Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 439: project

In the morning, Li Mingrui wore sportswear around the school pond for a few laps and greeted the students by the way. As a researcher who has been rated as an associate professor in his thirties, he can be regarded as the existence of dragons and phoenixes, and his life is very easy. Cozy.

However, there are more powerful players in the strong, and there are many smart brains in the world. Before he graduated with a PhD, Liu Mingrui felt that he should be regarded as the smartest person in the world, but when he really stepped into the gate of the scientific research pyramid, he now counts as a fart. There are too many real bulls!

Liu Mingrui originally wanted to have a biology research team in Didu, but the fact is that Didu has pooled the most resources in the country and gathered the top talents in the country. After being mixed for several years, he was also hit by several years. He could only go back to his hometown in the Northeast silently to find a university teacher. The title of associate professor was soon available, but the gold content has not been recognized.

The young Liu Mingrui always wanted to do some research to prove his abilities, but he needed money for scientific research. Now, a graduate student would have to do tens of thousands of dollars for an experiment, and accidentally tens of thousands of dollars would be reimbursed. Is the experiment really just done casually?

In the past, it was said that mathematicians save money by doing research, as long as paper and pen are enough. But now even mathematicians have to equip themselves with research-grade computers for research.

At that time, the atomic bomb was tightened throughout the country. I really thought that scientists would draw a drawing and find a few workers to build the atomic bomb? Now research is purely a competition of capital. Do n’t want to dedicate yourself to science if you do n’t have money!

In order to collect money for the experiment, Liu Mingrui himself carried out a small project, asked the students in the school to be workers, and prepared some experimental medicine for sale. But this place in the Northeast has been called a poor in recent years. No one in the poor has done research. Liu Mingrui tossed a few years and almost lost money.

After running a little sweat, Liu Mingrui visited his laboratory. He has several scientific dogs and a dozen scientific handymen who can only wash the flask under his hands. Well, it's actually a group of graduate and undergraduate students. These people maintain Liu Mingrui's last project-raising mice.

For biochemical experiments, mice are indispensable, especially for various drug experiments, and mice of various lineages are indispensable. The classification is quite complicated.

Liu Mingrui's university has a mouse breeding program that lasts for more than 30 years. Every year, the entire biology department is supported by the money sold by these mice. The bitterness among them is tears!

After entering the laboratory, a student reported to Liu Mingrui: "Professor Liu, Professor Xu from Ronghua ordered another two thousand mice of the Alpha pedigree."

"Order again? Didn't they just order a thousand last week?" Liu Mingrui was a little surprised. No one has sold so many mice from him for so many years. Nowadays, people like to buy foreign imports. That's right, mice of special pedigree are imported and expensive.

"No, they ordered a total of 4,500 last week," the student said.

"What? Four thousand and five hundred! Can't they buy a little white mouse and go back to the barbecue to beat the teeth?" Liu Mingrui couldn't believe it. In the past, they may not have sold so much. "How many comparison experiments does this take?"

Ordinary mice are only two dollars each, but the mice in Liu Mingrui's hands belong to the purified pedigree that has been bred for more than 30 years. It is the most valuable wealth left by older researchers in the school. of.

It is not difficult to raise a mouse, but the biological department of Liu Mingrui usually has two or three thousand. This amount is already amazing, and raising more than selling is also useless. Now that someone is ordering naturally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Let Xu Guoqiang call the deposit first."

"The finance in the department just called and said that the payment for the goods was already fully charged," said the student.

"Call over in full!" Liu Mingrui was surprised again. He knew that Xu Guoqiang had spent two or three million yuan to buy mice from him in the past two months. And the mouse is a very cheap consumable in the biochemical experiment. You can imagine how much the other party spent in the experiment!

"Xu Guoqiang is forcing our entire department to come and raise mice for him!" Liu Mingrui didn't have so many goods in his hands, but the mice really wanted to breed quickly. Hearing that the other party had all the money coming in, he was determined to make a huge sum of money, and maybe he could make money for experiments.

Liu Mingrui was very happy now. Suddenly the head of the department ran over in a hurry and shouted, holding his hand, "Xiao Liu, why are you still here? Come with me."

As soon as Liu Mingrui made a profit on the spot, he stood still and said, "Director, our laboratory has just received a big order from a little mouse, and if it is done, it will make millions. I must arrange this task."

It's pitiful to say that an unwilling associate professor has a headache for millions of dollars, and a professor who has a large project may have hundreds of millions of project funds in his hands. But Liu Mingrui are so miserable.

And seeing that Liu Mingrui didn't leave, the head of the department could only stubbornly yell, and shouted in his mouth, "Don't worry about mice or mice. Now there is a project worth 50 million waiting for us. Our entire department will not worry about eating and drinking in the next few years. "

"50 million?" Liu Mingrui's heartbeat sounded loudly, thinking that he had once participated in a ten-million-level project competition at a research institute in the capital. As a result, he was beaten up with confidence and was only able to confuse his Northeast hometown.

"Who will give us the project of 50 million soft sister coins? Director, shouldn't you be fooled by others?" Liu Mingrui felt that the director and himself should calm down.

"Who says it is soft sister currency ~ www.readwn.com ~ is the U.S. dollar!" The head of the department used the roar to express his anxiety. "Do you know Xu Guoqiang? Xu Guoqiang just took 30 million US dollars from this project. He's got a laboratory, and he's been stunned by people's looks recently. "

As soon as he heard it was dollars, Liu Mingrui's heart jumped to his throat. Hearing again was the funding given to Xu Guoqiang's research project. He immediately believed in the score by at least eight or eight. At least Xu Guoqiang has not bought little mice from him in recent months. But Xu Guoqiang was able to get $ 30 million in research funding, which he had heard for the first time.

"Xu Guoqiang can get 30 million US dollars for research funding?" Liu Mingrui felt that a flame of his own was coming out of his nostril. Thirty million dollars is more than one billion soft sister coins. The project that he lost in the competition that year was only 10 million yuan.

"That Xu Guoqiang and He Dehe can hold 30 million US dollars of funds? That guy's research level is a joke, far worse than mine." Liu Mingrui was so annoyed that he learned to be rich in five cars but raised mice every day. Worry about making a million. And some people are not as good as him but spend a lot of money. How can this be balanced?

This time, Liu Mingrui was more anxious than the head of the department, and ran out of the laboratory roaring, "Walk around, director, let's go. My level is much higher than Xu Guoqiang, this time we must grab the project." (To be continued) .)

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