Rise of the Wasteland

Chapter 449: Enemy blockade

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"The size of Havana's cities is not small. Over 300,000 people crowded together have a strong resource pooling effect, but transportation becomes a problem. The existing gasoline production cannot support public transportation, and private vehicles are even more Impossible, so I got 20,000 bikes.

Although these bicycles are simple, they can increase the range of ordinary people's one-hour activities from four to five kilometers to ten to fifteen kilometers, and they can also carry dozens of kilograms of materials. It may seem inconspicuous, but it greatly improves work efficiency and expands the scope of activities.

And I got 3,000 750 partial three wheels. These are our official vehicles and transportation vehicles in the recent period. Our current amount of property is too small. It is not cost-effective to transport small amounts of goods by truck, and it is too inefficient to use manpower.

Material production is important, as is transportation. This heavy-duty motorcycle can be modified to drag half a ton of material on the road and has a strong off-road capability, which is very suitable for our current situation.

Here are the heads of the ten steam locomotives I got. With them, we can use Cuba's current railway network, so we can connect some factories and mines that are far away. This thing only needs to burn coal, which is much better than burning oil.

And finally I got some vegetable seeds. Among them, there are fifty tons of mung beans. Uh ..., I admit that the quality is not very good, and the phenomenon of worms is very serious, but I can always screen out some that can sprout, which is barely usable.

The above is all the 25,000 tons of transportation volume. Although the quality of these things is very poor, and the technology is even backward, but if we can solve the problem, we can use it for the time being. Next, I can still bring a hundred tons of supplies each time, which should be able to meet our needs. "

In the large freighter for material transfer, Zhou Qingfeng introduced the huge supplies that he had transported in the past few days, and Lina Fox was responsible for the inventory and reception, and also tried to conceal the origin of these items.

However, during the reception process, the little fox said while recording: "Our current foreign trade sales are very good, the promotion of metal currency is very smooth, the Coast Guard has also been established, and the pilots who were originally trained have begun airspace alert. task.

However, our troubles are not small. The refinery is using the equipment you brought to transform and increase production, and strive to reach the level of 5,000 barrels of crude oil per day. But Cuba is a country short of oil and coal, and our oil production cannot keep up with processing capacity.

Previously, we imported crude oil and coal from the outside world by sea, but 'Increte' sent a fleet to the Cancún port of Mexico two days ago, which directly blocked our channel for importing materials from Mexico. We can only go to Venezuela to import crude oil and coal, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive and inefficient. "

Hearing the "Inkley" again, Zhou Qingfeng frowned and said, "Now everyone's living conditions are so bad, so those **** are still thinking of fighting?"

"It's too cold, we don't want to fight, 'Incred' doesn't want to fight, but they just want to curb our development. To this end they also learn to make steam warships and use coal to replace fuel. I think 'Incred' is She wants to drag us into an arms race. "Lina also shrugged helplessly, saying that this is a common method of competition between hostile forces.

The Port of Cancun is an important port for exporting supplies from Mexico to the 'Aurora Corps', only 500 kilometers from Havana. This port is blocked, and the Aurora Corps will need to travel 2,000 kilometers to purchase coal and crude oil in Venezuela, which is uneconomical.

The group of leaders who have to say 'Inkley' is quite capable of figuring out how to pit people.

Seeing Zhou Qingfeng shaking her head, Lina laughed: "The current situation is that the two countries are confronting each other. Naturally, all kinds of tricks will be used. We need to talk to 'Inkley' about the division of power between the two sides."

"The question is, is 'Inkley' willing to talk to us?" Zhou Qingfeng was also learning how to think from a politician's perspective. In the words of the Englishman, ‘there are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests’.

"We have repeatedly requested talks with the Enclave through other forces, but they killed us and required us to surrender the" Kennedy "aircraft carrier and the huge amount of equipment and supplies obtained from Florida. A large number of key personnel. I can only blame them for this idea of ​​sky-high prices. "

Zhou Qingfeng had thought of compromising with "Inkley", but "Inkley" is not a bird to you, so quickly surrender and obediently.

Just for Zhou Qingfeng's complaint, Lina kept smiling. "Who made you want to plunder in Florida and take advantage of it is jealous, and how painful it is to mention people's" Inkley "pit. Do you know Many of the most sophisticated people in your hands are unique in this world. "

Hmm ..., this is not without reason.

Think about ransacking a Cape Calaveral rocket launch site in Florida and sweeping the high-end talent of the Kennedy Space Center. Think again that Lina once ran to Newport News, the most important shipyard in the United States, pulled away a large number of cutting-edge shipbuilders, and pitted the "Inkley" for more than a dozen special vessels and a lot of industrial equipment ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhou Qingfeng also felt a little embarrassed.

I really ca n’t blame 'Inkley' for treating the 'Aurora Corps' as an enemy. I hate to hide their skin and drink their blood. This is really because Zhou Qingfeng started too hard, took too much advantage, and offended people too deeply. No wonder people can easily reconcile with you!

"The resources of several Caribbean countries are very unevenly distributed. The islands in the east are small and poor, and the areas in the west are large and rich. We must open the trade channel connecting Mexico. Where are the resources too important to us.

We must let the 'Increte' know that it is worthwhile to curb us. Maybe we have to give them some sweet taste. Even if they can't get through their leadership, anyway, the squadron stationed in Cancun should be opened to smuggling channels. "

Speaking of 'smuggling', Lina laughed: "Our goods are actually very popular in the market, and the organization of smuggling fleets can be easily done. However, how to open the smuggling channel is very troublesome. It can only be promoted by your army chief. "

"No problem, I can personally promote this matter." Zhou Qingfeng felt that his ability to build peace is definitely not as good as the management ability of Lena Fox, but the ability of the pit person definitely left other people eight streets.

"The" Incree "fleet in Cancun sounds like a very troublesome existence." Zhou Qingfeng's mind turned around, and various ghost ideas came up. "Isn't it just smuggling? I'm good at this."

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