.

It's four o'clock in the morning, and it's almost dawning. There are already several ships on the rescue cruise ship tourists. Zhou Qingfeng, as usual, used the cover of the night to throw a distance of more than ten meters with flying claws, and hung the lowest cabin of the cruise ship ~ www.readwn.com ~ and all the way Climb up.

Zhou Qingfeng, who re-embarked, relied on her strong arm strength and high agility to almost return to the upper cabin of the cruise ship. He wore black clothes and tools in a bag, put heavy weights into the sea, and then glided back from the balcony to his suite living room.

This night's operation finally comes to an end, everything seems perfect!

And the dark living room was quiet, Zhou Qingfeng was so careless about going to the bathroom to take a bath, and the cold living room's light suddenly turned on. Feng Wan and Xu Yun both wore robes and sat on the sand in the living room. Looking at him with a startled expression.

The two women are one cup of coffee each, and they seem to have been up all night because of the terrible things at night, and the present one looks at Zhou Qingfeng with surprise.

Xu Yun glanced down and lowered her head with a smile, Feng Wan asked angrily: "Bad guy, where did you go this evening? You came back naked, so why not go and hook up with another woman?"

Zhou Qingfeng was also extremely embarrassed, and Nono said for a long time: "If I say I go to a ship maid named" Lasen ", do you believe it?" (To be continued.)

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